The weather was very good, but the weather was very good.

Jiang Yuan calmly looked at the scenery outside the window.

The Porsche was not driving very fast, so Jiang Yuan was able to enjoy the scenery of Beijing leisurely.

It must be said that the urban scenery of Beijing is indeed quite magnificent, with tall buildings, crowded crowds, and gorgeous landmark buildings everywhere.

Prosperity, luxury, the heartland of all wealth and honor.

Except that the air quality is a little poor.

"It's not suitable for lying down, this is a place for struggle." Jiang Yuan commented.

"Let's leave after we finish our business. This kind of place is not suitable for a lazy person like me."

The destination was soon reached.

When Jiang Yuan and his friends arrived at the Patent Office, they found that there were a lot of people today.

There are quite a lot of people who come to apply for patents, a dense crowd.

At a glance, there are at least a hundred people.

Jiang Yuan frowned: "Are there so many people here usually?"

When asked this question, Zhao Zixing had a strange expression on his face: "Well, because there are always some special people who come here to line up every day."

Yao Wenwen volunteered to say: "I'll just stand here and line up, boss, you can go to the rest area to rest."

Jiang Yuan felt a little distressed, turned to Zhao Zixing and asked: "Our patent is very special, can't we open a green channel?"

When it comes to the green channel, Zhao Jing on the side obviously hesitated, but she hesitated for a long time and still didn't say it.

Zhao Zixing said righteously, "Our place is completely fair, just and open. There is absolutely no green channel. Everyone who comes here is treated equally and must queue up."

Zhao Jing hesitated for a moment and squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: "Yes."

In fact, they both knew in their hearts that there was a green channel, but it required special approval from the director of the Patent Office. As long as the patent was valuable enough and important enough to be favored by the director, it would be a piece of cake.

But Jiang Yuan's patent... was obviously a scam. What kind of heart disease medicine is this? It's nonsense.

Although they were interning at the Patent Office, it didn't mean that the Patent Office was opened by their family.

If they really gave such a ridiculous and stupid heart disease medicine patent to the director for special approval, they would probably be directly identified as unreliable people, and they would not even be able to pass the internship period, and they would even lose the opportunity to become full-time employees after graduation.

However, Zhao Zixing hesitated for a moment, considering that Yao Wenwen was the elder sister of Junior Sister Xianxian and was also very beautiful.

He said politely: "I suggest you go to Area D to queue up, there are fewer people there."

Yao Wenwen nodded and was about to go.

But unexpectedly, Jiang Yuan did not play by the rules.

He said to Senior Sister Zhao Jing indifferently: "Can you help me queue up?"

Jiang Yuan's voice was low and magnetic, and it was like a hand grabbing Zhao Jing's heart.

Zhao Jing was like being fascinated, and nodded quickly: "Okay, I'll go, I'll be back soon."

Wait until she walked away.

Jiang Yuan put his hand on Yao Wenwen's shoulder as if his plan had succeeded, and said with a smile: "Then you don't have to go."

Yao Wenwen stuck out her tongue playfully and complained: "Boss, you look like one of those scumbags who keeps a tool man and asks him to do things for you."

Jiang Yuan bent his index finger, hooked it on her nose, and said with a smile: "I'm doing this for you. It's so hot, it's so tiring to queue up."

Zhao Zixing was heartbroken watching from the side.

This Jiang Yuan obviously treated the goddess as a tool man, and ordered him around at will, even the dirty work of queuing was given to Zhao Jing.

Zhao Zixing's heart was bleeding, his goddess became someone else's tool man.

I was very angry.

"This kid is too much." Zhao Zixing was unhappy.

"I want to embarrass him."

His mind flashed, his eyes rolled, and he pretended to be puzzled and asked: "Jiang Yuan, you haven't told me what patent you are going to apply for?"

Jiang Yuan was about to answer that he had a patent for a special medicine for heart disease.

But he didn't expect that suddenly several security guards carried a beggar-like person out of the room.

The beggar-like person kept shouting.

"Let me go, let me go, I really found a way to cure heart disease."

"I tell you, once my patent is approved, no one in the world will die from heart disease in the future."

"Let me go! Let me go! Believe it or not, I will put all of humanity in crisis. I am a mad scientist!"

But obviously no one on the scene believed what he said, and helped him dial the number of Qingshan Mental Hospital.

"Hey, the patient escaped from your mental hospital last time, and came to our place to talk nonsense again."

"Yes, yes, that Zhang, the one with delusional disorder, always thinks he has invented a patent for heart disease, and is a mad scientist."

"Alas, you should keep a closer eye on people, and let such people run out every few days."

Jiang Yuan: emmmmm

Seeing this scene, he seemed to understand why Zhao Zixing's face was so strange just now.

It turned out that there were many mental patients who thought they had invented extremely special patents and came to this patent office to make trouble every day.

Yao Xianxian's face flushed with shame, feeling very embarrassed.

She came here because she wanted to apply for a patent for heart disease, just like that mental patient, it was so embarrassing.

Her lips moved a few times, but she couldn't say anything.

However, Jiang Yuan said calmly: "In fact, we have a patent for heart disease that we want to apply for."

Zhao Zixing was originally serious, but when he heard Jiang Yuan talking about heart disease, he really couldn't hold it back.

I live in Bengbu~~

He couldn't help laughing out loud: "Sorry, I usually don't laugh like this."

Then he added: "Unless I can't help it."

For his rudeness, even Yao Xianxian felt that her senior brother was a little too much.

Obviously, Zhao Zixing was very upset with Jiang Yuan because of Zhao Jing's matter, so he took the opportunity to laugh at him.

However, Jiang Yuan was very calm. You talk to an ant about the vastness of the sky, which is naturally like talking to a cow.

Only an eagle can understand what kind of charm the boundless sky has.

And at this moment, a middle-aged man not far from the rest area suddenly said.

"Oh? This young man is so young, but he wants to apply for a patent in the field of heart disease. I am not talented, but I would like to ask you for advice."

This voice is quite familiar. Zhao Zixing quickly turned around to see who it was, and immediately cried out: "Master Liu, it's you! You are here too!"

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