The more you know about the situation, the more you will face the more you will face.

Jiang Yuan's oath-like words, spoken in an extremely firm tone, immediately gave rise to a sharp and authoritative aura.

This is a kind of momentum, a momentum that arises naturally when one's inner thoughts are firm.

Cheng Caidie smiled and said, "In that case, I'm relieved."

She pondered for a moment and suggested, "After all, Junshu is too dangerous. If you are in an emergency, you can give it to others so that they can discuss it with you and help you."

Jiang Yuan shook his head and refused decisively, "Forget it. Only people with enough intelligence can bear this kind of thing. Besides, it's better not to show this kind of thing that is both good and evil to others easily."

"Besides, with my ability, I don't need anyone's help."

"A thousand difficulties and dangers, I am enough."

Cheng Caidie listened to Jiang Yuan's confident words, a thousand difficulties and dangers, one person is enough!

She couldn't help but feel admiration and respect for this man with a broad mind and great courage.

A real strong man should have this unparalleled spirit and pride, and have the courage to solve all problems with his own strength.

No woman could be calm with such a man with great leadership qualities. Cheng Caidie looked at Jiang Yuan's handsome face and her heart beat violently.

Jiang Yuan looked up at the sky. It was already close to evening and it was late.

He was about to say goodbye when his cell phone rang.

Jiang Yuan looked at his cell phone and found that it was Yao Wenwen calling. He picked up the phone and heard her broken voice.

"Boss! You have cured so many people... It's amazing!"

"Come back soon, we have prepared a lot of delicious dishes for you."

"And people from major financial groups have sent us a lot of good things just now. Come back and have a look."

Her voice was so loud and harsh that it almost made Jiang Yuan's ears tinnitus. It seemed that she was really excited.

Jiang Yuan smiled bitterly and said goodbye, "I have something to do, so I have to leave first."

When Cheng Caidie heard that Jiang Yuan was leaving, she stood up and said, "I... I'll see you off."

Jiang Yuan shook his head and said, "No need."

After Jiang Yuan said goodbye to Cheng Caidie briefly, he walked out the door and left.

Cheng Caidie looked at the direction where Jiang Yuan left with some reluctance.

After a long time, she slowly sighed, feeling helpless and a little melancholy.

The environment of the world island is quiet, and the days are usually very peaceful, which is quite suitable for her.

But this kind of life has been too long, and it is a bit boring and uninteresting after all. Most of the opposite sex on the island are short-sighted, simple-minded and rough men, which is difficult to make a woman like Cheng Caidie fall in love.

After finally meeting a man like Jiang Yuan, she is helpless and unable to express her thoughts reasonably.

Cheng Caidie looked at the sky not far away, which was gradually darkening, and she didn't know what the girl was thinking.

After Jiang Yuan left, he quickly returned to the hotel.

As soon as he returned to the room, Yao Wenwen flew into his arms.

Jiang Yuan only felt a very pretty face buried in his chest, accompanied by a burst of elegant fragrance drilling into his nose, which felt quite comfortable.

Xiaoyan on the side smiled and said, "Don't be silly, let Mr. Jiang tell us what happened along the way."

Yao Wenwen buried her head in Jiang Yuan's arms for a long time before she reluctantly got up, her face had already turned red like a little apple.

"Boss, since you let us come back first, do you know how worried we are about you?" Yao Wenwen's slightly resentful voice came out from her cherry mouth.

"But not long after, we received gifts from all kinds of financial groups."

"We asked someone to find out and found out that you saved so many people with a miraculous method. Now everyone outside regards you as their savior."

Jiang Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly and listened to Yao Wenwen's words. He did not get carried away at all, but thought about it in detail.

Xiao Yan saw that Jiang Yuan was silent, and immediately knew that he had the same idea as her, so she said: "What are you worried about?"

Jiang Yuan said calmly: "I'm not worried about anything, but the people from the financial groups may not be so kind."


Yan nodded and said, "Yes, if I were a staff member of another consortium, I would have regarded you as a serious threat at this moment."

Yao Wenwen was confused and couldn't figure out the reasons, so she couldn't help asking, "Why? Isn't the boss their savior now? How can he be a serious threat?"

Xiao Yan explained, "Generally, people in such large consortiums will either recruit talented people to work for them, or do their best to strangle them in the cradle to prevent them from threatening their status."

"Since ancient times, there has always been an idea that has never changed - how can others sleep peacefully under your bed?"

Jiang Yuan nodded and said, "Yes, no one wants someone to challenge or even replace their current position as a challenger. . "

"The safest way is to nip it in the bud and try to prevent it from growing."

Yao Wenwen worriedly said, "So is our situation a bit dangerous now?"

Jiang Yuan and Xiaoyan shook their heads at the same time and said, "Even if they want to deal with us, they won't do it openly. After all, we are now members of the Li Group. They will look for the right opportunity to attack our group and take the opportunity to eliminate us."

Xiaoyan added, "But in fact, this is not absolute. Many groups are actually very interested in us now. They may try every means to make us abandon the Li Group and turn to their arms."

Jiang Yuan nodded and said, "Well, this should happen."

Yao Wenwen wondered, "Job hopping... This kind of thing should be quite common, right?"

Jiang Yuan smiled and said nothing.

Just then, the conference APP on Jiang Yuan's mobile phone popped up, saying that the Li Group was preparing to hold a video conference and invited Jiang Yuan to join.

Jiang Yuan temporarily shut up the two women and connected the video conference himself.

As soon as the call was connected, someone immediately scolded: "In a formal occasion like a video conference, please pay attention to your appearance! Which department are you from?"

It turned out that Jiang Yuan's outfit was quite casual, just a simple men's shirt, which made some people unhappy.

But someone immediately refuted and scolded: "He is Mr. Jiang Yuan! What details about appearance are you responsible for reminding? Which department are you from?"

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