Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 948: British Royal Nobles

"This is?!"

Chu Haijiao opened her mouth as she looked at the top-quality ingredients in the bionic ocean in front of her.

Her family is in the shipping business and she knows a lot about seafood.

These are all top-notch seafood!

Still alive!

"These are just ordinary ingredients on the outside, but the truly top-notch world-class ingredients are inside."

Chen Qiqian smiled lightly.

"Ah!? These are just ordinary ingredients!?"

Chu Haijiao opened her mouth wide in disbelief.


Chen Qiqian nodded naturally.

Afterwards, everyone walked into the innermost sea pool.

Golden Blue Lobster, Golden Geoduck, Silver Sword King Salmon, Premium Crane Barnacle, Blood King Crab, Blue King Tuna, Celestial Splendid Lobster...

Each one is a top-notch delicacy rare in the world.

For other top hotels, if you can encounter one or two of these at a time, you are already lucky.

But now, in this high-end area, such top-quality ingredients can be found everywhere...

Chu Haijiao kept marveling and looked at Chen Qiqian: "Sister, you are so awesome!"

Can get these things.

It’s not just something you can do if you have money.

After all, this top-notch luxury ingredient is snapped up every time it comes out.

The information channels must be of the highest quality in order to get the news of the birth of this ingredient as soon as possible.

The energy this represents is not ordinary!

Ye Yang has eaten here several times, so he naturally knows what Chen Qianqian is capable of. At this time, he smiled slightly: "You can choose whatever you want to eat. I'll treat you today."

Chu Haijiao looked at the price tag, and despite her informal personality, she was startled. She said in a dumbfounded voice, "I don't think anyone here can afford it except you."

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

This kind of food is mainly due to its scarcity.

The price is very high.

The previous big blue tuna king cost him 15 million.

“Are there a few extra zeros in this price?!”

Ye Xuanting also leaned over to look at the price and murmured.

"That's it."

Ye Yang smiled and said: "You two, just wait and enjoy the feast. It's expensive."

Just when Ye's father and Ye's mother wanted to say something.

The group also walked into the high-end food area.

Ye Yang glanced at the other party.

A few more foreigners.

The last time I came here, I met a few foreigners who claimed to be nobles. They came up and tried to steal their own ingredients. They even brought a piece of trash with them and asked him to kick him into the bionic seawater...

"There is actually someone else?"

The little silver-haired girl raised her eyebrows in surprise.

Next to her was a man with a curly beard in a tuxedo, probably a butler.

Behind him were two men in white clothes dressed in tall hats, who were obviously chefs.

Behind them are four handsome, blue-eyed men, who should be bodyguards.

The little silver-haired girl was covered in jewels and she looked extraordinary.

It is estimated that one set is worth at least several million or tens of millions...

"After I came to Hainan, I heard about the name of Royal Fresh. It is said that there are rare ingredients here that are not available to the royal families of other countries. I came here to see them."

The man with a curly beard and a tuxedo next to the little girl looked like a butler and bowed politely.

"Oh~Welcome, welcome~"

Chen Qiqian smiled slightly. He was a guest, so she had no reason to refuse.

"It's really good."

The two chefs exchanged words after seeing it. They were obviously very surprised by the number and types of top-notch luxury ingredients here.

"It's incredible."

"It's hard to imagine that this is just an ordinary private restaurant in China."

The two chefs spoke fluent Cockney English.

"They speak really good English."

Su Shirley praised.

Even Ye Yang almost laughed out loud, mom, you are so cute.

"Wow! There is actually a God's Shrimp here!"

The two chefs were surprised.

"There's something I haven't eaten before!"

The little silver-haired girl came over and said, "Can you sell this to me?"

The divine shrimp in the mouth of these two chefs is the Celestial Splendid Lobster.

It was picked out by the three sisters Zhou Zhinan just now when they were selecting the main ingredients.

"This gentleman has already bought this."

Chen Qiqian smiled.

"Oh~ Then I'll pay double the price for it. Brother, can you sell it to me?"

The silver-haired girl looked at Ye Yang with a smile.


Seeing that the other party had a good attitude, Ye Yang waved his hand nonchalantly: "It's fate that we met. We'll make it in a while, and we'll just share some with you."

A Chinese Splendid Lobster only costs over one million. Wouldn’t it be nice to invite such a cute little girl, who is as cute as a doll, to come over and eat it together?


The little girl was about to agree.

A chef with a tall hat stood up. He had a brown beard and his eyes were full of arrogance: "Are you kidding? This is the best and rarest ingredient in the world! It will be cooked by your chef. , it’s really an insult to this god-given food!”


"What do you mean?"

"Is it possible that you know how to cook and you are the only one who is the chef?!"

The three Zhou Zhinan sisters were very unhappy.


The brown-bearded chef shrugged incredulously: "Isn't it?"

The Chinese Splendid Lobster is almost extinct in Europe. Even in China, it is said that only one such one is born among every ten million lobsters.

Let alone in Europe.

That’s why they call it the God-given shrimp, a divine thing that shouldn’t exist in this world at all!

If you encounter it, it will be absolutely auspicious!

"What did you say!?"

The three Zhou Zhinan sisters are extremely confident and proud of their cooking skills, and obviously cannot accept this statement.

"Hmph, Chinese chefs, you live in a corner and have no idea what the world's top chef is!"

Brownbeard raised his head and sneered: "I, Buende, am the top chef in the world, a royal chef serving the British royal family! I should cook these god-given shrimps, you outdated guys, A guy who doesn’t even have a name on the world’s top culinary forums is not worthy of cooking such top-notch ingredients!”

"This is simply too much!"

"Boss, we must compare with him! Let them be convinced!"

Zhou Zhinan and others kept talking.

"Serving the British Royal Family!?"

Chen Qiqian on the side was deep in thought and looked at the silver-haired girl in surprise: "Is she the little princess of the British royal family?"


The butler on the side bowed slightly, with a look of pride on his brows.

The British Empire once dominated the world. Two or three hundred years ago, it was almost the leader in the world, and no country was their opponent.

Although the sun is setting now, the pride of the past is still enough to make every British royal family proud.

Even if he is just a butler of the British royal family...

(First update)

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