The old man was so angry that he was forced to leave.

Jiang Yuan looked at these old classmates and suddenly showed a helpless expression.

Just because it was such a coincidence, the so-called top-notch pharmaceutical company in their mouths was actually just a bait company.

This was just a tool for Zhou Ziyang and himself to join forces to swallow up the four major families.

But for some unknown reason, the news leaked out and fell into the ears of these Versailles idiot male classmates.

Because the preliminary work was done very well, Zhou Ziyang did not hesitate to use all the power he could to set this trap.

Therefore, in the eyes of these male classmates, this pharmaceutical company is simply a sweet potato, and it comes with money.

As long as they can buy the stocks of this company, it is equivalent to boarding this ship and leading to the other side of wealth and honor.

But they naturally cannot know that the other side of the other side is just a trap set by Jiang Yuan and the others.

This really makes people feel a little speechless. Jiang Yuan naturally cannot risk exposing his plan to remind these male classmates.

"Ah, this... If they all go all in, wouldn't I have cheated all these old classmates." Jiang Yuan's face was inevitably a little strange.

"Why don't I go back and compensate these retail investors a little bit? My main target is the four major families."

Even if Jiang Yuan believes that his iron-blooded methods are almost cold-blooded, just a sickle that harvests greedy people nakedly.

But once he harvested his former friends, he still couldn't help but feel a little bit of pity.

However, many people in the chat group suddenly mentioned themselves.

"You think that with such a good opportunity this time, the more you buy, the more you earn?"

"That's not right. The richer the students are, the more they earn."

"Then should we notify Jiang Yuan? It is said that this kid has been doing very well recently."

"Yes, once this kid has this information, his wealth will probably increase a lot."

Hearing their words, Jiang Yuan was even more amused.

When the male classmates heard Jiang Yuan's name, they immediately became excited.

Who is Jiang Yuan?

When he was in school, he was a true male god. He had better grades than them, and he was taller and more handsome than them.

They always felt a little ashamed in front of Jiang Yuan.

And what they are most confident about now is that they are now engaged in the financial industry in the capital market, have investment methods, and can make some money with everyone.

These students who love Versailles became even more excited.

They collectively @ Jiang Yuan and started to talk about him fiercely at the same time.

"Brother Yuanzi, we have top secret information here. Follow us and buy a stock. The more you buy, the more you earn."

"All in, Jiang Yuan, you must all in! This is the core information among the core, you have to listen to us."

"We spent a huge price to get this information this time, and we are here to help everyone make money. You have to trust us."

Jiang Yuan: ...

He thought for a while, and didn't know how to reply to these Versailles male classmates, so he had to pretend not to see it.

And just after this group was lively for half an hour, something that shocked everyone suddenly happened.

The new stock of this pharmaceutical company suddenly plummeted!

The male classmates who were just excited and enthusiastic and pointed at Jiang Yuan suddenly felt like they were falling into an ice cellar.

Jiang Yuan's mouth corners slightly raised, he knew that his fish had been hooked, and Zhou Ziyang had already entered the stage of closing the net.

His assets will soar again with this incident.

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