The answer was not in a hurry, but Jiang Yuan was thinking over and over again in his heart.

The girl couldn't help showing a sense of appreciation in her eyes, and her pink cheeks like peach blossoms revealed a little smile.

"In fact, you two ladies can also try to answer, maybe you can provide some help to Jiang Yuan." The girl reminded Yao Wenwen and Xiaoyan, the two girls beside her.

Not far away, the hotel management staff of the World Banquet, especially the executives, all focused on the girl.

Compared with those low-level service staff such as waiters, they are now drawing a clear line with Jiangyuan Group and trying their best to win over the people of the Paradise Consortium.

These executives are obviously smarter and did not express their opinions easily, but quietly observed the development of the venue.

Especially facing the girl who asked Jiang Yuan questions, the executives of the World Hotel had a very solemn look in their eyes. Obviously, the identity of this girl made them very afraid.

The attitude of the executives towards Jiang Yuan was a little complicated. On the one hand, they also wanted to keep a distance from him to avoid getting into trouble.

But on the other hand, if Jiang Yuan answered the question and successfully made friends with this girl, then things would not be so simple.

After the two girls accepted the invitation to answer, Xiaoyan and Yao Wenwen looked at each other and couldn't help but start thinking about the answer to the question.

After a moment, Yao Wenwen tried to answer: "I have heard people say that money is a currency, and currency represents a kind of credit."

"Then the essence of wealth should be a strong credit. It is this credit that can be exchanged for all kinds of abundant materials."

Xiao Yan thought for a long time and said slowly: "I think wealth is a kind of wish. It is because of our wish for a better life that we create materials through labor."

After hearing this, the girl couldn't help but applaud, and there was some recognition in her eyes when she looked at the two.

Since these two girls have their own opinions, they are indeed not ordinary people who go with the flow.

But if Jiang Yuan also answered like them, then I am afraid that there will only be disappointment in her heart.

Wealth is credit, wealth is a wish.

These answers are certainly not wrong, but they are just not wrong.

The answer she hopes to see should be more correct.

At this moment, Jiang Yuan, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke.

"Wealth is a kind of power, a supreme power that controls people's life and death, the pain and joy of people's destiny, and the hard work of people's life. It is the hilt of a sharp sword, a dazzling gem inlaid on the tip of a scepter, and a piece of music that can make people intoxicated and dream."


Jiang Yuan's answer is full of domineering and self-confidence.

The girl's eyes lit up, and her evaluation of Jiang Yuan in her heart increased by three or four points.

In fact, there is no standard answer to this kind of question.

But an answer often reveals the heart and spirit of the answerer.

Since ancient times, those who have been able to accomplish great things, without exception, are all great people with arrogant spirits.

Only with such great courage can there be the possibility of achieving a career.

Jiang Yuan's answer has already revealed that he is also a person with lofty ambitions and can accomplish great things.

The girl couldn't help but applaud, this time she felt sincerely and sincerely impressed by Jiang Yuan's answer from the bottom of her heart.

"Congratulations, Jiang Yuan. Your answer is perfect and passed our test." The girl's eyes were as bright as stars.

"Formally introduce myself. My name is Ye Yayan. Nice to meet you."

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