The more money you get, the more you will be rewarded.

Jiang Yuan couldn't help but look at this woman with a new eye. It turns out that greed for money is human nature, and only people with great ambitions can restrain themselves.

This woman was able to deal with this temptation calmly, and only wanted a big data backup of the client.

"This person has great ambitions. Now is the time to use people. It's okay to entrust her with some things to try." Jiang Yuan said secretly.

"Think tanks on the international stage will definitely not be as easy to buy as Zhang's think tanks. On the real big stage, some helpers are always needed."

After Jiang Yuan made up his mind, he carefully looked at Xiaoyan's appearance.

She has long straight black hair like a goddess. Through her thin bangs, you can clearly see a pair of willow-like eyebrows. Her pupils are as clear as autumn water. She is a little more cold and unapproachable than ordinary girls. Obviously, she is a very rational woman.

Jiang Yuan called out the system and scanned it quietly.

[Name: Ye Yayan]

[Age: 23]

[Appearance: 9.9]

[Specialty: Management and Analysis (Advanced)]

[Loyalty: 56]

[Warning: Low loyalty is very likely to cause betrayal]

Jiang Yuan was quite satisfied with the data of the first few items, but when he saw the loyalty column, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"It doesn't matter. I will make this woman convinced of me step by step." Jiang Yuan said secretly.

"I don't need to use other things. I want her to work for me willingly!"

Then, Jiang Yuan continued to sweep the Zhang family's treasure house.

Most of the savings here are used by the Zhang family to prepare for a rainy day. The ancestral precepts and wills say that if the Zhang family encounters an unimaginable change and collapses one day, they can use the savings in this warehouse to make a comeback.

Most of this information was learned by Jiang Yuan from the people in the Zhang family think tank who were bribed by him.

Because there are too many things here, Jiang Yuan glanced at it and asked Xiaoyan to prepare a list for him to review.

He searched alone, trying to see if he could find some files about Ye Yiran's incident in the past.

However, there are too many files here, and most of them are old file bags. A slight search will cause a burst of dust, which makes Jiang Yuan frown constantly.

While he was looking through the files, Xiaoyan quickly sorted out a list of most of the assets here.

[The total number of antiques is 317: "Abundant Harvest", "Golden Jade Marriage", "Blue Sky", "Good Luck"...]

[The total number of famous wines is 1036 bottles]

[The total number of gold accessories is 2013 pieces]

[The total number of jade accessories is 2046 pieces]


There are so many valuable items here that the list alone took up about three A4 sheets of paper, which is enough to show how terrifying the Zhang family's century-old savings are.

Jiang Yuan looked at these things and couldn't help but feel a sense of joy of harvest.

His own ten consecutive draws can certainly deliver goods, but here, a lot of good things are directly exploded like gold coins, which is obviously more efficient.

"These old guys of the Zhang family rely on squeezing workers to make a lot of money, and they have accumulated so much wealth, hum." Jiang Yuan snorted.

"I use these things to do good things for our Dragon Country, this is the reasonable use."

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