The more you go, the more you will be in trouble.

Jiang Yuan's cold questioning voice was like a sharp sword piercing the heart, nailing the other party to the wall.

A trace of panic and guilt flashed across the staff member's face, but his years of work quality still allowed him to react in time, and he quickly began to lie and quibble without blushing or breathing.

"Sir, you are joking. We are a world hotel here, and we are all professionally trained. We will never have the idea you mentioned. There is no national boundary in hospitality. It's just that we had some misunderstandings just now." The staff member said respectfully.

"Whether you are from Long Country or any other country, you will be treated equally here."

Yao Wenwen, who was standing by, almost gritted her teeth and became furious.

These people are too good at saying one thing and doing another.

This kind of superb acting skills, even if you go to a professional movie studio and pull a few second- or third-tier actors, it will not be much better.

He clearly saw the bullying of Long Country people just now, and determined that Long Country people would not take revenge for personal reasons, and even if they retaliated, the consequences would not be too serious, so he dared to provoke them maliciously.

Jiang Yuan's cold eyes flashed like lightning, and he would not be fooled by such people so easily.

In the past, some small people who were not open-minded had offended him, but Jiang Yuan was actually too lazy to deal with such inferior people, so he did not teach them too many lessons.

After all, those people are Long Country people, our own people.

But the situation this time is very different.

This is not only a foreigner, but he also tacitly admits that the Long people are weak and can be bullied!

The nature of this matter is completely different.

The Long people have always had an excellent tradition of tolerance and kindness.

In history, Liu Bang, the first emperor of the Han Dynasty, won the love of the people of the world with his benevolent three articles of law, and thus gained the world.

Li Shimin, the Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, took the initiative to propose the Zhenguan Administration of benefiting the people, and was even more loved by the people.

As a representative of the Han and Tang cultures, this has also deeply infected many Long people's dislike of cruelty and tyranny.

The cultural heritage of tolerance, humility and friendliness is in the heart of every Long person.

But it is precisely because of this that the bad attitude of the people in the World Hotel has been aggravated. They even mistakenly believe that they can offend the Long people at will without suffering any punishment!

"Mr. Li once told me that some foreigners have completely different temperaments and cultures from us. Now it seems to be true." Jiang Yuan pondered for a moment.

"They foreigners have always been pursuing a set of naked strength-first doctrine. When they see strangers, their first attitude is not to say hello, but to provoke. Once the other party can show enough strength to provoke back, they will be regarded as friends, otherwise they will only be regarded as cowardly and incompetent weaklings."

Cultural differences are sometimes much greater than we think.

In the worldview of many foreigners, if they take the initiative to kick you hard in the ass, and you don't have the ability to kick them back, then there will be endless ridicule and insults in the future.

This time, Jiang Yuan intends to teach these people a thorough lesson.

This is not only to vent his anger, but also to establish the reputation of the Dragon Country for thousands of Dragon Country compatriots.

Jiang Yuan made up his mind that he must leave a bloody lesson for the people of the World Hotel this time.

Otherwise, his compatriots will still suffer unimaginable discrimination and insults when they come here in the future.

After all, whether others choose to bully you or not often does not depend on whether you are honest or not, but on how big the risk of bullying you is, that is, whether it is easy to bully or not.

This is not only for venting one's anger, but also for the sake of the latecomers from Longguo.

Yao Wenwen had already seen it for a long time, and immediately took the initiative to say: "Boss, leave this matter to me!"

Jiang Yuan said: "Well, you don't have to show mercy this time."

Yao Wenwen received Jiang Yuan's delegation of power, and a fierce emotion flashed in her eyes, and she immediately walked to the hotel executives.

She is quite proficient in foreign languages, and it took less than fifteen minutes to communicate with the other party fluently and completely.

Yao Wenwen's requirements mainly include three points: first, the staff member with a bad attitude must lose his job; second, order the hotel to sue him for dereliction of duty; third, require it to pay a large fine.

Jiang Yuan nodded secretly and smiled.

"You are becoming more and more sensible in doing things."

Yao Wenwen was praised by Jiang Yuan, and she also put her hands on her waist with pride.

Xiao Yan also thought that this matter was handled quite reasonably. In many cases, leaving a bloody lesson to the other party is not only through the simplest and rough beating or other physical attacks.

This is not only easy to leave handles and gossips, but also easy to cause logical and legal defects and troubles.

In modern society, there are often countless ways to punish a person.

For example, when the World Hotel signs employees, it will naturally set all the terms that are beneficial to the hotel in the contract.

In this case, since the staff made the mistake first, it is almost 100% possible to declare victory by suing according to the terms.

Since the World Hotel has already learned that Jiang Yuan's identity has a deep connection with the Li Group, it is naturally impossible to offend Jiang Yuan for a mere small employee.

The most fatal thing is that foreigners usually have the habit of overspending and believe in the rule of living for today. They often have a lot of loans under their names, and work is their lifeblood for repaying loans.

Now he lost his job and was asked to pay a huge amount of compensation, which was undoubtedly more painful than killing him.

Because the people who asked him to repay the debt were all specially invited by the sponsor, and they were not good men and women.

In order to make people repay the debt, they often do everything possible and use countless cruel means.

It is undoubtedly a very miserable thing to fall into their hands.

Therefore, the staff member was terrified and quickly begged for mercy from Jiang Yuan, begging him to show mercy.

But this time Jiang Yuan was determined to leave him a bloody lesson to warn the later generations that the Dragon people must not be humiliated, otherwise they will bear the consequences!

If he was too soft-hearted and did not establish his reputation at this moment, then if such things happened again in the future and harmed his compatriots, Jiang Yuan would naturally not choose to do so.

No matter how the man begged for mercy, he almost knelt on the ground, but Jiang Yuan remained unmoved.

This kind of people are opportunistic. When the wind is favorable, they want to step on you. Now the wind is unfavorable, they will naturally beg for mercy.

Jiang Yuan is naturally not a soft-hearted fool. He completely let the security personnel of the World Hotel drag the staff out.

And just at this time, the people of the Li Group had received the power of attorney that Jiang Yuan handed over on their behalf.

"Mr. Jiang, after hearing about you, the princess of the Li Group specially prepared a special presidential suite for you. This is the highest standard room in our hotel." The hotel executive said with a smile.

Xiaoyan said vigilantly: "The princess of the Li Group? Why did she prepare such a good room for us?"

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