"Thank you, brother!"

Ye Xiaozi hugged Ye Yang deeply, and as soon as she let go, she wanted to jump into the car for a test drive.

She was already eighteen years old this year, and she had already studied for a driver's license at school.

"Ahem, this is not the surprise I'm talking about. This is just a small gift. Don't worry, this car will be yours in the future. There will be plenty of opportunities to drive it."

Ye Yang said with a smile

"Ah!? This... is just... a small gift……"

Ye Xiaozi was so shocked that she didn't rush to get in the car for a test drive. She just followed Ye Yang mechanically into the Linjiang Community.

""Alas... I'm so envious!!!"

Even Li Wanrou, who was born in a wealthy family, was completely envious of Ye Xiaozi for having such a powerful brother who doted on her!

The family behind Li Wanrou was very powerful, but not many resources were allocated to her.

The rich family was as deep as the sea, and it was not as easy as it seemed.

Although she was in a high school, she was only eighteen years old after all, and it was impossible for her to be too detached.

What tens of millions of supercars, hundreds of millions of accessories and clothes!?

It was impossible!

But Ye Xiaozi had them all today!

Before, Ye Xiaozi always envied her superior material conditions, but today it was a complete reversal...

Just after entering the Linjiang community and walking on the green road.

I saw a group of people coming out of the door of Building C.

Ye Yang recognized the figure in front at a glance.

The other party's figure and temperament were outstanding, and you would never forget them after seeing them.

""Eh?! Boss! Are you free to come here in person today?"

Fang Sijin's eyes lit up, and she looked at Ye Yang, feeling happy.

But when she saw the five top-notch girls behind him, a hint of gloom appeared in her eyes.

However, this gloom disappeared in just a moment.

The moment she fell in love with this man, she knew that this was inevitable.

How could such a perfect boy not be surrounded by beauties?

Or, it would be absurd if this situation did not happen.

The other four girls, except Ye Xiaozi, subconsciously sensed a sixth sense when they saw Fang Sijin.

The look of liking someone cannot be hidden.

"Potential love rival!!!"

With just one glance, Yu Momo determined Fang Sijin's identity.

"Well, this is Xiao Zi, my sister. Today I am showing her the large flat we cleaned for her the other day."

Ye Yang was completely unaware of the strange sixth sense between women, and explained with a smile.


Fang Sijin felt relieved, it turned out that they were not all competitors!

"Hello, hello!"

Fang Sijin shook hands with Ye Xiaozi repeatedly.

"By the way, why are you still here so late?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile

"That's right! You have more than a thousand houses, all of which are school district houses. The demand is really huge. I am now working three shifts a day, bringing these tenants to see the houses, and I am still too busy to handle it!"

Fang Sijin said with a smile

"Really hardworking!"

Ye Yang gave a thumbs up:"If I were your boss, I would at least give you a king sales rating!"


Although Fang Sijin is mature and capable in front of others, she unconsciously takes off her disguise in front of Ye Yang and returns to the shyness that her age should have.

"Oh, who is this young man? He is so handsome!"

The eyes of the wealthy ladies behind him lit up.

"This is the only owner of the entire Linjiang Community, Ye Yang, Mr. Ye, whom I told you about.

Fang Sijin introduced with a smile.


Not only the tenants, but also Ye Xiaozi and Li Wanrou, gasped.

The entire Linjiang Community!!!


To buy Disneyland, it only requires a normal business purchase, but to buy the entire Linjiang Community!?

That requires more than just money!

It requires terrifying connections and background!

Otherwise, it is impossible!

"Oh, you are so young and promising! Auntie likes young men like you the most!"

The rich ladies kept saying


Ye Yang felt her anus tighten

"Hey, don't get me wrong, young man. I mean, I like sons-in-law like you the most, haha.……"

"That’s right, don’t misunderstand the aunties!"

The rich ladies explained again and again


Ye Yang's face darkened. It would have been better if you didn't explain. The more you explained, the worse it got. These aunts, it seems their daily lives are very exciting and rich!

"How much has been rented out now?"

Ye Yang asked

"In the past few days, nearly 100 units have been rented out.

Fang Sijin smiled proudly.

"Well done, keep up the good work!"

Ye Yang encouraged with a smile, and then led Ye Xiaozi and the other two girls to the large flat in Building A.

"This guy is really good!"

"Alas... it seems that my daughter has a lot of competitors! She has to hurry up!"

These rich ladies are all sighing.

If an ordinary boy is surrounded by so many girls, he would have been called a scumbag long ago.

But if a super rich man is surrounded by so many beauties, that means he is successful! He is charming!

This double standard never changes according to age!

"Hey, girl, you are familiar with that guy, right? Can you send his WeChat to my daughter?~"

"Yes, yes, I want one too! Give me your WeChat ID and I’ll rent it for another five years!"

"Humph, I'll rent it for another ten years!"

These rich ladies were so enthusiastic that Fang Sijin didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

(The fourth update is here!

Thanks to book friends Shutu and Le Wuyou for the mooncakes!)

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