The first time, the second time.

Jiang Yuan's powerful words were like a bomb that exploded in everyone's ears in an instant.

Countless people looked at Jiang Yuan in amazement, and they never thought that he would choose to confront the Paradise Consortium head-on in the medical field.

The scale of the Paradise Consortium's medical investment can be described as covering the sky with one hand.

The medical investment in equipment and facilities alone is no less than one trillion.

If there is any consortium that is more willing to invest in medical care, it is undoubtedly the Paradise Consortium.

And this does not even take into account their sky-high recruitment of medical doctors and various approval and scientific research funds.

They are already using the foundation of the entire consortium, all betting on the medical field.

Because they think it is worth it.

Life and death, this is a topic that countless people cannot escape from.

No matter how glorious a great person is in his life, when facing the unknown death, he can't help showing a look of fear.

In order to survive, there are actually many rich people willing to give up any amount of money.

This is definitely a profitable business.

The planners of the Paradise Consortium are completely convinced of this.

"The idea of ​​this Paradise Consortium is exactly the same as that of a wealthy family in the history of our Dragon Country in the past." Jiang Yuan couldn't help but think secretly at this moment.

The Paradise Consortium, which spent a lot of money to invest in medical care, is actually very similar to hoarding food in a chaotic era.

In history, there were many wealthy families who had people, horses, and weapons.

But they were short-sighted and invested all their money in collecting gold, silver, jewelry, and beautiful cars and beauties.

But there was only one wealthy family with a vicious eye, who did not take gold, silver, jewelry, or beautiful cars and beauties.

They only hoarded food, and hoarded cheap food crazily.

Until the famine caused by war and chaos in history, the other wealthy families who hoarded gold, silver and jewelry faced the threat of life and death, and had to sell all the gold, silver, jewelry and beauties they hoarded to other wealthy families at a low price.

And the wealthy family who hoarded grain with a sharp eye not only got gold, silver, jewelry, beauties and cars, but also owned a lot of grain.

Kill three birds with one stone.

This is very similar to the Paradise Consortium investing all its resources in the medical industry!

Who in the world can survive?

When facing the threat of life and death, what can you do even if you have more gold, silver and jewelry?

Who can use money to buy life?

Once the Paradise Consortium obtains a monopoly on the medical business, their final results will far exceed everyone's imagination.

When the core executives of the other major consortiums face health and life problems, they will naturally ask for help from the Paradise Consortium.

By then, I am afraid it will be a situation of killing three birds with one stone.

But now, Jiang Yuan actually claimed that his side could challenge the Paradise Consortium in the medical field.

This is undoubtedly a major event that will break the existing pattern and rules.

Many people began to rethink.

"This Jiang Yuan... Is he bluffing, or is he really hiding his true strength?"

"I don't think he is a boastful person."

"Could it be that this Jiang Yuan is really very smart and has other cards in his hand besides that thing?"

"Whether this is true or not, we can't offend Jiang Yuan. He is now the 11th seat."

"The 11th seat, alas, you know it's not easy to sit on this seat, and it's even more difficult to sit firmly."

The three wives couldn't help but look at Jiang Yuan with gratitude. They never thought that their husbands would be so cold and heartless.

In the face of naked interests, he pushed himself out without hesitation.

Instead, Jiang Yuan, a stranger who only met once, was willing to stand up for himself.

Moreover, Jiang Yuan's appearance is simply amazing compared to her husband.

"Elegant and elegant" is not enough to describe him.

Compared with him, her husband is like an orangutan or baboon in the deep mountains and forests.

Rude and unbearable.

Gradually, the three wives looked at Jiang Yuan with eyes that suddenly became a little unnatural.

And Jiang Yuan actually knew very well what this look meant.

As a senior love veteran, his vision was extremely sharp.

The synonym of love is admiration.

And the admiration of admiration is the admiration of admiration.

Anyone who has been in love

Experienced men all know one thing, if a woman worships you, then it is easy for you to get her.

On the other hand, if a woman does not worship you, and even does not appreciate your strengths.

Then it is nothing but a foolish dream for you to get her.

And at this moment, the eyes of these three ladies looking at him are undoubtedly a look of extreme admiration.

This kind of look is very dangerous.

If Jiang Yuan is a character like Cao Ze, I am afraid he would be very happy now.

As long as Jiang Yuan is willing, there is actually a lot of room for operation at this moment, and he can snatch the love.

"Di Lun Si." Jiang Yuan slowly turned his head to Di Lun Si.

"Whether you want to establish authority and take those three ladies into your pockets, or you want to monopolize the quota for the medical theme."

"I can tell you clearly that you will get nothing from this world banquet."

Direns laughed, extremely presumptuous, and asked sharply: "Why?"

Jiang Yuan said calmly: "By me."

Direns screamed strangely, shouting: "By you?"

Jiang Yuan laughed: "If I said that you are actually dying and only I can save your life, would you still talk to me in this tone?"

Direns laughed as if he heard a big joke.

"I'm dying?" Direns said contemptuously.

"Are you trying to kill me?"

Jiang Yuan shook his head and said: "Stubborn and self-destructive."

Direns looked at Jiang Yuan's serious look, and felt even more disdainful in his heart, thinking that Jiang Yuan was just bluffing.

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