Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 945: The King of Shallow Sea is Hard

"That's right! Get some help! Let him see our strength and influence!"

"Get my brothers to drive a boat over to surround him! He can't get back to the shore!"

"That's right!"

A group of rich second-generations in Southeast Asia were extremely angry and said repeatedly.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and didn't care at all.

"Since you insist on competing, then I'll play with you."

He turned his head and looked at Chu Haijiao: "If we go head-to-head, is our boat strong enough?"


Chu Haijiao didn't react for a while, but when she reacted, she nodded fiercely: "Of course! The title of King of Shallow Sea is not a false name!"

Finally, the blood is getting excited!

As a loyal fan of One Piece, she now feels eager to try.

After all, the boats she drove before were too expensive, and she couldn't afford to bump into them. She had long wanted to play yacht bumper boats.

"But... this Atlantis No. 1 is very expensive. If it is damaged..."

Chu Haijiao hesitated.

"Does my brother look like someone who cares about money?"

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

"Haha, he's not afraid of us at all!"

"Too crazy!"

"Why hasn't he arrived yet? Let's see if he's still crazy later!"


As he was talking.

About ten yachts came out from the beach and surrounded Ye Yang's Atlantis directly in the center.

Wang Haicun sneered: "Haha, you're scared now, right?! Kneel down and apologize to me quickly, and I'll let you go, otherwise... I'll trap you for three days if I'm in a good mood, and I'll sink your boat if I'm in a bad mood!"

Ye Yang hadn't seen such a flea that could jump so fast for a long time.

He couldn't help but feel playful.

"Trap me? I don't think you have the ability to do that."

Ye Yang smiled faintly: "Hit!"

"If you don't wear a seat belt, you'll fall off!"

Chu Haijiao said repeatedly after fastening her seat belt.

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "Don't worry about me."


Chu Haijiao knew that Ye Yang should have his own confidence, so he didn't care so much: "Hehe! The other side, you better be careful!"

"What are you going to do!?"

Seeing that Chu Haijiao actually turned the gear to the highest level.

Wang Haicun panicked.


The Atlantis No. 1 made a roaring sound, like a shallow sea monster, rushing towards the nearest ship with the indestructible force of steel...


The moment the ship came into contact, it made a teeth-grinding sound.

Afterwards, the steel alloy on the surface of the hit ship was visibly bent.

"Crack, crack..."

After the bending reached its extreme, the internal structure began to collapse.

Water rushed in.

The whole ship was leaking water and was about to sink!

"Run! Drive to the shore quickly!"

The two brothers on the yacht were so scared that their souls flew away.

They are the younger brothers, not the dead soldiers. They are not ready to sacrifice their lives for two dollars. They are so scared. The man on the opposite ship is really a ruthless person!

The other younger brothers were dumbfounded when they saw this scene, and they were undecided.

"He just took advantage of the sneak attack. Hit the side of their ship with the bow!"

Wang Cunhai shouted repeatedly.


The younger brothers recovered and were about to turn the bow.

Atlantis I had already hit another ship.

Like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, it was looking for the next prey with great momentum!

Wang Cunhai gritted his teeth.

Isn't this too crazy? !

He felt bad all over.

Even in Southeast Asia, such a madman is rare!

Without saying a word, he drove the boat and hit it!

These yachts are not cheap!

I don't know how much it will cost to repair these two ships...

He felt so sad! ! !

Finally, one of the younger brothers reacted and drove his boat towards the side of Atlantis I!


The violent collision, the arrogant splashes, the huge waves...

After all of them dissipated.

Atlantis I remained motionless.

And the bow of the small yacht that rushed towards him was directly deflated, pretending to be a garlic carrot...


"This!? Isn't this too strong!?"

"The hardness, material, displacement and reaction speed of this ship are not at the same level as ours!"

Everyone was stunned.

This is all military steel level, right?

Add a few guns on it, it can be used as a warship.

When they collided with a small yacht like theirs, which was at the level of a fishing boat, they were not broken into two pieces at once. They had to thank them for surrounding Atlantis I in a small area before, so that it could not form enough speed.

"It's so scary!"


"If we don't run, we'll all fall into the sea!"

"I can't swim!"

"It's no use knowing how to swim! These boats are running rampant, and they'll be crushed if they fall into the sea..."


The remaining three or four yachts fled madly.

In an instant, the encirclement was gone.

Wang Haicun was also panicking.

"Brother Cun, what should we do?!"

A group of rich second-generations asked repeatedly.

Wang Haicun gritted his teeth: "What else can we do! Run!!!"

"As expected of the king of the offshore, it's so cool!!!"

Chu Haijiao was so happy: "A bunch of cowards! Come on!"

As she said, she was going to chase.

However, Ye Yang shook his head.

Just when Chu Haijiao was about to ask something.

At the end of the field of vision, a black line suddenly appeared...

Chu Haijiao turned her head again and again.

Found that it was not just in front!

In front, behind, left, right, every direction, there were black lines surging up!

Those black lines showed their shapes.

It was composed of large yachts, and the yachts were lined up! ! !

Surrounded in a thick circle, the number was jaw-dropping...

Wang Haicun, who was fleeing, looked at the airtight yacht queue and the steel encirclement, and was stunned.

"What's going on!?"

The other rich second-generations were scared to pee their pants.

Their fathers were all ruthless, otherwise they would not be able to make a name for themselves in Southeast Asia as outsiders.

But this does not mean that they are also ruthless. On the contrary, many of the descendants of such ruthless people are cowards. Many of them are already shaking with their legs and are about to kneel down...

Ye Yang smiled lightly: "Why don't the people in front run away?"

"What!? What's wrong with these ships!?"

Wang Haicun roared.


In the steel fence, a super yacht second only to Atlantis No. 1 slowly approached.

At the bow, it was Mo Yan.

"Uncle Mo, it turned out to be you! Save me! If you don't like my dad anymore, I am the son of an Atlantis shareholder and one of the little masters here. If you don't save me, my dad will definitely make you look good!!!"

"Shut up!"

A thunderous rebuke came from the yacht...

"This voice sounds so familiar..."

After listening to it, Wang Haicun felt a sense of difference in his heart...

(Second update, there is an exam tomorrow, so it may not be updated. Updates will resume on the 29th.)

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