After a while, the two sides finally met.

Fifteen minutes later, Jiang Yuan said a few words, and Mr. Qin arranged a secluded office for him to ensure that no one would disturb him.

Jiang Yuan looked at the time and turned on the video conference.

The senior executives of Yuanmei's board of directors have basically connected to the video conference.

But many of them have a gloomy and lost look on their faces.

The financial report of the last quarter showed a serious deficit, and the company's situation was extremely bleak.

Everyone knows what this means. When the profit situation is very worrying, normal people will generally shrink the company's projects, that is, tighten their belts to live.

The decline and demise of every company often starts from this step.

Seeing this company, which should have had a promising future, gradually decline, many people have mixed feelings in their hearts.

This company is the result of their hard work and they have great feelings for it.

But as the sky will rain and the mother will marry, there is actually no way for them to change many things, and they can only accept them silently.

But this feeling of disappointment gradually spread.

Seeing these people so disappointed, Jiang Yuan couldn't help but want to say a few words to comfort everyone.

But before he had time to speak, a senior executive took the lead and said without hesitation: "Mr. Jiang, I hope to resign from my current position as executive director, I hope you will approve!"

Hearing this, Jiang Yuan couldn't help but glance at this person.

This is a middle-aged woman with a very pointed chin and shrewd eyes. She looks like an extremely shrewd woman.

Generally, this kind of woman is the most realistic.

This kind of people are usually fence-sitters who change their minds according to the wind.

Obviously, she saw that the company was about to decline, so she was ready to go to the next company.

As if to confirm Jiang Yuan's guess, his female secretary quietly opened the small window and sent the woman's information.

"Her name is Song Yuan. She is the executive director of three projects in our company. She has been in the industry for fifteen years and has an excellent resume."

"It is said that two foreign game companies have already invited her to join the company and hope that she will join."

"Mr. Jiang, you'd better keep her. She is one of the core backbones of our company. If she leaves, it will undoubtedly have a drastic impact on the mentality of our employees."

Jiang Yuan glanced at Song Yuan, and then at the gloomy board of directors. He didn't think there were too many surprises in his heart.

Many people can share happiness, but more people can't share hardships. Generally, such people are also called sophisticated egoists.

It is obvious that they are ready to abandon the original company when they see that there is a better next home with better conditions and benefits.

As for the so-called sharing of happiness and hardships, it does not exist.

He did not intend to adopt the female secretary's suggestion.

Since others are leaving, why should they stay?

When the other party said he wanted to resign, he had clearly analyzed the relationship of interest, and it was impossible for him to be convinced with just a few words.

Jiang Yuan said indifferently: "Well, I agree."

Seeing Jiang Yuan like this, Song Yuan looked at him with some surprise.

She originally thought that if she wanted to leave, Jiang Yuan would definitely try to keep her, and she would then give a tactful reason.

This is usually the process.

But she didn't expect Jiang Yuan to agree to her resignation application so decisively.

"It seems that Mr. Jiang has given up, right? That's why he let me go so easily." Song Yuan thought to herself.

"After all, he is a young man, and his mentality is bad. But think about it, if someone doesn't give up in this situation, he is really an iron man."

When the other people on the board saw that Jiang Yuan agreed to her resignation application, they all sighed.

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