Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 957: Another 3 billion investment! It's on fire


Ye Yang straightened his face and said calmly: "If it is true as you said, this drama will be more popular than the one you filmed?"

"That is impossible!!"

Pu Buting waved his hand and said categorically: "It is an indisputable fact that Korean dramas are popular all over the world. According to our operation, we can easily produce a popular drama! In contrast, in China, over the years, how many of them can be popular? The dramas you made popular were copied from some of our famous dramas from Da Han Ming Kingdom!"

"Oh? This is the first time I've seen people from the stealing country slandering others for stealing."

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth, causing a burst of laughter.

"Haha! You are so arrogant and arrogant! Don't think that just because you are lucky enough to make a movie that takes the world by storm! Haha, you are just lucky! If you don't have hard power, just make a movie that takes the world by storm. Or not!"

Pu Buting hated being called a country thief, so he suddenly broke his guard, jumped to his feet and shouted angrily.

"Then let this confrontation make a decision on this issue."

Ye Yang's eyes flashed with a serious look.

What the other party said is indeed true. In terms of exporting modern cultural forms, apart from online novels, China basically has nothing else.

In terms of comics, animation, TV series, movies, etc., the output intensity in recent years has been basically zero.

As a country with an ancient civilization of five thousand years, this has to be said to be extremely abnormal and inappropriate.

There are many reasons for this situation.

It's also complicated.

However, Ye Yang did not intend to let this situation continue.

No matter what the reasons and circumstances are, he will cut them off. The rise of a country and culture is an important symbol of the completion of its rise.

Military and technology are the bones and brains of a country.

Culture is the face and character of a country.

If you want to truly stand in the world, only hard goods are not enough. You must also keep up with soft power, and you must be the most dazzling one in the world!

With "Ye Wen", the first milestone in the rise of the film has been reached.

It’s time to set a benchmark for TV dramas too!

"You just said that this crew is very poor, right?"

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth and smiled.


Pu Buting raised his head and said: "This kind of crew, at first glance, seems to be invested casually by your company. It should be a project that is not optimistic. If Mr. Ye wants to compete with me, at least he can find the strongest crew in China to compete with us." If it were a showdown with this kind of rubbish crew, I might have to celebrate my victory in advance.”

"To deal with you, we don't even need the strongest crew."

Ye Yang turned around casually and said to the literary middle-aged man:

"I announce that I will first invest an additional three billion Chinese coins in your crew."


Happiness came so suddenly that he was stunned.

"Three...three billion!?"

“If it’s not enough, add more.”

Ye Yang said casually.


Pu Buting on the side was also stunned by this big deal, this! ?

"Did the strong wind bring your money?"

Many onlookers laughed out loud when they saw Pu Buting's unbelievable look.

"Look how scared this guy is!"

"I just heard us say that Ye Shenhao is rich, so I guess you don't feel it deeply, right? Our Ye Shenhao live broadcast room rained red envelopes worth more than one billion! You are so short-sighted!"

"That's right!"


Pu Buting was stunned.

Generally speaking, no matter how rich you are, you won't be able to spend it arbitrarily, especially if you invest three billion in a film crew that originally didn't have high hopes.

In the eyes of businessmen, this is completely unbelievable behavior!

It’s just like playing house!

It's willfulness!

But after a while, he also recovered and said with a sneer: "Mr. Ye, you can't become popular just by investing a lot of money! TV series, first look at the traffic, and secondly look at the content. If there is not enough good content, it will be cheated. It’s useless to deceive stupid fans, no matter how much money you invest!”

Ye Yang sneered: "You should keep these words and give them to yourself in a few days."

"Okay! Mr. Ye has the courage! In Chinese terms, your behavior today is like hitting an egg with an egg and hitting a stone with an egg! See you soon!"

Pu Buting snorted coldly and led the crew away in despair...

"That...Mr. Ye...that chasing shot just now, are you serious?"

The artistic middle-aged man’s legs were shaking.

It feels like this is not a good thing...

Originally, I just wanted to invest some money and shoot casually.

In the blink of an eye, the huge task of revitalizing China's TV drama industry, as well as the sky-high price of 3 billion investment that almost suffocated him, were suddenly suppressed.

His whole body was about to collapse.

Ye Yang smiled slightly at him: "I'm a good judge of people. I think you have this pursuit and ambition, don't you?"


Speaking of this, the artistic middle-aged man suddenly stopped shaking...

As long as there are still employees in the film and television industry who have even a glimmer of ideals, who doesn't want to break the current absurd industry status quo?

What's more, what about a director like him who insists on his own ideas and never blindly follows popular dramas, so he has never become popular?

"Yes, Mr. Ye..."

His eyes gradually calmed down.

The heavy pressure and the dream that had been dormant in his heart for too long started a fierce struggle.

The strong blood spurted out again.

"Shoot what you want to do and shoot the most. I will help you eliminate all obstacles on the road. From the market to the funds, you don't have to worry about anything."

Ye Yang patted his shoulder: "I only need the final result. With this battle, the name of Chinese TV series will be made. After you have sorted out your ideas, send them to me directly."

After that, he took Chu Haijiao away.

Leaving behind the messy crew in the wind.

The literary middle-aged man sorted out his messy hair and trembled as he held the script that had been messed up by various forces before.

"Fuck you!"

He tore the script into pieces.

"This time, fight!!!"

He knew that he had encountered the biggest opportunity in his life. If he seized it, he would become a dragon. If he didn't, he would not have to mix in the film and television industry in the future.

"Is the ship still in use?"

The Atlantis executives on the side asked repeatedly.

How could he not see that this was a project that Ye Yang attached great importance to! How dare I not support it: "As long as you need to use the boat, you can report it at any time, without paying a penny!!!"

(Second update)

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