Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 967: Defeat you with your rules

"What did you say?!"

"You are still so arrogant!"

"What is his identity!"

"You don't care about seven or eight million? You are too arrogant, right? Our China's richest man Wang only wears a watch worth 18 million."

"That's right! You little brat, you are so arrogant!"

Many mainland wealthy businessmen frowned and shouted at this time, very unhappy with Li Xiaohao's attitude.

"Everyone, this is the second Li Zhong in Xiangwan, the grandson of Mr. Li's family!"


As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at each other, and some dared not speak.

Xiangwan was indeed rich in the past few years, and Mr. Li was even more powerful in that era, and was even elected as the richest man in Asia.

The total value of his assets is several trillion, and his personal direct property is hundreds of billions.

Although the times are different now, Mr. Li has long lost the title of Asia's richest man, and even the title of Xiangwan's richest man can no longer be kept.

But after all, he has accumulated power for a long time.

The name makes people feel extremely awesome...

"Haha, it turns out that you are the grandson of Mr. Li, no wonder you are so manic."

"Times have changed a lot, I think you should wake up!"

However, there are many real bosses present, so he is not afraid, just a little mocking.

The Jiangnan Little Devil snorted, holding the newly bought Chuanxi 2755 as a treasure: "That's right! The more people show off, the more they lack!"

Li Xiaohao's face darkened: "Haha, then I will let you see what a real noble is!"

He stepped forward and headed in a certain direction.

He pointed to the gemstone watch box: "Why did you walk past this watch just now?"

The Jiangnan Little Devil looked embarrassed.

He glanced at the watch box that Li Xiaohao pointed at, and didn't look at it again.

Not for other reasons, it's too expensive! ! !

It's the most valuable thing in the entire VIP venue! ! !

He didn't believe that a young man would dare to buy such a super expensive thing...

"Art Master Series 81750/S01G-9198!!!"

Some people with excellent eyesight also recognized this watch.

"This watch, 15 million!?"

"It's really invincible on the spot!"

"As expected of the grandson of Lao Li, it's awesome!"

The Jiangnan Little Devil regretted it at this time.

He just wanted to show off, but he met such a super rich man...

It's so unlucky.

"15 million, I will give this watch to you!"

Li Xiaohao threw the watch directly to the big-breasted beauty next to him.

The beauty was surprised and excited, 15 million! ! !

It's better to hang out with Li Xiaohao, a top rich second generation, and contribute yourself to make money quickly!

Li Xiaohao glanced at the woman and raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

This woman is just a toy used for entertainment when bloating, how could he really give her such a valuable thing?

After showing off in front of others, it is natural to take it back.

Anyway, in a few days, these mainland tycoons will go back to where they came from.

Even if they take it back, it doesn't matter.

"What do you think? Am I wrong? You mainland downtrodden and upstarts really want to compete with old nobles like me in Hong Kong!? It's hilarious!"


The other second-generation rich also laughed out loud.


"You are bullying us mainlanders because there are no super bosses coming! Otherwise, at least your grandfather has to come in person!"

"That's right!"

Everyone was angry. Although they didn't want to see others succeed in showing off, they still had the common hat of mainland tycoons on their heads.

Being humiliated in public like this is too hateful!

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head, and said helplessly to Ye Xiaozi: "Today's kids not only sit in the well and look at the sky, but also speak wildly."

"What did you say!?"

Li Xiaohao obviously heard this.

Ye Yang sneered.

He has always been uncomfortable with such things. If he doesn't take action to suppress them, it will really encourage the arrogance of those who sit in the well and watch the sky!

"Who is this!?"

"Oh my god, Ye Shenhao!"

"Boss Ye, you are here!"

There are many wealthy businessmen present. Ye Yang has appeared in business gatherings many times, and many people have recognized him.

"Haha, what kind of boss is this? How unsophisticated are you mainland merchants? You call everyone a boss!?"

Li Xiaohao laughed so hard: "It's really tasteless!"

"Haha, kid, I advise you to be sensible. Mr. Ye is not someone you can humiliate!"

"That's it!!!"

Seeing Ye Yang present, many mainland merchants who knew him straightened their backs instantly.

This is stable!

"Oh? I know him. He is a rising star in the mainland business community recently. It is said that he has some money."

Someone next to him reminded Li Xiaohao.

Li Xiaohao burst into laughter: "Don't talk about how good he is. I have already taken the most expensive watch in this game. You can't prove it."


Ye Yang smiled faintly: "Just as you said just now, I will choose a watch in this store. What will you do if I win?"

"How is it possible!?"

Li Xiaohao knew very well that this was the treasure of the store. There was no stronger watch at all.

It was a fool's dream to defeat him by the rule just now.

Unless he could create something out of thin air!

Seeing Ye Yang's half-smile, he also felt cold in his heart: "Haha, since you want to be slapped in the face so much, then I will fulfill your wish, but it's a pity that you have finally accumulated a little prestige and face in the mainland, and today you will lose it here!"

"If I lose, you can take 1 billion from me, and if you lose, you just need to lie on the ground and shout: What you said just now is bullshit, you are a frog sitting in a well and watching the sky, and then learn to call a frog, how about it?"

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

"Haha, I don't need the 1 billion. If you lose, just do the same as me. In order to show my magnanimity as a big boss in Hong Kong, if I lose, I will give you another 100 million!"

Li Xiaohao raised his head, extremely proud.

After all, it is impossible to lose when you are sure of victory, right?


"Use the original rules to compete!"

"Can it work?"

The wealthy businessman who knows Ye Yang has no doubt about Ye Yang's strength. Even if he competes with Li Laocheng, who was once the richest man in Asia, it is not certain who will win or lose. But the most expensive and luxurious watch on the scene was indeed bought by Li Xiaohao! ?

Could it be that Ye Yang can also conjure a watch that is better than the 15 million watch out of thin air?

Ye Yang waved to the shopping guide girl next to him: "Where is your store manager?"

"I'm here!"

The long-legged store manager walked over with a smile...

(Second update)

Travel, of course, it has to be more daily~ There will be a small climax after Xiangwan, and after the travel is over, it will be a passionate show.

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