The patient was very sick, but he was not very happy.

"Who is the patient you are talking about?" Master Chen's eyes flashed with impatience.

Brother Gu's condition is already very serious and he needs surgery immediately.

Even with his experienced medical skills, I am afraid the hope is not too high.

And now every minute of delay, the hope of Brother Gu's recovery will be reduced by one point.

This is completely a race with the god of death, how can there be a minute or a second to waste?

Chen Changjing immediately grabbed his hand and said word by word: "Recently, our chairman has suffered from frequent angina pectoris. I have received an order to ask you to go to our house immediately."

The patient was the chairman of Tianjun Group!

A powerful figure in Xiacheng.

The top three wealthiest people in Xiamen.

If it were an ordinary doctor, upon hearing this man's reputation, he would have been frightened and agreed to his request with trepidation.

But Master Chen turned a deaf ear to him. He prepared his surgical clothing and surgical instruments.

He glanced at Chen Changjing and said firmly: "I am a doctor. My duty is to save patients. In my eyes, patients are not high or low. No matter who your patients are, they have to line up!"

His words were righteous and full of medical ethics.

Even the nurses and doctors around him who were responsible for helping to prepare instruments and assisting work looked at him with new eyes.

At the same time, they couldn't help but despise Chen Changjing.

"Didn't the chairman of Tianjun Group come to our hospital for a medical check-up a few days ago? It's nothing serious. He just has some angina due to his old age. It's not a big deal."

"These rich people are just afraid of death. They will make a big fuss at the slightest disturbance."

"On one side is a critically ill patient, and on the other side is just a normal person with occasional angina. He even had the nerve to say that he would give priority to the latter. It's so shameless."

"Master Chen is not afraid of power or wealth. He is really a medical ethics."

The voices of several nurses and doctors were not deliberately lowered.

Most of the voices fell into Chen Changjing's ears.

However, his face was normal, showing his extraordinary spirit and determination.

Chen Changjing said calmly: "Master Chen, as the secretary of the chairman, my duty is to solve problems for the chairman. Please understand my difficulties and cooperate with my work."

As he spoke, he took out a file bag from his bag.

It was filled with professional information about their chairman's heart CT images, pulse and respiratory instrument images, etc.

Master Chen took a quick glance and frowned immediately: "Your chairman's condition is not critical. Let me finish this operation first."

He actually knew everything in his heart.

These rich people said that they cherish their lives, but in fact they are extremely afraid of death.

Although it is human nature to be afraid of death, they just want to use a doctor who is treating a critically ill patient to take his place because they are afraid of death.

Isn't this a waste of medical resources?

This kind of thing is too outrageous.

But in the eyes of some people, it is very reasonable.

In the eyes of doctors, patients are not divided into high and low.

But in the eyes of some people, life can be measured by money.

Chen Changjing said coldly: "Master Chen, if you agree to our request, we can pay you a reward of 10 million."

10 million!

When the two sisters of the Gu family heard this, their faces suddenly turned pale.

So much money.

How could ordinary people resist such temptation?

Fortunately, Master Chen was not an ordinary person.

He no longer looked at Chen Changjing, but remained silent and focused on the final preparations for the operation.

Chen Changjing shouted: "Twenty million!"

Master Chen still did not move.

"Thirty million!"

Finally, Master Chen said coldly: "Money can't buy excellent character."

Then, he turned around and led a group of people into the operating room.

But Chen Changjing did not give up.

Seeing Master Chen enter the operating room, he actually planned to forcefully follow him into the operating room.

Look at this meaning, it turns out that he is planning to forcefully terminate the operation and then take Master Chen away.

Faced with such arrogant and rude behavior, the two sisters of the Gu family immediately wanted to stop it.

And Jiang Yuan was the fastest. He calmly stretched out his right foot, just right

The ground stretched out at Chen Changjing's feet.


Chen Changjing was in a hurry to enter the operating room and didn't care about the situation under his feet.

He was tripped by Jiang Yuan and fell to the ground.

He fell hard.

His face was stained with a layer of unclean dust, and he looked quite embarrassed and funny.

However, Chen Changjing did not get angry or lose his composure. As the secretary of the chairman of Tianjun, he had to remain elegant and calm no matter what the situation was.

He got up, glanced at the Gu sisters calmly as if nothing had happened, and said, "Actually, I understand your feelings very well. I know your father is in a very bad and dangerous condition now."

"So you are very worried and scared, and you really want Master Chen to go in and treat him."

"I understand, I understand. If my father was sick, I would be very anxious too."

"But have you ever thought that this operation has a failure rate, and it is not low. Even if you really save the dead mouse by chance, if you provoke someone you shouldn't provoke, then what is the point of the successful treatment?"

He said this calmly, but there was a sharp chill and coldness in his voice.

Hearing this, the Gu sisters couldn't help but get goose bumps all over their bodies.

Thinking of the terrible means and majestic energy of the Tianjun Group, they were a little scared.

However, thinking of her father's danger, Gu Jiahuan immediately suppressed her fear and said, "Your chairman's condition is not bad, but our father is dying, and there is only one Master Chen. Why can't you wait?"

Gu Jiahuan is young after all, and thinks everything can be reasoned and discussed.

Gu Jianing is a few years older after all, and her personality is more mature. She knows that sometimes reason doesn't make sense.

As expected, after hearing Gu Jiahuan's words, Chen Changjing said immediately.

"Yes, why can't you wait? This sentence should actually be asked back to you."

"You know, our chairman is the backbone of our group's hundreds of thousands of employees. If something happens to him, hundreds of thousands of people's jobs will be in jeopardy, and your father is just an ordinary chef."

"Do you think our chairman's life deserves more attention and should be given priority for treatment?"

He said this with great righteousness, as if he was a mentor who controlled the truth.

In fact, it was just a specious argument and a flattering speech.

Hearing this, Jiang Yuan sneered.

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