The next day, the Lamborghini was on the way to the airport back to Nancheng. I heard that something happened to the Ye family in Antique Street. Ye Yiran was a woman that Jiang Yuan cared about. He naturally couldn't sit back and do nothing. At that moment, he prepared to return to Nancheng and deal with the matter about Ye Yiran. He sat in the co-pilot of the Lamborghini with a refreshed spirit, leisurely watching the scenery outside the window constantly receding. He was in a very comfortable mood. Everything yesterday was so beautiful that it seemed like a dream. But when he woke up from the dream, it was not without a trace. He was radiant, as if he was under a layer of spotlight, and a new vitality was injected into his body. Yao Wenwen, the driver in the main car seat, laughed: "Boss, did something good happen to you yesterday? Why do you feel a little different today?"


This little girl's eyes are so sharp.

She actually saw some clues.

Jiang Yuan said seriously without blushing or beating his heart: "No, nothing happened. What do you think is wrong with me?"

Yao Wenwen turned her head slightly and looked at Jiang Yuan carefully.

"I can't explain it either. It feels like when I checked my college entrance examination scores and found that I scored more than 600 points."

Hearing this, Jiang Yuan almost choked on his saliva.

Jiang Yuan: Σ(⊙▽⊙"a

Obviously, Yao Wenwen has learned bad things.

She actually pretended to be a bitch with me without noticing.

"I can't tell, you are actually a female academic bully?" Jiang Yuan was a little surprised.

In Jiang Yuan's opinion, Yao Wenwen is undoubtedly an excellent housekeeper.

No matter in appearance, figure, or practical ability.

She is quite good in all aspects.

But Jiang Yuan didn't expect that she is actually a female academic bully.

Speaking of this topic.

Yao Wenwen's eyes flashed with pride.

Although a good man doesn't mention his past achievements.

But it doesn't say that a good girl doesn't mention her past achievements!

Thinking back then, I was also a well-known female academic bully.

But Jiang Yuan was a little confused.

The two have known each other for a long time.

It's better to know each other .

Jiang Yuan asked: "I remember you graduated from Nancheng University, right? With this score, why don't you go to Beijing to study?"

Beijing is not only the most prosperous place in Longguo, but also the center of wealth and honor.

Developing in such a place is undoubtedly far better than in Nancheng.

Many people are trying their best to go to Beijing to study.

But Yao Wenwen gave up for some reasons.

When she mentioned this, she couldn't help but stick out her tongue cutely.

"It's because... Nancheng University gave too much." Yao Wenwen said embarrassedly.

"When I applied for college, my family's conditions were not very good. I had an older sister and a younger sister who needed money. Nancheng University gave me a lot of generous conditions, not only free tuition, but also a large scholarship. Gold."

So that's it.

Speaking of this, Jiang Yuan couldn't help but feel a little sympathetic towards his housekeeper.

There are obviously better options.

But because of her sisters, she is willing to give up.

In exchange for their stable life.

This girl is very sensible.

She has a good character.

Jiang Yuan couldn't help but put his arm around her shoulders and put more force.

But Yao Wenwen giggled: "Don't be like this, although I feel a little pity in my heart, but my sister and sister can live well, which is my biggest wish. "

Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "You sisters have a good relationship."

Yao Wenwen straightened her back and said confidently: "Of course, they heard that I had to catch a plane back to South City today, and they specially wanted to see me off at the airport. "

Hearing this, Jiang Yuan was slightly stunned: "Are they also from Xiacheng?"

Yao Wenwen nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Jiang Yuan asked.

"You didn't ask either!" Yao Wenwen said.

It turned out that when Jiang Yuan was dealing with things these days and asked Yao Wenwen to be on standby.

She had already reunited with her sisters.

And today, when he heard that she was going back to South City, he naturally came to see her off.

The Lamborghini was very fast.

Soon, Jiang Yuan and Yao Wenwen arrived at Xiacheng Airport.

After a while, the two were going to board the plane and return to South City.

And Jiang Yuan looked from a distance.

A pair of sisters also braved the scorching sun early to see Yao Wenwen off.

Due to the poor air quality, the sisters both wore a mask on their faces, covering their faces.

The face is wrapped up.

But even so.

Jiang Yuan felt a little surprised in his heart.

Because Yao Wenwen's sisters, they all belong to the same body type.

This kind of woman has a very slim figure.


Whether it is the exposed arms or the oval face, they are quite small and delicate.

In the general aesthetic of white, thin and young, this kind of woman is more fragile, giving people a feeling of being easily bullied.

The temperament is very delicate and very lovable.

Although there are also shortcomings.

That is, A.

But in Jiang Yuan's eyes, this is not a shortcoming.

Girls with this kind of figure, on the contrary, look more elegant when they are A.

Very fairy.

To exaggerate, in Jiang Yuan's eyes, these girls are treasure girls, belonging to little fairies.

"Wonderful." Jiang Yuan slightly praised.

Although he hasn't seen the real face yet.

But Jiang Yuan has confirmed one thing.

This type of girl is undoubtedly born in his XP.

Even Jiang Yuan's first love, Sun Tingting, is actually somewhat similar to this type of girl.

She has a slim figure and a fresh and refined temperament.

She is very pleasing to him.

Especially the younger sister of the pair of sisters, whose temperament is even more outstanding than that of her elder sister.

When Yao Wenwen saw them, she was also excited and danced with joy, and ran all the way to find her good sister.

However, she was naturally not forgetting Jiang Yuan in her excitement.

After a round of greetings with her good sister.

Yao Wenwen introduced: "This is my boss, Jiang Yuan."

Then, she said to Jiang Yuan: "This is my sister, the elder sister is Yao Weiwei, and the younger sister is Yao Xianxian."

As they got closer, Jiang Yuan could see the appearance of his sister more clearly.

Yao Xianxian's bangs are quite delicate, forming a beautiful arc.

A pair of starry eyes flickered.

Like the eyes of a lost deer.

Jiang Yuan generously extended his hand, held Yao Xianxian's hand, and said with a smile: "Hello, it's our first meeting."

Although Yao Xianxian is young, she has a rare maturity.

It is always true that children from poor families grow up early.

Even with Jiang Yuan's handsome face, Yao Xianxian did not have any special reaction.

She smiled politely with a sense of distance: "You are Sister Wenwen's boss, thank you for taking care of her."

Jiang Yuan could clearly feel that Yao Xianxian was like a piece of ice that was difficult to melt.

However, when she looked at Yao Wenwen, there was indescribable eagerness and sincerity in her eyes.

This is a girl who is cold on the outside but warm on the inside.

According to Jiang Yuan's experience, once this kind of girl melts, she will be passionate like fire.

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