The two girls were stunned by Jiang Yuan's confident words.

Then the two girls couldn't help but smile and shook their heads, saying: "Boss, don't joke with us anymore. This time is really different from any previous time. The other party has carefully prepared this situation. We only have one day, what can we do? It's better to stop the loss in time."

Their ideas are actually no different from those of the partners.

In fact, many people's ideas are very simple. If you can win the battle, you fight it. If you can't win the battle, you run away and stop the loss in time. This is the kingly way.

Since it has been known that the other party has a big killer and a nearly invincible bottom-box technology, all resistance is futile.

Higher precision lithography technology means lower costs, better performance, and more absolute market share.

Apart from other things, superior performance alone can make a huge difference.

Any customer chooses products with cost-effectiveness.

Others' products are cheaper than yours, and their performance is better than yours!

What can others use to compete with them?

This is equivalent to fighting with bayonets against bullets. Maybe some people will rush forward with blood, but if they are fighting with bare hands against thousands of shells, they will naturally choose to give up and not resist.

Even an ordinary person without any wisdom will choose to give up after comparing the strength of both sides.

Not to mention these business partners who are known for their shrewdness.

You know, the chip industry has covered all aspects of life, and there are no shortage of electrical appliances in high-end mobile phones, computers, and even high-end household appliances.

And the output required for each type of chip is an extremely astonishing number, and the cost saved is simply an astronomical figure.

What's more, it's 2nm-level lithography technology! !

After reaching the nm level, every 1nm improvement is extremely difficult. From 7nm to 2nm, this is no longer a simple high-end chip technology, but a completely epoch-making super chip technology.

In front of this chip technology, all strategies seem so ridiculous, so pale and powerless, and all wisdom becomes self-righteousness.

Xiaoyan immediately advised: "Boss, you may be too confident this time. I studied this kind of science and engineering chip theory in college, and I really know the difficulty of this technology."

"I can assert that any company in the world today, once it masters this lithography technology, no company can compete with them."

"This is definitely a long-planned plan. This technology must require more than ten years of technical accumulation, countless talents, and more than one trillion yuan of capital investment to be successfully developed."

Yao Wenwen was a little stunned when she heard it, and her jaw was a little bit unable to close.

Although she didn't understand the technology of lithography machines and chips, she could feel the seriousness of the matter just by hearing Xiaoyan's extremely solemn tone.

Yao Wenwen said with some concern: "The other party has spent more than ten years, countless funds and talents, and we only have one day now, and we can't do anything at all!"

"Boss, why don't we forget about this field? If we keep the green mountains, we will not worry about the lack of firewood. In fact, we can win back in other fields."

After she finished speaking, she couldn't help but fall into silence.

This is the venue of the World Banquet.

And this incident is also a battle that Jiang Yuan is preparing to fight to make a name for himself after joining the Li Group.

If this battle fails, it will undoubtedly be a very embarrassing thing.

Not only will Jiang Yuan be embarrassed, but many foreigners will also laugh at him!

What's more serious is that the foreigner named Bruce has been eyeing the Li Group and Li Zhiqing.

If Jiang Yuan admits defeat this time, and Bruce takes sufficient measures to deal with it and perfectly resolves this incident.

Then I am afraid that his status in the Li Group will rise in the future, and he will have more power and decide on all matters.

After such foreigners take office, it is not uncommon to form cliques. They will inevitably gradually drive away other Dragon people and gradually replace them with other foreigners, so as to cleanse the blood thoroughly.

Then it will be more and more difficult for the Dragon people to join the five major financial groups in the world in the future, and I am afraid that the Dragon people's status will be even more difficult to maintain.

If we lose this time, the price we will bear will undoubtedly be devastating.

So, what we say is that if we lose this time, we can win back in other fields. This is just a self-consolation.

But since there is no other choice now, perhaps we can only choose this.

Although this kind of thing is really hard to accept!

Facing the advice of the two women, Jiang Yuan said calmly: "You two are responsible for notifying all partners that the Li Group will have a major announcement tomorrow afternoon."

Ah this!

Yao Wenwen and Xiaoyan were a little confused. What is their boss going to do?

Don't they know that the current situation is extremely unfavorable to them?

We have no cards to play at all.

The other party has epoch-making technology, and Bruce in the Li Group also claims to have a lot of trump cards to deal with this incident.

But we have nothing in our hands, how can we fight against them?

But they couldn't say these words out loud, so they had to bite the bullet and do what Jiang Yuan said.

They knew Jiang Yuan's character too well. No matter how much they persuaded him, he would not listen to them because of his stubborn character. They could only hope in their hearts that Jiang Yuan might really have some way.

They sent an email to all partners, stating that a major news would be released around 3 pm tomorrow, and the sender used the name of the Li Group.

Although these partners chose to abandon the Li Group and turn to other groups.

But it does not mean that they are all untrustworthy people. They were just forced to surrender in the face of an unmatched strength.

They knew that resistance was futile, but for businessmen, the most important thing is credit.

As the saying goes, leave a line for everything so that we can meet again in the future.

Since the Li Group has something they want to show them, they naturally have to give them face.

At the same time, Jiang Yuan quietly took out a role card from the system.

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