The truth is that the matter is not simple.

Jiang Yuan raised his eyebrows, feeling that the matter was not simple.

This matter has been going around in circles, and I didn't expect that the final truth was related to Ye Yiran's true life experience.

"What is her true life experience?"

"If she is not her biological child, her mother insists that she is her child..."

"Could it be that something big happened back then, and Ye Yiran's mother was in a hurry to conceal the truth, and she was willing to sacrifice a lot to deceive everyone?" Jiang Yuan guessed.

Hearing Jiang Yuan's speculation, Sun Yunge's eyes flashed with admiration.

Although Jiang Yuan's guess was not completely correct, it was not far from the truth.

Sun Yunge explained: "Ye Yiran's real parents are very powerful. Even our intelligence network can't find any information about them. We only know that they are encrypted at the highest level."

"Something did happen back then, and the Zhang family was also involved. We only have some information about the specific things. The only thing we can be sure of is that Ye Yiran is very dangerous in their eyes and is regarded as a thorn in their eyes and a thorn in their flesh."

Jiang Yuan frowned, feeling that this matter was getting more and more strange.

I'm afraid that even Sun Yunge can't fully know the truth behind this confusing matter.

In other words, the Sun family has key information, but they may not share it with me.

After all, this matter involves a lot of things, and it is generally not allowed to be leaked.

Sun Yunge is willing to tell me about this matter and provide information channels, I'm afraid she has already borne huge consequences.

If her family knew about it, I'm afraid she would be punished.

Jiang Yuan's eyes flashed, and he said, "Tell me, is there any way to investigate this matter?"

Sun Yunge nodded and said, "I know a capable person who hides his name in Beijing. She may have the information you want, but her personality is very strange. You need to deal with her yourself."

Jiang Yuan hummed and asked Sun Yunge for the address and phone number of this so-called capable person.

Since this matter involves Ye Yiran's life, I am afraid that if I don't take action, she will suffer a catastrophe.

At present, it is necessary to find information and investigate the truth of the incident, including Ye Yiran's true life experience.

"As for Ye Yiran, I know you care about her very much, so I have found some people to protect her secretly, don't worry." Sun Yunge smiled considerately.

Hearing this, Jiang Yuan also looked at her unexpectedly.

Unexpectedly, this little jealous person is very sensible.

Jiang Yuan gently embraced her slender waist and chuckled, "You are very thoughtful."

Sun Yunge stuck out her tongue and smiled sweetly, "If I wasn't afraid that you would be sad after knowing that she had an accident, I would hope that something would happen to her."

This sentence was what she really thought.

Women's jealousy is terrible.

However, what Sun Yunge didn't want to happen was that Jiang Yuan was sad.

Jiang Yuan was moved and hugged her. At the same time, he asked in her ear, "Tell me more about that capable person."

Sun Yunge hummed and whispered in Jiang Yuan's ear about that person's personality, preferences, and general situation.

Jiang Yuan secretly wrote down everything. As long as he found this person and got all the truth about Ye Yiran from her, the truth would naturally come to light, and he could officially take action.

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