The two sides of the battle were in chaos.

Jiang Yuan clapped his hands and smiled, "Okay, then it depends on whether others are willing to forgive you."

As he spoke, he glanced at Dillens.

At this moment, Dillens' face was flushed, and his eyes were filled with bloodshot. It was obvious that he was ashamed and angry to the extreme.

And this was exactly what Jiang Yuan wanted.

When you are angry, you will lose your sense of proportion and your formation will be in chaos.

Since ancient times, when two armies fought, the most feared thing was not how strong the enemy was, but whether the commander of their side could remain calm.

Once you lose your calm, you will easily fall into the enemy's trap and be doomed.

This world banquet, on the surface, is an ordinary banquet for wealthy families, but in fact it is a confrontation between the five major financial groups.

As the mortal enemy of the Paradise Group, Jiang Yuan is now working for the Li Group. Naturally, his first thought is to greatly weaken the power of the Paradise Group.

If this arrogant Master Liu is allowed to act arrogantly here, I am afraid that the Paradise Group will really embark on the road to unifying the five major groups and becoming the king.

The ancients often said that we should nip the problem in the bud, which means that saints usually notice the signs before bad things happen and stop things from getting worse as soon as possible.

Ordinary people often regret it only after bad things happen, and it is often too late at this time.

Jiang Yuan naturally learned from the valuable experience of his ancestors and realized the importance of foresight, so he planned to sever the hopes of the people in the Paradise Group in the bud!

The strategy adopted by the people of the Paradise Group is very sophisticated, using the kingly way to assist the tyrannical way.

The kingly way refers to the world medical theme agreement this time. On the surface, it is a medical charity proposed for morality, which has the advantage of righteousness.

As for the hegemony, it naturally means to demonstrate one's authority by cooperating with Master Liu and Dillens.

Jiang Yuan naturally couldn't start with the kingly way, after all, the righteousness is not so easy to change.

But in terms of hegemony, he can severely humiliate Dillens and Master Liu, not only to avenge his personal grudge, but also to show the dignity of the Dragon people!

Since Dillens wants to establish authority by humiliating everyone, then he can naturally return the favor, which is also in line with the moral status.

As expected, after seeing Master Liu kneeling down, all the people from the five major financial groups around couldn't help but tremble violently.

"He knelt down... Master Liu, a person who can only be admired, a figure like a medical legend, actually knelt down because of Jiang Yuan!"

"Although I know this scene will happen sooner or later, I still find it hard to accept after seeing it with my own eyes. That's Master Liu. Such a person would actually be afraid of death."

"Hey, no matter how powerful a medical master is, he is still a mortal. Who can be afraid of death?"

"But this Jiang Yuan has simply stolen the show this time, and even humiliated the people of the Paradise Group to such an extent. I'm afraid that no one in the five major groups will not know the name Jiang Yuan in the future."

"Blessings and disasters lie in the same place, and disasters and blessings are dependent on each other. Jiang Yuan has certainly stolen the show, but it also means that there will be no room for him and the people of the Paradise Group to ease the situation in the future."

"Then it depends on who has stronger abilities and who has a smarter brain. I'm afraid it's still unknown who will win in the future."

Many people looked at Jiang Yuan deeply, as if they wanted to imprint his appearance in their hearts.

They knew that in the future war between the five major consortiums, there would be another brave and skilled general - Jiang Yuan.

And the five major consortiums were destined to be incompatible.

Although there might be a temporary alliance, in the end only one consortium would survive and devour all the assets of the other consortiums.

Many people secretly rubbed their hands, looking forward to a battle with Jiang Yuan. Whether it was a battle of wits or strength, they were full of passion.

Although Dillens was the deputy leader of the Paradise Consortium, when it came to fighting wits, he might have underestimated Jiang Yuan, so he didn't plan carefully just now, otherwise he wouldn't have suffered so easily from Jiang Yuan.

What's more, in terms of medical care this time, their consortiums were indeed not as good as the Paradise Consortium, but in other aspects, the major consortiums had their own areas of expertise, and they were not inferior in the slightest.

The most important thing was that Jiang Yuan was just a member of the Li Consortium.

As everyone knows, the Li Consortium is a consortium of Dragon people, and it has been weak for a long time.

Even if Jiang Yuan has magical powers

strength, it may not be invincible.

Just as everyone's eyes were shining.

Jiang Yuan walked to Master Liu with a smile and patted his shoulder.

Master Liu said unwillingly: "I have done what you said, you should save me."

Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "You are very obedient, you did what I said, but I don't know whether those locals will forgive you."

Master Liu pointed in the direction of the group of natives with shame.

The natives were simple after all. Although they didn't quite understand what happened, since Master Liu had already knelt down to them and didn't look very well, most of them naturally felt sympathy.

After all, their parents were in a similar situation to Master Liu at the moment, so they naturally thought of their own parents from Master Liu.

But there were also many natives who were full of indignation, and they were obviously unwilling to forgive Master Liu who had just watched them die without saving them and even verbally insulted them.

Master Liu said in a muffled voice: "Most of them are willing to save me, you should keep your word."

Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "But there are still a few people who are unwilling to save you, what do you think we should do?"

At this point, Master Liu was naturally not stupid, he knew that what Jiang Yuan wanted was far more than the dignity of his knees.

Master Liu sighed and said, "If you want something, just tell me directly. My life and death are in your hands now. You can discuss anything you want."

Jiang Yuan clapped his hands and praised, "Smart, smart. It's really effortless to talk to smart people. Although you are annoying, you are not an annoying fool after all."

Master Liu sighed, "Thank you for the compliment, but you have to be quick, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for long."

Jiang Yuan smiled and said, "It's very simple. Since I am your savior, then you can be my follower for three years and let me do whatever I want. At the same time, give me three gifts, and I will naturally be willing to save you."

Master Liu almost exploded when he heard this. Not only did he want to be the follower of this young man, but he also wanted three gifts?

According to Jiang Yuan's personality, it is probably impossible to satisfy him unless he asks for too much.

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