Super Rich: Pick up trillions of assets at the beginning

Chapter 501 You got into trouble and you're asking me for compensation?

"The manager told me what happened. I've told you clearly that it's very dangerous outside, but you just didn't listen to me and almost had an accident. I really can't do anything about you."

Chu Jiang said a few words to them with a straight face.

Mu Yunxi pouted, "Oh, Brother Jiang, you can't blame us for this kind of thing... We are not familiar with the people here, so how do we know that the people here are so bad? And the reason why we are like this is because I’m rather angry that you left us in the hotel and went out to play by yourself, and you didn’t know to take us all with you.”

"So you mean it's my fault?"

"I didn't say it was your fault. I just said you didn't take us with you when you went out..."

Chu Jiang was helpless, "Okay, next time I go out to play, can I take you with me? But you have to promise me not to run around so willfully next time. It's not like there are no bodyguards in the hotel. If you think those bodyguards are like If you follow too close and disturb your play, you can ask them to drive a separate car and follow you at a short distance, so that if something happens, they can come to rescue you as soon as possible. "

"Well, okay."

Mu Yunxi leaned softly on Chu Jiang's chest, and her slender white fingers restlessly drew several circles on his chest, "Brother Jiang, we were all quite frightened today. You can't help but make up for it." Share it?"

"You got into trouble and you still want me to compensate you?"

"Oh, Brother Jiang~~"

After all, the four of them were all beauties. Chu Jiang couldn't stand being surrounded by them like this. He completely forgot about Wang Cong and Qin Bin and went back to the hotel directly.

After Wang Cong and Qin Bin played for a while, they realized that Chu Jiang had not come back since he went out to make a phone call.

They had no intention of continuing to play.

Qin Bin asked, "Brother Chu, why haven't you come back yet? Are you so angry?"

"Don't talk nonsense there. Brother Chu is not that stingy. He must have encountered something."

Wang Cong took out his mobile phone and called Chu Jiang.


Chu Jiang's lazily voice sounded, "What are you doing?"

Just as Wang Cong was about to speak, he suddenly heard the voices of several girls discussing in the background of the phone.

"Oh, I can only accept ten centimeters at most. I can't accept anything that's too long."

"Can you accept a ten centimeter one? It seems at first glance that you have too little experience. A fifteen centimeter one like mine is no big deal. I think I can give a twenty centimeter one a try if the situation calls for it."

"Oh, sister Yun Xi, you are a big star. Of course you are different from ordinary people like us."

"This kind of thing just needs to be practiced more. After more times, the acceptance level will naturally be higher."

Wang Cong laughed ambiguously, "Brother Chu, I asked you why you suddenly disappeared while you were drinking. It turns out you fell into Wenrou Township! Well, then we won't disturb you. Have a good night. Ah...and I think even though you are quite young now, you still need to take care of yourself, otherwise when you get to my age, you will know what it means to be unable to do what you want. "


Seeing those people say these words and then hang up the phone, Chu Jiang glanced at the phone inexplicably and muttered, "What on earth are you talking about?"

"Brother Jiang, do you think I look good in 12cm high heels?"

Over there, Bai Yun walked over in a pair of 12-centimeter white high-heeled shoes, a little crookedly, with a blush on his face, "This is my first time wearing 12-centimeter high-heeled shoes, and I feel a little out of my depth!"

"Well, you look beautiful in these high heels."

"Thank you, Brother Jiang~~"

"Okay, honey, just come home with me tonight, okay?"


After playing until one or two o'clock in the middle of the night, Wang Cong put his arms around one of the girls, kissed her on the face, and took her home.

The girl's face turned red with shyness, but of course she didn't refuse, but half-pushed her into his car.

After a crazy night, the next day quickly arrived.

When Wang Cong woke up from the hotel bed, the girl was no longer in the room. He checked his money and found that it was not missing at all.

He patted his head. He drank too much wine last night, so he couldn't remember whether he brought a girl back last night. He remembered that he brought a girl back, but why did that girl come back? Disappeared early in the morning? And you don’t even want money. Isn’t this too abnormal?

After he got up, he couldn't help but go to Qin Bin's room. Qin Bin was sleeping soundly with a girl in his arms.

He woke him up and asked, "Did I bring a girl back last night?"

"How do I know whether you brought a girl back or not?"

Qin Bin was very dissatisfied after his sweet dream was disturbed, "Can you stop disturbing people's dreams here so early in the morning? If you don't sleep, others won't sleep either. Who are you... I want to do it again Get some sleep."

After he muttered a few words, he turned over and continued to sleep.

He probably drank a lot last night. Wang Cong knew that he wouldn't be able to find out anything by asking him, so he went to the hotel front desk to check the surveillance and found that he did come to the hotel room with a girl in a red dress last night. At about five o'clock in the morning, the girl got dressed and left.

The girl didn't take any money from him or leave her contact information. Could she be that kind of person?

He was immediately frightened at the thought of such a possibility, and hurried to the hospital for a full-body examination. After confirming that everything was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't care what the girl thought, as long as he was fine.

After returning from the hospital, he told Qin Bin and Chu Jiang about the incident.

Qin Bin didn't think there was any big problem in this matter, "Isn't this a good thing for you? You prostituted such a beautiful girl for nothing, and she didn't ask for any money. Where can you find such a good thing?"

Chu Jiang smiled, "I guess she drank too much, so she forgot to ask for money."

"I think everything you said is wrong."

Wang Cong touched his chin, "I think it's because that girl fell in love with me, so she didn't want my money. She wanted to create an image of an innocent girl for herself. After I woke up, out of guilt, I took the initiative to find her. ”


Qin Bin laughed unceremoniously, "I didn't expect that you are so old and have children, but you still have such a rich imagination. She is such a beautiful woman, and she works in a place like a nightclub. What are you doing if you don’t care about your money?”

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