The sky was dark, but the sky was still.

It was quiet in the darkness, and Jiang Yuan and Ouyang Ru could clearly hear each other's breathing.

Jiang Yuan was not panicked, but just stood quietly with his arms crossed over his chest, waiting for the maintenance personnel to come.

The elevator in this building has an emergency protection design. If it is just a power outage, there will be no special danger.

But Ouyang Ru is different. Her body slammed against the elevator door and her body kept shaking.

Jiang Yuan could clearly hear that her breathing gradually became disordered.

"Are you okay?" Jiang Yuan asked tentatively.

"It's... okay." Ouyang Ru trembled.

Her voice was full of an inexplicable sense of fear, as if there was a monster in the dark, about to devour her.

Jiang Yuan realized at once that this girl might have claustrophobia.

Claustrophobia is a psychological disease.

When the patient stays in a dark and closed environment for a little longer, the condition will become more serious.

From the initial tension, anxiety, fear, to chest tightness, shortness of breath, breathing difficulties, until falling into a state of shock.

In the most serious cases, it may even lead to cardiac paralysis and death.

"How long can you hold on?" Jiang Yuan asked.

Ouyang Ru couldn't speak, she was so nervous that it was difficult to move her lips.

Even breathing was extremely difficult.

She could only knock on the elevator door a few times in response.

Jiang Yuan could only help her with some emergency measures.

He laid Ouyang Ru flat, then loosened her collar and lowered her head slightly.

Then he slowly raised her lower limbs and shook them.

These were all learned by Jiang Yuan from the first aid class he took in college.

After so many years, Jiang Yuan has not forgotten too many of these details, fortunately they came in handy today.

As expected, Ouyang Ru's symptoms did ease somewhat under Jiang Yuan's emergency measures.

But the elevator door was delayed in opening, and the maintenance personnel were still on the way.

Ouyang Ru's condition was getting worse.

She was sweating more and more on her forehead, and the feeling of fainting was constantly sweeping over her, and her limbs were gradually shaking and weak.

And the number of responses was getting less and less, and she had fallen into a state of semi-shock.

Helpless, Jiang Yuan didn't care much.

He performed emergency cardiac compression for her and gave her artificial respiration and oxygen.

In the hasty action, a necklace on Ouyang Ru's neck couldn't help but fall off and slipped into Jiang Yuan's cuffs.

But Ouyang Ru had no way of knowing all this.

Her consciousness was getting more and more blurred, and her eyes were almost completely black.

If it weren't for Jiang Yuan's emergency measures, she would have been in a dangerous state of shock.

Fortunately, at this time, the elevator door finally dinged and then slowly opened.

Several maintenance personnel quickly entered the elevator, apologetically: "Sorry, we have something on hand, so we are a little late."

When they saw that the girl in Jiang Yuan's arms was in a critical condition, they were immediately shocked and started to call the ambulance.

About ten minutes later.

Jiang Yuan watched Ouyang Ru being taken away by the ambulance.

And he didn't take this little episode in the elevator to heart.

At that moment, he entered the meeting room of Carlo Law Firm.

When Secretary Xiao Zhang saw him, he immediately bowed his head in panic and apologized.

"I'm sorry, Director Jiang, I know everything about your elevator. I should..."

Jiang Yuan didn't make things difficult for her, just waved his hand.

Then, he got to the point.

"I will bring a professional lawyer to handle the matter the day after tomorrow." Jiang Yuan said.

"According to your recommendation before, you should let all these lawyers come to see me now."

Zhang Yuning was relieved when she saw that Jiang Yuan had no intention of making things difficult for her.

Then she turned around and followed Jiang Yuan's instructions to let the ace lawyers of the law firm come in to see him.

Hearing that Director Jiang wanted to meet him in person, all the lawyers were eager to perform well in front of Director Jiang.

However, when they really met Jiang Yuan, they were all surprised.

"Is this Director Jiang? Or is this Director Jiang's son?"

"Don't talk nonsense, this is Director Jiang himself, although he is indeed a little younger."

"A little younger? This is more than a little younger, this is too young, and he looks so handsome."

"The previous rumors are true, Director Jiang actually

He is really a young man in his early twenties. "

[Ding! Shocking point +300]

[Ding! Shocking point +300]

[Ding! Shocking point +300]

Jiang Yuan waved his hand.

Then the scene immediately became quiet, and even the sound of a needle falling to the ground could be clearly heard.

Here, Jiang Yuan is undoubtedly the spiritual pillar of this group of people.

As soon as he waved his hand, no one dared to speak again.

Jiang Yuan got straight to the point and said, "I have an important matter to do the day after tomorrow, and I need to bring a lawyer with the strongest comprehensive strength."

"I will give each of you a piece of paper, and you can write down the lawyer you think has the strongest comprehensive strength, or you can write yourself. "

After Jiang Yuan finished speaking, he asked his secretary Xiao Zhang to take out a piece of note and put it in front of each lawyer.

According to Jiang Yuan's guess, these people might write their own names to show their confidence.

But unexpectedly, these big lawyers hardly hesitated.

They all wrote Ouyang Ru's name on their notes.

Jiang Yuan wondered: "Why did you all write her?"

According to the information Jiang Yuan got, these lawyers all have their own areas of expertise and are very proud of them.

But it seems a bit unusual to write one person's name so surprisingly consistently.

And these lawyers each looked calm: "If it's the field of economic disputes, I will naturally choose myself, but if it comes to comprehensive strength, it is obvious that Lawyer Ouyang is proficient in many more areas than us."

"Lawyer Ouyang is recognized by us as the lawyer with the strongest comprehensive strength."

"The success rate of the cases she handled is not low, and she can handle many cases. She is really amazing. "

Hearing the consistent comments from these lawyers, Jiang Yuan nodded.

But then he wondered: "Where is Lawyer Ouyang now?"

Secretary Xiao Zhang whispered in Jiang Yuan's ear: "It's the girl you met in the elevator."

After her enlightenment, Jiang Yuan suddenly realized.

It turned out to be her.

Then, a women's necklace slipped out of Jiang Yuan's sleeve and fell to the ground.

Secretary Xiao Zhang said: "Isn't this Lawyer Ouyang's thing?"

Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "I'll return it to her in person."

After that, Jiang Yuan got up and left.

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