The two of them were very happy.

Jiang Yuan has sharp eyebrows and bright eyes, a handsome figure, and an indescribable elegant temperament.

His appearance immediately made all the women in the audience brighten their eyes, and even many men felt a little surprised.

This guy is handsome!

Tang Chenxin's eyes turned red slightly, and she almost shed tears. She was very moved.

She knew that Jiang Yuan came today for her, for her call for help.

Today is the 100th birthday of the Tang family, and the four major families are all here!

Any young person would be scared in such a big scene.

In such an occasion, if you are not careful, it will be a disaster.

But Jiang Yuan ignored the danger and used some unknown method to ask the bigwigs of the Science and Technology Bureau to take advantage of the situation.

As the saying goes, it is easy to find a priceless treasure, but it is hard to find a lover. This kind of sincerity will undoubtedly make any woman look sideways.

Miss Tang moved her body and wanted to rush to Jiang Yuan's arms regardless of everything.

But as soon as she moved, she found that her wrist was tightly clamped by her father Tang Long and she couldn't move at all.

She trembled all over, turned back a little uncomfortably, and asked: ""

Tang Long remained silent, but half of his face was immersed in the shadow. In a trance, he was like a majestic demon god controlling the darkness.

Tang Chenxin had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​taking the initiative to step forward, knowing that her father was still unwilling to agree to her relationship with Jiang Yuan.

After all, Tang Long had already made an appointment with the Zhang family in private, and Tang Chenxin would definitely marry the other party. If it was seen in public, especially in front of the Zhang family, that Miss Tang and Jiang Yuan had an intimate relationship, it would undoubtedly make Tang Long lose face, and he would inevitably be labeled as a person who did not keep his word.

Miss Tang could not come forward, but Sun Yunge took the lead and walked to the front to receive Jiang Yuan.

"Jiang Yuan, I didn't expect to meet you again so soon." Sun Yunge said with a smile.

She held Jiang Yuan with both hands, like a soft little sister next door, exuding a faint scent of lilies.

Sun Yunge's skin was fair, her face was white and tender, and she was really a beautiful girl from a close distance.

Jiang Yuan also smiled at her, and then naturally followed her into the banquet.

However, Jiang Yuan had just entered the table and was about to sit down, but a staff member, under the instruction of someone with ulterior motives, took the lead in making trouble.

He politely asked Jiang Yuan: "Sir, our banquet is by invitation only. May I ask who invited you?"

Before Jiang Yuan answered, Miss Tang wanted to answer loudly that she invited him.

But just as she was about to speak, her father Tang Long beside her stared at her coldly and signaled her not to speak.

Tang Chenxin's heart trembled, but although she was afraid of her father's accumulated power, she didn't want to see Jiang Yuan embarrassed, so she was ready to bite the bullet and go against her father and disobey his orders.

But before she spoke, the head of the Sun family where Sun Yunge was, helped to speak.

"This gentleman was invited by our Sun family. He is a good friend of our Yunge."

Jiang Yuan looked at the head of the Sun family with some surprise.

He didn't know him, but he was willing to help him out. It was really a signal of goodwill and willingness to make friends with him.

This is a middle-aged man about 40 years old, with a slightly fat body and a silly face, but his big and bright eyes look quite reliable.

Jiang Yuan felt a warmth in his hand, and found that Sun Yunge had placed her hand on his hand without knowing when.

She smiled, and was obviously very happy about his arrival. Perhaps it was because of this that the head of the Sun family was willing to help him out.

The Sun and Lin families have always been of the same blood and prosper together.

Seeing that Jiang Yuan was a good friend of the Sun family, the head of the Lin family was naturally quite friendly to Jiang Yuan.

The heads of the Sun and Lin families warmly arranged for Jiang Yuan to sit down, and arranged a relatively good seat, which can be said to be quite kind to Jiang Yuan.

Among the Zhang family, especially the petty Zhang Jinghua, when he saw Jiang Yuan, he immediately felt itchy and wanted to find an opportunity to abuse Jiang Yuan and make him lose face.

Zhang Simei felt a little bitter in her heart. At this moment, she was the only one in the Zhang family who knew that Jiang Yuan was not someone they could afford to provoke.

She glanced at Fang

The three directors from the Science and Technology Bureau.

As expected, after Jiang Yuan appeared and sat down, they naturally picked up their wine and stood up.

Including the seven masters of the Patent Office and Master Liu, almost all of them stood up with a glass of wine.

The guests around were a little confused by their sudden actions, and they were confused, obviously not knowing what was going on.

"Are they going to toast to Old Lady Tang? But it's not the stage yet!"

"What is this for? Is it the mysterious person who entrusted them to give gifts?"

"Why are these dozen big guys going in the same direction!"

"Big people, there must be big people hiding in our banquet!"

And in full view of the public, these dozen big guys who are respected and loved by countless people actually walked to Jiang Yuan's table one after another!

Then they respectfully toasted Jiang Yuan one by one to show their friendship.

Master Liu smiled and said, "Friend Jiang Yuan, how are you? The gift you entrusted to me has been given."

The seven heroes of the Patent Office also said respectfully, "Jiang Yuan, the things you entrusted to us have been completed, and there are no mistakes."

Although the three bureaus of the Science and Technology Bureau did not show any flattery, they also toasted with the etiquette of peers: "The gift you entrusted to us has been given."

Sun Yunge was pouring wine for Jiang Yuan on the side, but the sudden arrival of more than a dozen big men toasted Jiang Yuan one by one, which immediately made her a little confused and at a loss!

Each of these people is a well-known existence, but they actually came to Jiang Yuan's table at the same time to drink and chat with him, which is really scary.

Even though Sun Yunge has seen the world, she has never seen such a scene. Her hand couldn't help shaking, and a glass of wine fell directly on the table, spilling a flower of wine.

Not to mention Sun Yunge, the reaction of others was even greater.

More than a dozen big men toasted Jiang Yuan together, and said any completed words at the same time.

This scene immediately shocked the heads of the four major families in the audience.

Jiang Yuan's sudden visit did not make them think that the mysterious man who asked someone to give the gift had any relationship with Jiang Yuan. At best, he was just a passerby who had some relationship with Sun Yunge.

But the current situation, all pointed to one result!

And the truth gradually surfaced.

Jiang Yuan, perhaps, was the mysterious big man who asked someone to give the gift!

Even Tang Long, who was as calm as a mountain and had an unfathomable temperament, couldn't help shrinking his pupils slightly, and was a little unbelievable.

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