The weather was very good, but the weather was very good.

Jiang Yuan walked straight in the suburban forest.

He thought that this time there would be some twists and turns, at least some trouble.

But what was surprising was that things were not as complicated as he imagined.

Things were very simple, even a little too simple.

Xiao Guo and Guo Zichen's parents were found in a wooden house 600 meters away almost immediately.

"Mom and Dad, it's great!" Guo Zichen cried with joy and almost flew into the arms of the two elders.

It's just that their parents seemed a little unclear, perhaps because of long-term hunger, they didn't even have the ability to move.

Xiao Guo couldn't help but redden his eyes. Seeing his parents escape death, he almost had the impulse of shouting for joy.

"Is the matter resolved just like that?" Qinglian Shuangjie was a little stunned.

"We just came into this ghost place, and even two of us were poisoned by a strange poison and went to the hospital, but we didn't expect the hostages to be resolved so quickly?"

Jiang Yuan frowned and asked, "Are their parents also poisoned, so they are not conscious?"

Qinglian Shuangjie carefully checked, then shook his head and denied, "No, they should just be in shock because they haven't eaten for a long time."

Jiang Yuan pondered for a moment and ordered, "You two escort them out, I will go to find the Su family myself, they should not have left here yet."

Qinglian Shuangjie's face changed, and he said decisively, "How can this be! Our mission is to protect you, this is our fundamental purpose, how can we leave you and protect others? We absolutely can't do this."

Hearing them speak so decisively, Jiang Yuan nodded, and ordered his two personal bodyguards to protect Xiao Guo's family and leave here.

Although he only had three god-level bodyguards, if the remaining one cooperated with the Qinglian Twins, it should be no problem to deal with the Su family.

According to the confidential intelligence previously investigated, the Su family should be about a thousand meters ahead.

Jiang Yuan decided to cut the Gordian knot and rushed directly to Su Tianfei's territory to confront him face to face.

But when he arrived at his destination more than ten minutes later, there was only an old man waiting for him.

"Hello, Jiang Yuan." The old man held a cup of coffee and began to introduce himself.

"I am the secretary of President Su. I have been waiting for you here for a long time."

Then, he stood up and pointed to the seat next to him, motioning Jiang Yuan to sit down.

He personally ground the coffee beans for Jiang Yuan, brewed a cup of hot coffee, and handed it to Jiang Yuan.

This action was like facing an old friend who had known each other for many years.

Jiang Yuan had a blank expression on his face and asked, "Where is Su Tianfei? You want to be a coward, right?"

The old secretary was not angry at all, but laughed and said, "I can solve the problem, why bother Mr. Su?"

Jiang Yuan said lightly, "Oh", and did not comment.

The old secretary smiled as if facing an old friend, "I used to like a female star very much. She was praised as a young and beautiful girl and had never been in love."

Jiang Yuan tilted his head and said, "Female star?"

The old secretary continued, "I would listen to every song of hers, watch every movie of hers, and buy her autobiography."

"But one day, it was revealed that she had already secretly married and had children."

"Later, I couldn't watch her songs, her movies, and her autobiography anymore... But she actually never changed. It was only my mind that changed."

Jiang Yuan sneered, "You want to say that ignorance is actually a kind of happiness, right?"

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