The old man was so angry that he was about to die.

Jiang Yuan's words were like the sound of a fairy, which instantly lifted the old man's spirits.

"Whatever you want, I will agree to it!" The old man patted his chest and promised.

"Just ask."

After Jiang Yuan pondered for a moment, he slowly said: "If I can really help your granddaughter to uproot the power of the five major financial groups, or even gradually annex them, then I hope you will promise to respect me and delegate all power to me."

Respect me!

The power is in my hands!

Jiang Yuan's short words made the old man frown tightly, and his face twisted into a chrysanthemum in embarrassment.

If Jiang Yuan made any other request, he would agree immediately without hesitation.

After all, the fact that Jiang Yuan could sit in front of him at this moment already showed that Jiang Yuan's ability was extremely extraordinary, even enough to fight against the giant power behind the Su family.

And the old man had practiced the five arts of numerology and had seen the extraordinaryness of Jiang Yuan. This kind of person is definitely not an ordinary person.

Most of the heroes in troubled times and the great powers in governing the world have this special fate.

If a strong man like Jiang Yuan could help his granddaughter, it would definitely be a great thing.

But the conditions proposed by Jiang Yuan at this moment really made him feel embarrassed and unable to agree immediately.

After all, what Jiang Yuan meant was that if he could really make great achievements in the future and help the old man's granddaughter destroy the five major financial groups, then he must be given the highest power of the team.

If there was no such request, Jiang Yuan would just be a pawn and a worker under those superiors.

But once he agreed, it meant that Jiang Yuan officially joined the ranks of people who played chess.

This identity and position are completely different.

Behind the seemingly simple conditions, the whole pattern is different!

This means a kind of recognition, a kind of honor, and even a fate that is as different as heaven and earth!

Jiang Yuan bowed and smiled: "Old man, you seem to be a little hesitant?"

The old man closed his eyes and pondered for a long time, then opened his eyes and smiled: "Young man, your condition is really too big, I can't afford to hesitate."

Jiang Yuan said nothing, just quietly waiting for the old man to continue.

The old man in his seventies said slowly: "Since ancient times, those who can accomplish things naturally treat their subordinates with clear rewards and punishments, but you have to think about it. Your competitive pressure is not ordinary. My granddaughter actually has a lot of talents under her. Whether it is the talents I left behind and cultivated in the past, or the many celebrities who came here because of my reputation, they are all outstanding."

"Among those top talents, some even have a fate comparable to yours. Their qualifications and talents may not be inferior to yours."

"If you insist on this promise, then fine, I promise you that if you can really help my granddaughter erode and divide the five major financial groups in the future, it means that you have avenged my past and have done a great favor to my granddaughter. I, Li Shirong, am willing to give you the highest power in charge of the Li family."

Until this moment, Jiang Yuan learned that the old man's real name was Li Shirong, which also meant that the old man Li Shirong was officially willing to agree to Jiang Yuan's conditions.

After hearing his promise, Jiang Yuan finally clapped his hands in satisfaction and said with a smile: "Okay, since the old gentleman trusts me, I, Jiang Yuan, will certainly fulfill my mission and protect your granddaughter and avenge the five major financial groups for you."

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