Super Rich: Pick up trillions of assets at the beginning

Chapter 506 You are such an impatient person

"I don't have the time!"

Utor strode to Chu Jiang and glanced at him.

Wang Cong didn't dare to speak immediately.

Qin Yin couldn't ask for death by speaking at this time. The two could only look at Chu Jiang and regard him as a life-saving straw.

Now their lives are in his hands, otherwise they should agree to the conditions he said...

"Now the time has come, what do you say?"

Utor stared at Chu Jiang coldly, took out a pistol from his waist and pointed it at Chu Jiang's temple.

Chu Jiang still took a sip of tea calmly, "Listen to the sound!"


Utor didn't understand what he meant by this at first, but after listening for more than ten seconds, his face changed drastically!

By the time they reacted, it was too late!

More than 20 large military trucks stopped at the door, and fully armed men got off the cars one by one, and four or five hundred people got off directly!

Everyone is professionally trained, wearing the best bulletproof vests, and holding very sophisticated weapons in their hands. Gangs like them are not good enough in front of others!

Utor's men panicked when they saw this situation!

They are not trained regular troops at all. To put it bluntly, they are just a bunch of idle hooligans who joined the gang because they were always bullied.

The reason why their gang can walk sideways in the local area is mainly due to two reasons. First, the local sirs simply turn a blind eye to the affairs of such gangs. Sometimes they even go along with them for a little benefit!

The second reason is that they have a lot of people. In a place where the sirs are virtually non-existent, having a lot of people is the biggest advantage!

The Rain Gang was just a small gang three years ago. Because it constantly absorbs ordinary people and constantly annexes other gangs, it has the current scale!

They are rampant and bully men and women everywhere!

Because no one cares about them, they are even more unscrupulous!

In fact, the reason why they provoked Chu Jiang was because they had become arrogant recently. After all, they dared not provoke the local big families because they had their own armed forces. If they really angered those big families, it would only take a few minutes to destroy them!

If the Nirvana Hotel was replaced by last year, they would have treated it as if nothing had happened!

But they had developed so smoothly along the way, so they were really a little arrogant!

In addition, the Nirvana Hotel was not opened by locals, which made them decide to take action!

But they did not expect that the Nirvana Palace could actually call in regular troops!

And there were so many people!

So half of the gangsters were scared to pee their pants, they put down their bluffing weapons and surrendered directly!

The other half of the gangsters looked at Utor!

Utor's reaction speed was very fast, and he wanted to hijack Chu Jiang without saying a word!

But Chu Jiang was faster than him!

The next second, his wrist hurt, and the whole person was kicked hard from behind, and then fell to the ground!

Chu Jiang stepped on his back!

This time, the entire Rain Gang completely collapsed!

Sure enough, this small gang is not good enough in front of the regular army. The reason why they can be so active is mainly because the regular army didn't care about them before!

"Hello, Mr. Chu, I hope these terrorists didn't hurt you."

After controlling all the gang members, the leading man walked up to Chu Jiang, personally held down Utor, and comforted him.

"Ah... I didn't suffer any substantial damage. After all, you came just in time. It's not easy for brothers to come all the way here. Can you have a meal and drink here before leaving?"

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Chu. We are now on a mission. According to the regulations, we are not allowed to do these things during the mission, so I can only apologize."

"Since it is your rule, I won't force you."

Chu Jiang pointed to the Utor in his hand and said thoughtfully, "This person... seems to be a leader. You saw him pointing a gun at my head just now."

"But I don't hold grudges."

"You don't have to treat him specially."

The two people's eyes met, and the other party instantly understood what he meant. He smiled and nodded, "Okay, Mr. Chu, I remember everything you said. I will do what you said. You just wait."

"Well, then I'll trouble you."

"You're welcome."

A group of people left in a mighty manner, and Chu Jiang was unscathed.

“Fuck, Brother Chu, I didn’t expect you to be so powerful in the local area. You should have told me about this earlier. I was almost scared to death just now. I thought we would die here today!”

“Brother Chu, I think these people are not simple. Who are they? Can you introduce them to me?”

After the crisis was resolved, Wang Cong and Qin Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

Chu Jiang didn’t say anything, but just told the manager, “The guests in the hotel today must have received a lot of shock because of this incident. Tell them that in order to express the hotel’s apology to them today, their room rate for the next week will be halved, and they can get an extra buffet breakfast every day.”


The manager nodded and was about to leave when Chu Jiang said, "Oh, by the way, the hotel staff were also quite frightened by what happened today, right? Give them two months' salary each as compensation for this time, and give the staff member who was beaten double compensation and send him to the hospital."

"Okay, Master."

The salary here is very high, about 20 to 30 percent higher than the local average salary, which is why the staff still stay here to work even if it is dangerous.

Now they are directly given two months' salary as compensation, which makes them feel that it is not a big problem even if they are a little scared in the hotel.

After all, the most terrible thing in the world is poverty.

As long as they are given enough money, it is enough even if they risk their lives, not to mention just a small scene like the one just now.

"You are really impatient. You even begged for mercy from them just now!"

After the crisis was resolved, in order to liven up the atmosphere, Qin Yin couldn't help but say a few words to Wang Cong.

Wang Cong immediately retorted, "Who was the one who was scared to death just now? Don't tell me that person wasn't you!"

"That was just a normal reaction of an ordinary person!"

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