The title of CEO was not a big deal.

Jiang Yuan was not too upset about the title of CEO.

In fact, he had already considered that Li Zhiqing might reward him with such a high-level title.

After all, he had made many outstanding achievements, and if she was stingy in rewarding him, it would inevitably be criticized.

With the reputation of the Li Group, it is naturally impossible to do such a petty thing.

What's more, Bruce had already submitted his resignation to her, and he obviously went to other groups to seek a better job.

Li Zhiqing did not feel sorry for this. If Jiang Yuan hadn't been there, perhaps the Li Group would have relied more on the family behind Bruce to make some plans.

But since Jiang Yuan came, Bruce's stay or departure was not an important matter.

The most important thing at the moment is to let the Li Group occupy a place in the World Financial Conference.

In order to achieve this goal, Li Zhiqing decided to commend Jiang Yuan today and give him the highest honor, so as to delegate power to Jiang Yuan and let him mobilize all the resources that can be mobilized.

This video conference lasted for more than an hour. After it ended, Li Zhiqing invited Jiang Yuan to hold a separate meeting.

Only the two of them attended this meeting.

"Jiang Yuan, do you know why I want to hold a meeting with you alone?" Li Zhiqing smiled.

"Other people are short-sighted. Discussing with them will only increase the risk of leaking confidential information." Jiang Yuan replied.

Li Zhiqing smiled bitterly and said, "You are right, but not completely. This is half of the reason. There is another half of the reason, which is not because of this."

Jiang Yuan said curiously, "What is the other half of the reason?"

Li Zhiqing was silent for a moment, and said, "Listen to me and you will understand the task I want to give you."

Jiang Yuan spread his hands and said confidently, "What is the task? Just tell me."

Li Zhiqing asked, "What do you think is the most important thing in this world financial conference, money, stocks, or technology?"

Jiang Yuan said firmly, "Of course it is people! Talent is the main influence of all this! Influencing factors, other things are just additional conditions. "

Li Zhiqing's eyes flashed with admiration, and said: "Yes, you are really smart. The most important thing is always people. Other things are relatively unimportant, but the most difficult thing to deal with is precisely the problem of people."

She sighed, looked at Jiang Yuan with a faint look, and said: "According to the latest news, the Paradise Consortium has received support from a wealthy family that has been passed down for hundreds of years-the Lingen family."

"The task I give you is to hope that you can terminate the cooperation between them, and if possible, try to pull the Lingen family to our side. Fang."

Jiang Yuan pondered for a moment and said, "Lingen Family? How does this family compare to the five major financial groups?"

Li Zhiqing shook her head and said helplessly, "This kind of family that has been passed down for hundreds of years generally does not care about worldly affairs. They will not easily come out unless there is a major event that shocks the world, so their strength is an unknown."

Then, she added, "Having said that, from a historical perspective, the Lingen Family has taken action several times, and almost every time it has been unstoppable. The power of the secular world cannot resist their means and foundation at all."

"Unless it is absolutely necessary, , for this kind of hidden family, we must win them over, not make them our enemies. "

Jiang Yuan asked: "So you want me to use a strategy of alienation to alienate the relationship between the Paradise Consortium and the Ling'en Family?"

Li Zhiqing smiled bitterly and said: "How can it be so easy? Rich families like them usually have top think tanks. The peak of intelligence in the human world is in their family. Ordinary alienation strategies simply cannot work."

Jiang Yuan asked curiously: "Then what is your strategy?"

From the current strength shown by Jiang Yuan, it is completely in the field of science and technology and medical care, but Li Zhiqing wants to entrust him with this matter.

Li Zhiqing shook her head and said: "I don't have a very stable strategy, but I think this matter must be you. Except for you, perhaps no one can stop the Ling'en Family."

She hesitated for a moment and added: "In fact, although I don't have a specific countermeasure in my heart, I still have some small ideas."

Jiang Yuan said calmly: "If you have something to say, you might as well say it directly."

Li Zhiqing finally made up her mind and confessed: "The Ling'en Family will hold a marriage proposal to the outside world every thirty years

, although they generally do not easily marry with outsiders in order to maintain the purity of the bloodline within the family, the marriage proposal once every thirty years is a rule passed down from generation to generation. "

Jiang Yuan raised his eyebrows and asked: "Marriage proposal? You don't want me to go to the Lingen family to ask for a little princess as a wife, and then order the Lingen family to give up cooperation with the Paradise Consortium and cooperate with us instead, right?"

Li Zhiqing smiled bitterly. It was really hard for her to say such things, but the current situation was indeed extremely bad.

She said helplessly: "Jiang Yuan, you have to know that the situation of our Long people is really not good now. Once the Lingen family cooperates with the Paradise Consortium, then the interests of our Long people will be fatally hit at the financial meeting."

"At that time, I am afraid that many Long people will lose their job opportunities. Behind each of them is a living family. Do you have the heart to let so many people be broken up?"

Jiang Yuan was silent for a while and said: "Indeed, extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. If this method must be used, I am willing to try. "

Li Zhiqing's eyes flashed with admiration. For the benefit of the Dragon people, Jiang Yuan was willing to put aside some personal factors.

Jiang Yuan said: "It's not a bad thing to get a wife anyway. If I go to the Ling'en family to get a wife, there must be a process. What is the marriage proposal method?"

Li Zhiqing said seriously: "Don't underestimate this marriage proposal. At that time, almost all the young talents in the world will come to try to see if they can please the girls of the Ling'en family. Even if you can't get the orthodox heir of the direct bloodline, it is a great thing to get the bloodline of the collateral branch. "

Jiang Yuan smiled and joked: "So, the pressure of getting a wife is still quite high, after all, you have to compete with so many people."

Li Zhiqing said seriously: "If you want to stand out among the competitors of the Ling'en family, you must have extraordinary wisdom and outstanding strength. I hope you can take this event seriously. "

Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "Then how many women in this Ling'en family will participate in the marriage proposal? "

Li Zhiqing said: "According to the news, there are seven women of the Ling'en family's direct bloodline and 26 women of the collateral bloodline participating in this session."

Jiang Yuan joked: "Don't worry, at worst I can ask for all seven princesses of the direct bloodline and let the Ling'en family directly belong to our consortium."

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