The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

Jiang Yuan's eyes were cold and his excitement was mixed with a few crazy instincts.

He hadn't exercised for a long time, and he wanted to experience the vitality of exercise.

What's more, since he came to S City this time, he had been brewing an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

Xiao Guo had saved his life in the past.

If he hadn't rescued himself in that fire, he would have died in the ashes, and it would be difficult for him to have everything today.

According to common sense, such a brother should repay his parents as his own parents.

But fate played tricks on him, and Xiao Guo's heart was born with a huge problem.

This problem is extremely difficult and cannot be easily solved by any medicine.

Unless they can find one or two of the few remaining medical experts of the age of 70, they will definitely not be able to live for a few years.

In other words, the lives of their brothers are like candles in the wind, which may be extinguished at any time.

This matter has always been a thorn in Jiang Yuan's throat.

In fact, every time Jiang Yuan thinks of this matter, he can't help but feel irritated.

It is not easy to find medical experts of that level. Which of them is not protected by special protection?

After all, such people have reached a point that any country wants to compete for.

As long as you get one or two of them, it is equivalent to having the economic ability to monopolize a region's classified medical care.

With such extremely powerful economic benefits, which large capital enterprise is not eager to find talents?

Therefore, such top medical experts are usually strictly protected and cannot be easily found.

It is impossible to publicly provide such confidential information anywhere.

Jiang Yuan knows all these things, so he really wants to vent violently.

If you hold back a lot of emotions for a long time, it is easy to hurt your body.

And today is a good time for him to vent his emotions.

It just so happens that he is in a good mood today and really wants to test how powerful the god-level fighting skills he once obtained are.

The two heroes of Qinglian are already very powerful people. They are the heroes of heaven who can be selected by the Science and Technology Bureau. Even if you look at the world, they can make all forces jealous and fight for them.

Such people happened to be used as appetizers for Jiang Yuan to test his own strength.

The two heroes of Qinglian laughed a lot at first, but when Jiang Yuan made a move, they couldn't even see the movement clearly, and they felt that their throats were stuck by a huge fish bone.

Jiang Yuan's right hand, like a chain from hell, grabbed their throats fiercely.

From beginning to end, they even just saw Jiang Yuan's figure flashing, and then they became fish meat at the mercy of others!

"Uh uh... you, how is it possible?"

At this moment, a sound like a drake came out of their throats.

The two of them really could not have dreamed that after Jiang Yuan was invaded by ciguatera toxin, his body functions should have been less than one-tenth of it.

"How could you have found a drug to treat your toxin?" Su Tianfei said with a stiff face.

"Even we haven't found any special medicine, and you have it?"

"Antidote? There is no need for that kind of thing." Jiang Yuan smiled provocatively.

"To deal with small characters like you, one-tenth of the ability is more than enough, right?"

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