"I object!"

One of the senior executives seemed to be unable to hold back. He really didn't want to give up the position he had finally obtained.

He was about to persuade Li Zairong with kind words, but he never expected that Li Zairong behind him would give him a big slap in the face.


The sound was very loud, and the man fell on the conference table, covering his bulging cheeks. The man didn't dare to say a word.

"If you object, you should get out of Samsung too."

Li Zairong glanced at him coldly. Just as Mo Yuxuan said, what Samsung needs now is centralization. There is no point in keeping too many senior executives. If you want to die, just die quickly.

He pressed the button of the pocket watch in his arms, and two professional bodyguards belonging to Li Zairong walked into the conference room and dragged the person who opposed Li Zairong out directly without giving him any face.

Seeing such a scene, the other senior executives dared not complain at all. Although they were reluctant in their hearts, they could only agree honestly.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Samsung Chairman Li Zairong nodded with satisfaction.

"I have seen everything you have done. If you want to continue to work hard in this group in the future, be honest, otherwise I don't mind replacing all of you."

This method of killing the chicken to scare the monkey did play a certain role, but it is obviously not enough to completely eliminate the internal pests. This requires Li Zairong to plan it himself. Mo Yuxuan is too lazy to care about these things.


"My father seems to have really changed."

At night, Li Shizhen lay in Mo Yuxuan's arms and said softly.

When she thought of her father's appearance during the day today, Li Shizhen felt a little dreamy.

In just one day, why did his father change so much? Li Shizhen racked his brains and couldn't figure it out.

Li Zairong's appearance didn't seem to be pretended at all. Does the man in front of him really have such ability?

"I've said that your father will change after I come. Do you believe it now?" Touching Li Shizhen's hair, Mo Yuxuan smiled.

With Mo Yuxuan's order, it would be strange if Li Zairong had any problems.

Feeling the woman's soft body against him, Mo Yuxuan smiled and pressed the other person directly under him.

Looking at Mo Yuxuan's appearance, Li Shizhen naturally knew what this guy was going to do. His face was slightly red, but he did not stop him.

Tonight, it is destined to be another sleepless night.


"Li Zaicheng, you are all here too. It seems that it's all about your father's business?"

In a private villa in Seoul, more than a dozen men and women are gathered in the living room at this moment.

Some of these people are in their thirties, while others look no more than teens.

"Looking at your appearance, it seems that your accounts have been frozen."

The man who was obviously the oldest sitting in the hall spoke and said to the group of people around him.

"Brother, is your account also frozen? I thought I was the only one whose account was frozen!"

Hearing the man in his thirties say this, a fat man who looked to be about 21 or 22 years old said in surprise.

"Ah, so your situation is the same as mine!"

"My account has also been frozen!"

"Damn, I was singing in KTV yesterday, and just as I was about to pay the bill, I found out that my bank card was frozen. If I didn't know the people there, I would probably have my legs broken!"

"You're still lucky. The little women I support changed their faces faster than turning pages of a book just because my bank card was frozen!"

Hearing a bunch of people chattering there, the man in his thirties felt upset.

He clapped his hands to signal everyone to be quiet, and everyone looked in his direction.

"Since my father took back all the power some time ago, the atmosphere in the company seems to have changed a lot, and it's full of depression. I wanted to ask him what was going on, but he didn't answer my call. Now he has frozen everyone's bank cards!"

"We can't control whether my father takes back the power, but freezing our bank cards is too much!"

"That's right! What will we do in the future without the money in the card?"

These dozen people are the biological children of Samsung Chairman Li Zairong. Now they are together because they found that their bank card accounts were all frozen for no reason!

Everyone's bank accounts were frozen together. They don't believe that it has nothing to do with their father.

TheyThe bank cards in their hands were given to them by their father. There is a fixed amount of money in the card every month. It can be said that the lives of these young men now depend on this bank card.

Now that it is frozen, what should they do?

"Father's behavior has been a little strange recently. I called everyone here just to ask everyone to go to Samsung's headquarters with me and ask my father what's going on."

The oldest man spoke again. After listening to the man's words, everyone nodded slightly in agreement.

Immediately, more than a dozen people left the villa in a mighty manner and went to the headquarters of Samsung Group.

In the chairman's office.

Looking at the dozen children who came together, the chairman of Samsung seemed to have expected it.

Handling the documents in his hands without raising his eyelids, looking at their father's appearance, no one asked directly, because they also understood their father's temper.

It is definitely not a wise move to disturb their father at this time.

Finally, after a full half an hour, Li Zairong seemed to have finished processing the documents in his hand, slowly let out a breath, and then looked up at the children around him.

"Is the purpose of your visit to get the frozen bank card?"

Li Zairong's voice was calm, as if he had expected it.

"All our bank cards have been frozen, what's going on?"

A young man in his early twenties finally couldn't help but question his father.

"What's going on?"

Li Zairong smiled, and then answered casually: "Of course it's because you spend too much and don't want to give."


Hearing Li Zairong's words, everyone was stunned.

"Don't want to give?"

They thought of all the possibilities, but they didn't think their father would say that.

"For special reasons, I won't give you money anymore in the future."

Samsung is now Mo Yuxuan's private property. Mo Yuxuan naturally won't agree to the behavior of Li Zairong's children who spend Mo Yuxuan's money indiscriminately.

According to the monthly flow of these guys in the past, a dozen people can spend at least eight figures, or even nine figures a month.

Mo Yuxuan didn't plan to keep these money-eating beasts, so he directly ordered Li Zairong to cut off their bank cards.

Li Zairong naturally obeyed Mo Yuxuan's orders 100%, even though they were his own children.

"Father, you!!!"

Everyone seemed to be very angry at their father's words. As Li Zairong's children, they were spoiled and had bad tempers.

The young man in his early twenties was about to push the door and leave, but was stopped by the bodyguard at the door.

"Who told you to go out?"

Li Zairong glanced at him and spoke slowly.

"What do you mean?"

Everyone looked ugly, and they suddenly had a bad premonition.

"In order to prevent you from making trouble, I'll lock you up for a while. Don't worry, you are my children, I will naturally not let you suffer."

Li Zairong laughed.

This was naturally Mo Yuxuan's order.

If a dozen clowns relied on their status as three-star princes to make trouble everywhere, it would be a trouble. For the sake of safety, Mo Yuxuan decided to lock these people up. Only in this way could Mo Yuxuan be completely relieved.

As long as they didn't starve to death, Mo Yuxuan felt that there would be no problem.

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