The two girls were so busy that they had to go out to meet each other.

Jiang Yuan was calm and composed. He would not be so proud of the three active girls that he would forget the purpose of his trip. He had seen many women before. The key to his trip was to destroy Tang Long's plan and complete the old lady's instructions.

He had the insight of an eagle, always paying attention to Tang Xiaoyi's vicinity to see if there were any suspicious and threatening targets that needed to be eliminated.

In fact, within just fifteen minutes, no less than ten boys had invited Tang Xiaoyi and Tang Chenxin to spend time with them alone.

However, Tang Chenxin naturally could not agree to any of them, and she was quite diligent in urging Tang Xiaoyi to try to make friends.

Unfortunately, Tang Xiaoyi kept shaking her head.

"This one is too fat... I don't like it."

"This one is too thin... I don't like it either."

"This one is neither fat nor thin... but it has no characteristics, I don't like it either."

She found a few excuses and simply rejected the men who came to invite her.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuan naturally felt a little relieved. However, with his excellent experience, he keenly realized that those men basically had no fighting power and threat.

The men who really have threatening power are actually still dormant, waiting for a perfect opportunity to act.

In fact, there are many old hands among them, and they naturally understand the importance of the first impression very clearly. It is only a bad strategy to rashly alert the snake.

This ice-breaking interaction is only the most basic link, and even the link that is most likely to lose points. For big prey, they naturally chose to stay put, find a suitable time to make a move, and leave a perfect first impression. This is the best strategy.

Jiang Yuan was naturally well aware of this. He looked around with interest, wanting to see which outstanding men would appear to compete for Tang Xiaoyi and her sister.

About fifteen minutes later, Miss Yin Tianqing, who was full of wild charm, came back and returned to Jiang Yuan.

She smiled and said, "Jiang Yuan, I have good news to tell you."

Jiang Yuan asked curiously, "What good news?"

Yin Tianqing said, "My cousin is Yin Tiansheng. He thinks one of your sisters is very good, so he wants to get in touch with her further."

Jiang Yuan said, "Oh," and looked at her with a smile, saying, "Is this good news?"

"Of course it's good news, great news."

Yin Tianqing smiled quite unbridled and confidently.

She introduced: "Our Yin family is also a well-known figure in the art circle. I know your sister. She is a famous female star, but my brother likes another one. He thinks that the one is younger and has more potential. He is confident that he can train her into a perfect woman."

Jiang Yuan knew that her brother's favorite was naturally Tang Xiaoyi.

Jiang Yuan shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, my sister seems to be in a bad mood today. I'm afraid your brother's hope will be dashed."

Yin Tianqing smiled mysteriously and said: "That's not necessarily the case. After the first stage of ice-breaking interaction, it will be the stage of hobby exchange. This is a very interesting stage. You just wait and see."

Jiang Yuan said: "I am looking forward to it."

Sure enough, the next stage of the social gathering soon went on naturally.

Although there is no decent host here, most of the people who can be invited to attend this kind of banquet are people with excellent qualities and do not need special hosts.

The so-called hobby exchange stage is one of the main purposes of the social gathering, to show one's own hobbies and interests in order to capture the hearts of the opposite sex.

However, although the original intention of this stage is good, it is a pity that most people regard this stage as the Versailles stage and start various operations.

However, the order of display is entirely voluntary. Only the most daring and proactive girl was heard to speak loudly: "If no one wants to compete with me, then I will go first."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes were focused on Yin Tianqing. It turned out that she was the first to take the lead in the display stage.

"That's Yin Tianqing, from the Yin family. It's better for us not to compete with her for the order."

"The Yin family has a high reputation in the small circle, and although it is a small circle, the smaller the circle, the more valuable it is.

Big. "

"Let's not offend this woman easily, let's see how she shows herself."

Yin Tianqing looked around, her wild eyes were so bright that many men with timid personalities didn't dare to look at her at all, so they had to lower their heads. She was quite disdainful of such people.

But when she saw Jiang Yuan, her eyes were full of brilliance again. Jiang Yuan's eyes were as bright as stars, and he looked at him quietly, as if he was still calm even if Mount Tai collapsed in front of him.

"This is a real man, Jiang Yuan, wait and see my performance. "Yin Tianqing's heart was filled with a desire to perform and a fiery passion.

She clapped her hands gently and ordered six servants to bring in a piano covered by a curtain.

Soon, everyone saw her slender hands gently lift the curtain, revealing the true face of the piano.

The whole body of the piano was azure blue, and the material was extremely expensive, as if it was made of the most precious and luxurious crystal in the world, reflecting a magnificent brilliance.

"This is... Bolans's crystal series of top-quality pianos!"

"She actually brought this piano with her, how arrogant."

"It's just a piano performance, but she actually brought this masterpiece that can be regarded as a family heirloom and is so willful. "

Many people were surprised, and some were even stunned. Logically speaking, this kind of piano would not be easily shown to the public, and only on some rare occasions would people be willing to take it out to share this extremely unique beauty with others.

Yin Tianqing hummed softly in her heart. This piano was just rushed from her home by her special order.

She glanced at Jiang Yuan lightly, and a ripple appeared in her heart. If she hadn't seen a boy like Jiang Yuan who suited her taste, she would naturally not have tuned out this precious piano.

Her purpose was very clear and simple. In this stage of showing her hobby, she played a piano piece with this precious piano to attract Jiang Yuan's attention.

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