The two of them were very happy to share the tickets.

Just as Jiang Yuan and Yao Wenwen were happily dividing the tickets, a young man and woman not far away frowned at them.

"Brother, this is Professor Qin's speech. So many people have tried to get tickets but couldn't get them. How can someone be playing games here? It's too disrespectful to our organizer!" The girl pouted in anger, looking extremely dissatisfied.

"It's really a bit too much. Professor Qin is a special guest of our university. We spent a lot of effort and sincerity to invite him here. If he sees someone playing games absent-mindedly, it would be too embarrassing for our school." The man was also a little unhappy.

The status of these two people in this university is not low, because they are both students favored by Professor Qin. Therefore, on weekdays on campus, even many academic professors have to give them some face. Otherwise, offending Professor Qin behind them is undoubtedly a disaster.

Not only that, the two have also received many conveniences in the school because of Professor Qin. In order to appreciate Professor Qin's kindness, the two also respect Professor Qin very much. Anything that will threaten his reputation will never be allowed to happen in their hearts.

Having said that, the two did not have much to do. At most, they could only give Jiang Yuan a verbal warning. Judging from his dress, Jiang Yuan is not a student in the school after all.

"Brother, let's not rashly give a verbal warning, lest it be seen by Professor Qin, or wait and see, he may restrain himself a little, after all, there are so many people here." The girl hesitated.

The young man nodded with an unhappy look on his face, but his eyes stared at Jiang Yuan unhappily.

In fact, there is another small reason why he is so unhappy. He was already in his second year of graduate school, but he had not had a girlfriend since he entered college. Seeing that Jiang Yuan had a goddess like Yao Wenwen playing games with him, he naturally felt a bit of inexplicable jealousy in his heart.

Of course, he could not tell his sister about this. He still had to be shameless.

Just over half an hour later, the brother and sister were surprised and a little angry to find that Jiang Yuan and his partner were playing more and more vigorously, and even brought several unfamiliar girls around to play games together.

Jiang Yuan's amazing social skills immediately surprised and angered the brother and sister.

It turned out that Jiang Yuan was a person with a very good personality, and his figure and appearance were quite good. It happened that most of the seats in the lecture area were female medical students, who were always rushing around in boring laboratories on weekdays. Under the ivory tower of the school, their minds were relatively simple. Now that they met such an interesting person like Jiang Yuan, they were naturally taken to play together.

Besides, Jiang Yuan played the game quite well. He repeatedly turned the tide in the mid-lane position, and played some heroes with particularly good operation, which immediately won the favor of many young ladies.

"Little brother, you play the game really well. What's your name?" One of the strange young ladies who played the auxiliary suddenly said to Jiang Yuan shyly.

"Oh, my name is Jiang Sheng." Jiang Yuan lied a little and did not tell his real name. After all, the situation is special now, it is best not to easily expose his whereabouts.

"You play the game really well. Let's play again next time. Can you give me your WeChat?" The young lady asked hesitantly.

Of course, playing games is fake, and many discerning people are watching this scene with a smile. They all saw that this little girl might have taken a fancy to Jiang Yuan.

"Sorry, no, I don't add strangers." Jiang Yuan politely refused.

The young lady showed an extremely disappointed expression and looked at Jiang Yuan with some resentment.

Several other strange ladies around secretly breathed a sigh of relief. They were still complaining that they didn't have the courage to ask Jiang Yuan for his contact information, but were beaten to it by other women.

But now seeing Jiang Yuan reject this girl so straightforwardly, they suddenly felt a burst of hope in their hearts, and there was also a little unknown gloating.

In fact, the reason why Jiang Yuan rejected this young lady was also very simple and pure. Just kidding, Yao Xianxian and Yao Wenwen were right next to him, and it was too disrespectful to make trouble in front of them.

Not far away, the young man who was extremely dissatisfied with Jiang Yuan's behavior of playing games just now suddenly stopped his heart.

Because he saw the face of this young lady clearly, this was the goddess he had been thinking about when he first went to college!

When he first entered college, he was ignorant and rushed forward fearlessly when he saw the object of his affection. As a result, he naturally became a pitiful licking dog.

He was heartbroken and depressed for a long time. It was not until he entered graduate school that his heart disease was relieved. But he did not expect that he would meet his goddess again in such an occasion today.

He had imagined countless times what a romantic encounter this day would be.

But what he did not expect was that today he saw his goddess actively asking for contact information from others and was even rejected.

At this moment, his jealousy towards Jiang Yuan was like a flame, and he was extremely excited!

However, Jiang Yuan, the person involved, did not feel anything about the man's mental explosion. He pulled Yao Xianxian's nervous hand and said, "Don't be too nervous."

Yao Xianxian reluctantly hummed, but her trembling body exposed her restless mentality.

It was not until the middle of the speech that she mustered up the courage to hand over the materials she had worked on all night to Professor Qin's assistant.

However, the assistant's attitude was quite indifferent, and he just hastily put away the information bag.

"Okay, go back and wait for notification." The assistant said indifferently.

After that, he did not say anything more.

Seeing his attitude, Yao Xianxian felt a little aggrieved. It was not that she could not accept her failure, but the other party did not even look at her things, which she had worked hard to prepare for a long time. It was too arrogant.

But after all, there were too many people who came here to submit materials. I don't know how many people wanted to join Professor Qin's laboratory and add a bright spot to their resumes. And there were actually too many ordinary girls like Yao Xianxian.

This assistant has been with Professor Qin for a certain number of years, and naturally knows what kind of people have opportunities, what kind of people should be given opportunities, and what kind of people are too lazy to care about.

The lickspittle youth not far away said disdainfully: "You are overestimating yourself. How can Professor Qin be interested in such an ordinary student? The conditions for recruiting people in our laboratory are to be ranked in the top three among the top ten professors."

His sister also nodded in agreement. The two of them have been following Professor Qin for more than a year. What kind of genius students have they not seen? Even if they are going to recruit someone, they will not be so hasty.

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