The two sides of the two sides have been separated.

"Isn't this a bad idea?" Aunt Tang hesitated. She felt that this way of handling the matter was too hasty and broke the rules.

"Isn't it too rude to stand up Mr. Su directly? It's also against the rules. After all, he got the news of my victory, and he might object."

Who knows, Tang Chenxin frowned slightly, and two small fire cores ignited in her phoenix eyes.

"He dares? Even if he objects, what's wrong?" Tang Chenxin said with a bit of displeasure.

"People in my Tang family speak according to rules and etiquette. Is it the turn of this country bumpkin from the outer city to oppose it? Even if he has a hundred guts, would he dare to do it?"

People like her who come from the top wealthy families in Beijing have been instilled with the concept of domineering and strong since childhood, and have no interest in the weak in their bones.

Even if Su Tianhao is the richest man in the outer city, so what?

In Tang Chenxin's eyes, wealthy families not in Beijing are at most some upstarts who are not in the mainstream. They are not even on the stage at all, and there is no difference between them and country bumpkins.

Even if he is the richest man in South City, in her eyes, he is actually no different from a gorilla in the circus who is smug and patting his chest. He is nothing at all.

Aunt Tang knew that she was not in a good mood recently. Because her cousin had health problems, she was inevitably irritable.

In addition, her temperament was a bit perverse, so Aunt Tang had to reluctantly nod and agree to this approach.

However, the decision made by Miss Tang at the last minute.

Poor Su Tianhao didn't know yet.

He was smiling, with a victorious look on his face, sitting in the room as steady as a rock, waiting for Miss Tang.

In his mind, he couldn't help but feel a little proud of his victory.

Su Tianhao was the richest man in South City. With his fame and reputation, he got a rare and harmonious Steinway grand piano.

Although the price of such a good treasure is there, it is actually very difficult to buy it even if you have money.

Such high-level art resources are often only available through very special channels.

He was very happy at the moment, feeling like he was riding a horse in the spring breeze and seeing all the flowers in Chang'an in one day.

Who of the people who came to this mysterious party today is not a big shot in Xiamen?

On weekdays, if these big guys stepped on the floor a little harder, the whole city of Xiamen would shake.

But I, an outsider from South City, was able to overpower the heroes, which was not unpleasant.

Especially, he can also establish a connection with the Tang family, and even meet the young lady of the Tang family.

It's so cool.

Don't look at Su Tianhao's age, even his daughter Su Wanting is already in her twenties.

But he insists on the principle of being strong and vigorous in old age, and never remarries when his wife died early.

"Alas, if I hadn't received the news that those people in the capital would make a big move next, why would I do this." Su Tianhao smiled bitterly three times.

"If I can stand on the side of the Tang family, maybe I can not only take refuge, but also get some benefits."

Where there are people, there will always be rivers and lakes.

When you are in the rivers and lakes, you can't help yourself.

Sometimes, if people want to be free and unrestrained, the price they have to pay is often unacceptable.

Standing in the right team is an extremely sophisticated multiple-choice question.

Standing in the right team, even if you are penniless, you may seize the opportunity to make a fortune and soar to the sky.

If you stand on the wrong side, even if you are rich enough to rival a country, it is just a matter of giving and taking away at the thought of others.

If you want to remain neutral, you must be much stronger than others and you have never threatened their interests.

Su Tianhao was fully prepared to lick the eldest lady of the Tang family.

But coincidentally, just when he was thinking about it.

His phone suddenly rang.

Su Tianhao frowned slightly, his thoughts were disrupted, and he didn't want to answer the call.

But after seeing the caller ID on his phone, he picked up the phone reluctantly.

"Mr. Zhuo, is there something wrong?" Su Tianhao said with displeasure.

On the other end of the phone, Zhuo Tianhang's mental state has been very worrying recently.

As the saying goes, if you hold back for a while, you will get angrier, and if you take a step back, you will lose more.

Ever since Jiang Yuan confronted him in person that day, he has been holding back a grudge in his heart.

Especially when Jiang Yuan issued an order to him to rectify his business, he was extremely unhappy.

After inviting a professional actuary,

After calculating how much money he would lose after the business reform.

Zhuo Tianhang immediately couldn't sit still.

He decided to play hard and immediately called Su Tianhao, the secret weapon invited from South City.

In Zhuo Tianhang's heart, Su Tianhao, as the richest man in South City, must be able to crush Jiang Yuan and make him restrain himself.

Zhuo Tianhang immediately said: "Mr. Su, I have changed my mind about the person I mentioned to you before!"

Su Tianhao said "Oh" lightly and asked: "What do you want to do?"

He was invited by Zhuo Tianhang to come to Xiacheng as a guest. In fact, it was because he heard that there was a young man who was quite extraordinary and came from South City, and he wanted him to help suppress him.

"I want to ask you to come out and help me." Zhuo Tianhang said.

Su Tianhao's mind was still full of Miss Tang, and he just wanted to hang up the phone quickly.

After he said "hmm", he casually added: "What's the name of this person?"

"This person is Jiang Yuan!" Zhuo Tianhang said indignantly.

Su Tianhao was careless at first, but when he heard the word Jiang Yuan, he almost choked on his throat.

"Who? Jiang Yuan?" Su Tianhao asked hurriedly.

"Yes, it's him. How come you know him?" Zhuo Tianhang felt a little uneasy.

Listening to Su Tianhao's tone, it seems that he knows this Jiang Yuan.

"I'm sorry, I may not be able to help you with this matter." Su Tianhao refused.

Hearing this, Zhuo Tianha was dumbfounded.

"Why?" Zhuo Tianhang said unwillingly.

"This Jiang Yuan is my friend, you found the wrong person." Su Tianhao's tone was extremely cold.

Ah this.

Zhuo Tianhang was embarrassed.

This matter, can it be so coincidental?

The nobleman from South City that he had found turned out to be Jiang Yuan's good friend.

"Mr. Su, can you reconsider it?" Zhuo Tianhang was unwilling.

Su Tianhao sighed and said slowly: "I advise you not to go against Jiang Yuan, there will be no good end."

Zhuo Tianhang didn't care after hearing this, just thinking that Su Tianhao was speaking well for Jiang Yuan.

"Then I won't force Mr. Su, but this Jiang Yuan is too much, I will never let it go!" Zhuo Tianhang's tone was also unfriendly.

After hanging up the phone.

Su Tianhao was a little uneasy, and he couldn't help but worry about Jiang Yuan.

He actually provoked Zhuo Tianhang, an old fox, and he was not easy to deal with.

Immediately, he stood up and wanted to inform Jiang Yuan about this matter.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Su Tianhao stood up, he looked at Aunt Tang who opened the door.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Su." Aunt Tang showed a somewhat apologetic expression on her face.

"Just now, a gentleman took out a better piano, so the result of this victory or defeat may change..."

Su Tianhao was slightly shocked.

Someone actually took out a good thing that could beat his harmonious Steinway grand piano.

He said unwillingly: "What piano did the other party take out?"

Auntie Tang explained: "Heinz crystal piano."

Hearing the name of this piano, Su Tianhao fell into a brief silence.

As the richest man in South City, he is also a worldly man.

This Heinz piano is famous all over the world, and he has naturally heard of it.

But... the difficulty of getting this piano is simply hell-level.

Apart from the wealthy families in Beijing, he really can't think of anyone else who can take out this piano.

Unless it is...

"Could the person who took out this piano be Jiang Yuan?" Su Tianhao couldn't help asking.

Auntie Tang was also a little surprised, and then nodded.

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