The king of the world, the king of the world, was very happy.

Jiang Yuan was dressed in white clothes, as white as snow, like a god in the sky.

He sat on the 11th special seat under the extremely shocked eyes of countless people.

This throne-like seat is enough to be on par with the deputy leaders of major financial groups.

Even in the five major financial groups, only 10 people can have this special position, which is extremely precious.

Although Jiang Yuan didn't know what was going on.

He didn't quite understand the meaning behind this seat.

He was sleeping all day because of the busyness of last night.

He didn't wake up until the evening when the world banquet was about to begin.

However, the Feuerbach Consortium had already sent people to invite Jiang Yuan with great respect.

Jiang Yuan actually knew about the attitude of the Feuerbach Consortium.

The two biggest partners last night were backed by the Feuerbach Consortium.

Then the matter was actually very clear.

The self-developed picometer-level lithography machine was first known to the Feuerbach Consortium.

After they got the news, they were immediately shocked.

They quietly blocked the news and strictly ordered that no one was allowed to reveal the news.

Then they went to Jiang Yuan's residence first. In order to win over Jiang Yuan.

So when two waiters in black came to invite Jiang Yuan to the world banquet on behalf of the Feuerbach Consortium, Jiang Yuan refused disrespectfully.

But even Jiang Yuan himself didn't know that the Feuerbach Consortium had secretly submitted an application for a special seat in order to win him over.

And the efficiency of this application was extremely high.

If it were any other ordinary person, even the new leader of the consortium, it would be difficult to apply for a special seat.

Even if you have special connections, it may take more than a year to complete this task.

But when the senior executives collectively learned that Jiang Yuan had developed a photolithography machine.

Their attitude immediately changed dramatically.

"He is a genius, really a genius."

"A young man of this age has actually developed a photolithography machine. And it is at the picometer level."

"No wonder we invited Jiang Yuan to join before, but he refused. At that time, we thought he was an arrogant, stupid and arrogant egomaniac, but we didn't expect that he really has his own abilities."

"We must make friends with this person and must not offend him. Apply immediately. The 11th seat of this banquet is all given to him."

And when Jiang Yuan appeared at the 11th special seat.

The people of the Paradise Group almost stared with their eyes wide open. They looked at Jiang Yuan with hatred, almost wanting to eat him alive.

Especially Zhang Tianheng, his eyes that were full of heroic spirit in the past were now shrouded in a haze.

Just last night.

Zhang Tianheng played Bruce hard, and even humiliated and provoked him in public, but he had no way to deal with him at all.

He was very proud and felt that the Li Group was just a piece of fat meat that could be manipulated by anyone.

The Bruce family is indeed a famous family that has been passed down for a hundred years.

But so what?

Few people can stick to their bottom line in front of money.

The bottom line of most people is that there is no bottom line.

As an elite member of the Paradise Group, Zhang Tianheng naturally knows this very well.

And just after the spy planted by the Bruce family in the Paradise Group was pulled out.

Zhang Tianheng was not in a hurry to eliminate this spy.

Instead, he decided to play the long game.

He wanted to use this spy to cultivate it into a hidden chess piece.

As expected, this chess piece shined in the world of this 100 billion order.

The young master of the Bruce family thought he was very smart.

He was able to steal the electronic file drawings of the lithography machine inside the Paradise Consortium with the help of his family's spy.

But he often didn't expect that he would use this chess piece in turn and play a trick on them.

The more Zhang Tianheng thought about it, the more proud he felt.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he must have a sure win this time.

But as the saying goes, everything will turn around, and extreme happiness will lead to sorrow.

Just when Zhang Tianheng was extremely proud, something happened.

But the situation suddenly took a serious turn.

"Oh no, Mr. Zhang, the two large partners who were originally scheduled to cooperate with us suddenly turned against us!"

"Damn it, we haven't signed a formal contract with them yet. If they change their minds temporarily, we have no way to deal with it."

"What should Mr. Zhang do now? Just now, another partner suddenly said that they want to change the cooperative manufacturer."

"Mr. Zhang is finished. Not only those three, we have received calls from more than a dozen partners in a row. They all said that they want to change their partners. What is going on?"

The sudden news came like a rainstorm.

Zhang Tianheng was not prepared at all. He didn't even know what happened.

At this moment, he felt like a passerby walking on the road, but a thunderstorm suddenly fell from the sky, drenching him through.

"Impossible." Zhang Tianheng reacted quickly and said viciously immediately.

"These partners may be instigated by someone to raise the price. They can't give up cooperation with us. We have 2-nanometer lithography technology."

"Investigate! Investigate it thoroughly. Who is so bold that he actually instigated the partners? Falsely raising the price."

Until this moment, Zhang Tianheng had not realized the seriousness of the matter.

It was not until 15 minutes later that a complete report from his subordinates really made him feel like he was falling into an ice cellar.

"It's bad, Mr. Zhang. This time they didn't want to raise the price, so they deliberately said they would give up cooperation with us, but they really signed a contract with others. It's a done deal."

"My uncle is an executive of one of the partners. He quietly told me that someone had developed a higher-specification lithography technology, so they gave up cooperation with us and immediately signed a contract with the other party."

After hearing this complete report, Zhang Tianheng suddenly felt as if his brain was hit hard by a big hammer, and he was dizzy.

Higher-specification lithography technology!

Stop kidding, how is this possible?

The 7nm to 2nm lithography technology alone has been developed for more than 5 years.

How is it possible that a new type of lithography technology suddenly emerges?

"We don't know the details, we only know that it was brought out by a young man named Jiang Yuan."

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