The doctor said that the treatment was successful.

When Tang Yueqin heard that there was a cure for her husband's illness, she invited a very good medical expert to come.

And he could also help her raise funds and help her solve the problem of high medical expenses.

She was immediately surprised and happy, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Tang Yueqin immediately liked Song Xiaofeng very much and had a very good impression of him.

In fact, Tang Yueqin had a very good memory. She still remembered that Song Xiaofeng had pursued Sun Tingting passionately.

At that time, she also specifically asked people that Song Xiaofeng's family was a famous medical enterprise in Nancheng, and their business was very good.

If his daughter had been with someone like Song Xiaofeng who had a promising future and a good family background, he would never have broken up the couple.

But it was not what he wanted, and his daughter Sun Tingting fell in love with a poor man Jiang Yuan.

He was really short-sighted.

But... it seemed that it was not too late to take the opportunity back now.

Once his daughter could marry into a wealthy family, then he, the mother-in-law, would naturally be able to enjoy a good life in the future.

Tang Yueqin was very smart, she was a shrewd and sophisticated middle-aged woman.

Song Xiaofeng would not come to help his family for nothing, he must have come for something, and his purpose was very simple, it should be his daughter Sun Tingting.

Tang Yueqin's eyes flashed, and she began to think about how to make her daughter Sun Tingting accept Song Xiaofeng.

Yao Xiner saw all this, but she did not speak.

What she really wanted to know was what Jiang Yuan's current identity was.

What trump card did he have?

What she cares about is how many cards Song Xiaofeng can make Jiang Yuan play.

Everything today has actually gone far beyond Yao Xiner's plan.

Her original plan was to rely on Sun Tingting's matter to threaten Jiang Yuan to agree to her request.

But now it seems that things have entered another turning point. She is now very curious about Jiang Yuan's true identity.

She does not plan to intervene in this matter for the time being. She plans to watch from the sidelines to see what Jiang Yuan is capable of, or whether he is just bluffing.

For her, Jiang Yuan is a prey, and the more valuable the prey, the more exciting it will be.

She is now looking forward to her prey, which is actually very valuable.

Song Xiaofeng is very good at observing words and expressions, and he also knows the principle of taking advantage of the heat, so he immediately patted his chest to guarantee.

"Auntie, please rest assured, this doctor Jiang will arrive tomorrow at the earliest, and I believe that uncle's condition will be relieved soon."

Hearing Song Xiaofeng's guarantee, the big stone in Tang Yueqin's heart finally fell down.

"But the problem of medical expenses, what should we do..." Tang Yueqin was a little worried.

"Please rest assured about this, just leave it to me." Song Xiaofeng immediately assured.

At the same time, Song Xiaofeng's eyes turned, and he suddenly thought of a good idea to squeeze Jiang Yuan.

So he said loudly, "Classmates. Although my family has connections and can mobilize outside donations, as the saying goes, distant water cannot quench nearby fires."

"The experts will be here tomorrow, but the medical expenses are obviously not sufficient, so I propose to raise funds on the spot to help Sun Tingting's family. I will personally take the lead in donating 100,000 yuan."

100,000 yuan!

Hearing that Song Xiaofeng was going to donate so much money, the faces of other classmates were inevitably shocked.

Song Xiaofeng did this obviously to show off and to be in the limelight.

This is a full 100,000 yuan. According to each person's monthly salary, even if they work in first-tier cities, even if they have a high salary, they only earn 20,000 to 30,000 yuan.

This is equivalent to donating their three months' salary.

"Song Xiaofeng really has some money. It's easy for him to donate so much money."

"He must have other intentions. Look at Sun Tingting's face. Isn't she much prettier than many female internet celebrities?"

"I'm afraid he will really succeed this time."

"Song Xiaofeng is not too stupid. He knows that Sun Tingting's family is in trouble now. He can achieve good results by taking advantage of every opportunity."

Under the leadership of Song Xiaofeng, other students were embarrassed to stand by and watch, and they all started to donate.

"I'll give 5,000."

"I'll give 8,000."

"I'll give 7,000."

"I'll give 10,000."

Everyone's eyes were focused on Song Xiaofeng, only Yao Xiner looked at Jiang Yuan

, somewhat expecting how much money he would give.

Song Xiaofeng also secretly glanced at Jiang Yuan from the corner of his eyes, expecting Jiang Yuan to show a panic expression.

But unfortunately, Jiang Yuan looked calm and seemed not to be affected at all.

"You little brat, you are so good at pretending."

Song Xiaofeng felt unhappy. He hated to see Jiang Yuan like this, pretending.

The most annoying thing was that Sun Tingting's eyes never left Jiang Yuan.

Even after he announced that he would donate 100,000 yuan, she didn't even have time to look at him.

Song Xiaofeng couldn't stand it anymore, and he decided to take the initiative.

"Jiang Yuan, other students have donated, you should donate a little bit, otherwise it would be a pity if you didn't donate money when we came here today." Song Xiaofeng said loudly in a weird tone.

Facing Song Xiaofeng, Jiang Yuan was actually too lazy to argue with such a person.

But it's better to explain it a little.

"I will donate the money, but I can't do it through you. You seem to have embezzled a lot of classmates' class fees when you were in school." Jiang Yuan said lightly.

Jiang Yuan's words were neither salty nor bland. He did not use his financial resources to suppress Song Xiaofeng, but instead told a fact.

Many classmates recalled Song Xiaofeng's despicable character when they were in school.

For a moment, the classmates looked at Song Xiaofeng with hesitation.

Could he still be thinking about embezzling the money?

Song Xiaofeng couldn't hold his face anymore and shouted loudly: "It's okay if you are stingy and don't donate, but don't throw dirty water on me!"

Jiang Yuan's face was very calm, and he said it word by word.

"First of all, I didn't say I won't donate. I will naturally transfer the money to Sun Tingting's family card."

"Secondly, it doesn't make sense for me to donate money. It must go through you. You think too highly of yourself."

"Finally, I didn't throw dirty water on you. I just repeated your old story. If you think this is throwing dirty water, then I can only say that your IQ is too low."

Jiang Yuan's tone was very calm.

But the more Song Xiaofeng listened, the redder his face became. He almost had a high blood pressure attack because of what Jiang Yuan said. His lungs were about to explode.

But he couldn't say anything back, which was the most infuriating thing.

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