"These...are all gold?"

Looking at the surrounding scene, Ah Fu became a little stuttering when speaking, and was stunned.

This can't be blamed on him. Now everyone in the Mo family is a little speechless when looking at the surrounding scene.

Behind the door, there is indeed a river, but this river is not made of water. The inside of this river is all gold!

To be more precise, it is a river made of gold particles of different sizes, a golden river of unknown depth.

The space inside the door is very large, and it is composed of a huge platform the size of a football field. Under this huge platform is the golden river.

I don't know where the light came from, and the huge space was reflected in golden color.

Everyone can clearly see the source of the golden river. It is composed of five huge dragon heads made of pure gold. These dragon heads open their mouths and spray gold continuously. The gold that flows out through the spraying seems to flow back into the golden dragon heads through the special mechanism here, and this cycle has been endless for thousands of years.

Looking at the gold that kept flowing and whose depth was unknown, Ah Fu bent down, stretched out his hand, and couldn't help but grab a handful of gold and took it to his side to take a look.

"Oh my god, it's pure gold, I'm really rich now!"

In the center of this huge platform, there is a palace made of unknown wood.

The palace doesn't look very big, but after a thousand years, it seems that it has been specially treated and it still stands.

"Antiques in prosperous times, gold in troubled times, the King of Tang probably never thought of the hope of a comeback he left for his descendants, and his stupid descendants didn't even see it."

Before coming to this palace, Mo Yuxuan couldn't help but feel a little emotional.


Xia Kingdom, Imperial Capital, General Administration.

The General Administration is located in the center of the imperial capital of Xia Kingdom. The General Administration is dedicated to handling some major events related to Xia Kingdom.

People who can work here are naturally not simple, and they have a certain status in the entire Xia Kingdom.

In one of the offices of the General Administration.

A middle-aged man in a black suit, gold-rimmed glasses, and black hair combed to reflect light, who looked a bit gentle, was sitting at his desk, crossing his legs and looking at the report in his hand.

He picked his nose and couldn't help but take a look, then flicked the booger away with lightning speed.

"Damn, these guys are really shameless. They actually want us to come forward for such a thing. They really can think of it!"

After reading the report in his hand, the man supported his forehead and couldn't help cursing.

"These old guys, they didn't think of our headquarters when they had good things, and when they had problems, they all came to us for help. Damn it!"

It seemed that cursing was still a bit unsatisfying, and the man cursed at the air again, as if the air in front of him was the group of people he wanted to curse.

After closing his eyes and thinking for a while, the man sighed.

Picked up the phone and dialed a number.

Ten minutes later, the middle-aged man's office door was knocked slowly, and then a beautiful woman with short black hair, not tall, less than 1.6 meters, looked a little thin, but with a heroic face walked in.

"Director Liu, what do you want to talk to me about?"

When she came to the man, the woman's voice was steady, giving people the feeling that she was a person with strong business ability.

"Come and take a look at this report."

After supporting his forehead again, the middle-aged man handed the report in his hand to the petite woman who looked very heroic, and then said.

The woman took the report, glanced at it roughly, and her expression changed a little.

"Are these people too much? They actually asked us to come forward for such a thing, and they even dared to threaten us?"

The woman frowned, obviously dissatisfied after reading it.

"Hey, Han Weiwei, you've been working here for a while, and you should know that our place sounds very grand, but in fact it's just a place to clean up the mess for those rich and powerful guys."

The man's tone seemed very dissatisfied. After so many years, the atmosphere here has not changed at all.

"They threaten us, so we have to send people to do it?"

The young woman named Han Weiwei has not been working here for a long time. Seeing such a thing, she is naturally very dissatisfied and speaks with some confusion.

"We can choose not to help them, but if so many big families and big forces really fight with real swords and guns, won't our entire Xia country be in chaos? When they start fighting, we will suffer the most.The people are not them but the lower-class people. "

The middle-aged man sighed and patiently explained to Han Weiwei.

"But they are so blatantly using us as guns, isn't it too..."

Han Weiwei didn't continue talking here, but the middle-aged man could naturally guess what Han Weiwei wanted to say.

"Don't you take us too seriously?"

The man glanced at Han Weiwei, then smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Compared with their own actual interests, how much is the face worth? Most of them care about the number of dollars that go into their bank cards every year. "

It turned out that soon after the Mohists discovered the Longquan treasure, the news was known to almost all the top leaders of the major forces in Xia.

After learning the news, they were naturally a little uneasy. Now the Mohists can maintain a balance with them, but what about in the future?

What if the Mohists are not satisfied with the current conditions and want to continue to expand? If they want to resist at that time, I am afraid they will have no chance.

So many senior officials racked their brains and finally came up with such a solution.

That is, almost all the major forces united and jointly submitted a report to the General Administration, hoping that they can make due distribution of the Longquan treasure obtained by the Mohists.

In short, they don't want the Longquan treasure to be lost. If it falls into the hands of the Mohist family, it would be best if the Mohist family can hand it over to the country. Otherwise, the balance will be broken, and they will have to make due resistance before the Mohist family stabilizes.

They don't want to be in the Mohist family's pocket like the Ji family.

But all the powerful families don't want to be the first to stand out, so everyone has their eyes on the General Administration.

The purpose of the General Administration itself is to maintain the security and stability of Xia State. If so many forces really start to fight, turmoil is inevitable, and it may even give some forces in other countries an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Now Han Weiwei and the others have to face whether to help these forces persuade the Mohist family to make some concessions.

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