The price of antiques fluctuates greatly.

I don't know if the 2.7 billion price given by the atlas is a guaranteed price or an overestimation.

This is a good opportunity to test the treasure hunting atlas function.

Jiang Yuan patted Manager Wang on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Wang, do this carefully. If you do it well, you will definitely benefit from it."

Manager Wang nodded and agreed. Jiang Yuan's order was like an imperial decree to him.

He carefully put away the sutra and put it in the storage box.

Then he began to contact relevant professionals and prepare to make senior appraisals for them.

After finishing his work, Jiang Yuan continued to meet up with the goddesses.

They started a whole day of shopping.

The destination was naturally the most prosperous commercial street in the city center.

The locals also called this street "Golden Street".

The reason was naturally that this was the most luxurious den of money in the city.

Many foreign tourists would come here to spend a long time.

The entertainment forms of Golden Street are very rich, among which Century Mall is the most famous and the most expensive.

Jiang Yuan led the goddesses and started a mighty sweep.

The first stop was naturally to buy bags.

Hermes, LV... Various brands of famous bags can be seen everywhere here.

"Buy, buy, buy, buy everything." Jiang Yuan said proudly.

After the goddesses had just seen Jiang Yuan's arrogance in the restaurant, they were naturally no longer polite.

Women's spending power is terrifying, especially a woman who is shopping.

Soon, bills came out one after another.

But Jiang Yuan naturally didn't care at all.

He didn't even look at the price tag on the bill and started to pay directly.

There's no way, being rich is so arrogant!

The customers and cashiers around were stunned.

[Ding! Shocking point +100]

[Ding! Shocking point +100]

[Ding! Shocking point +100]

[Ding! Shocking point +100]

[Ding! Shocking point +100]

[Ding! Shocking point +100]

[Ding! Shocking point +100] Shocking point +100]

"This guy didn't even look at the price tag, he just bought it?"

"This guy is too arrogant, is his family a bank or a gold miner?"

"I've only seen it on TV, some royal nobles buy things like this, they don't even bother to look at the price tag, they just swipe the card."

"And why does he have so many girlfriends, one, two, three, four, five... Oh my god, I can't count them all."

"So many beautiful goddesses, these can't all be the girlfriends of this rich man, did he save the world in his previous life?"

"It's so good to be rich... I'm so jealous."

As more and more bags were bought, more and more people were shocked.

Coincidentally, Su Qingyu was one of them.

And there was a man next to her, who was the 985 blind date man introduced to her by her family.

After Su Qingyu was kicked out by Jiang Yuan, she was completely hopeless and knew that her dream of marrying into a wealthy family was shattered.

So she shamelessly tried to persuade him and finally reconciled with the blind date man.

But she never expected that she would meet Jiang Yuan on her first date with the blind date man!

And seeing Jiang Yuan spending a lot of money on those goddesses, Su Qingyu was so jealous that her teeth were itching.

Originally, all of this belonged to her.

But she despised the poor and loved the rich, and was eager for quick success, so she eventually lost Jiang Yuan, the top rich man.

And the blind date man next to her at the moment, let alone buying her a bag, even eating a meal and watching a movie with her, he had to go Dutch.

He even called it equality between men and women.

This stinginess immediately formed a very sharp contrast with the arrogant Jiang Yuan at the moment.

"Buy me a bag too~~" Su Qingyu said unwillingly.

The blind date man immediately became unhappy when he heard this and said:

"My monthly salary is so little, you asked me to buy you such an expensive bag, are you crazy?"

"If I really buy it for you, we will starve to death in the future."

"Besides, our relationship between men and women requires equality. If I buy you such an expensive bag, what gift can you give me?"

Su Qingyu listened to the blind date man's eloquent and self-righteous talk, and immediately regretted it.

Why did she find such a person?

To put it bluntly,

It's just stingy... If it was Jiang Yuan, there would be no need to talk so much nonsense and he would just buy it directly.

Su Qingyu felt so regretful in her heart that she almost regretted it.

If she had known earlier, she would have lived a good life with Jiang Yuan, wouldn't it be better?

But now Su Qingyu herself knew that there was no hope for her and Jiang Yuan, and she looked at Jiang Yuan as if she was looking at a mountain in the sky.

In the end, she didn't even have the courage to go forward, so she had to leave the mall in disgrace.


Three days later.

Manager Wang held a qualification appraisal in his hand, and his face was full of shock.

"The Great Prajnaparamita Sutra, the original work of the holy monk Huijin, and the quality is still the highest level?"

This was the antique appraisal that his subordinates had just received this morning.

According to the appraisal record, the value of the sutra entrusted to him by Jiang Yuan was inestimable.

If it was auctioned,

the price would probably be a sky-high price.

Manager Wang naturally did not dare to neglect the matter entrusted by Jiang Yuan.

He immediately contacted almost all the antique collectors and wealthy businessmen who were interested in this in Nancheng.

Using a strong network of relationships, he began to auction this sutra.

The appearance of this authentic work of the holy monk immediately caused a sensation.

This is not only because of its extremely high collection value, but also because it is a famous Buddhist scripture.

It is said that as long as you keep it at home, you can get the blessing of the Buddha and enjoy peace and well-being for generations.

The richer the people are, the more afraid they are of losing their rich lives.

Therefore, they often prefer to believe it to not believe it.

There was once a wealthy businessman in Nancheng who spent millions of dollars just to buy a modern oil painting with V. in order to get a good start.

Just because the meaning of this painting is Victory, eternal victory.

Just a painting, the appearance of this authentic work of the holy monk immediately caused many wealthy families to compete for it.

The antiques circle is not big. In fact, most people who are interested in and have the wealth to buy antiques are people who have been in this circle for many years.

And this matter fell into the ears of Mr. Ye very quickly.

"The authentic work of the holy monk?" A bad premonition surged in Mr. Ye's heart.

Why does this description look so much like the Buddhist scripture in Chen Xiaoyu's shop that day.

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