Although Jiang Yuan had not yet officially sailed to the island of Vulcan Industry, he had already gained a first-level understanding of Vulcan Industry's extravagance through the pictures taken by the monitoring satellite.

It was just an ordinary cruise ship used to carry guests, but it turned out to be a golden cruise ship, and its scale was even larger than the scale of the golden cruise ship in his collection in all aspects!

Moreover, the golden cruise ship was full of super movie stars that would surprise people.

Judy Kardashian!

Taylor, the first singing queen!

In a picture, the first sight of densely packed people, basically all of them were internationally renowned movie stars.

Even though Jiang Yuan usually doesn't care much about these so-called international movie stars, so he didn't recognize them at the first time, but he has heard of some of these stars' names.

Xiaoyan and Yao Wenwen, who often pay attention to the foreign entertainment circles, recognized these people at the first time and could hardly keep calm.

Generally, these big stars who have been famous for many years have a net worth of billions or even tens of billions.

To invite these big names, I'm afraid it will cost an astronomical amount of money to each of them.

And there are no less than a hundred people standing on the deck of the golden cruise ship!

It's hard to imagine how many super big names are carried inside the entire golden cruise ship.

Being able to get these people out at the same time is already a huge show!

No matter how rich you are, it is often very difficult to invite so many big names and big names to come at the same time!

The capital of Vulcan Industry, I'm afraid, has a lot of influence in the world's entertainment industry!

"Vulcan Industry... Originally I just wanted to purchase some weapons, but I didn't expect to meet so many celebrities." Jiang Yuan smiled.

"That's just right. In addition to purchasing weapons, it would be a good thing to invite more female celebrities back!"

Jiang Yuan had already had this plan before, wanting to collect some beautiful women with good singing ability to join his team.

In his spare time, he can not only appreciate the beauty of these women, but also their talents.

However, so far, Jiang Yuan has only collected some little-known singers.

Although objectively speaking, their singing is indeed good and their abilities are beyond doubt, after all, relatively speaking, they are definitely not as good as those big-name singers who have been famous for many years.

Therefore, on this trip to Vulcan Island, Jiang Yuan not only wants to purchase some weapons and weapons, understand the specific ranking of his Zunlong, but also wants to get more female stars to join his private team.

"Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up!" Jiang Yuan gave the order.

"I want to get to the Vulcan Industry Island as soon as possible to see what kind of celebration it is that can gather so many big names."

Xiao Yan was a little worried. She felt that something was wrong and asked quickly: "Why did Vulcan Industry invite so many celebrities at the last minute? Does Vulcan Industry have any special customs?"

"We'd better not get close to them easily, otherwise if we accidentally offend them, it will definitely be more trouble than gain."

Jiang Yuan pondered for a moment and was about to speak, but an email was received in the system in the captain's room of the cruise ship.

An email from the Golden Cruise.

"It turns out that not only did we discover them, but they also discovered us." Yao Wenwen suddenly realized.

"Have a look at what they said."

Jiang Yuan immediately opened the email. The content of the email was very simple, just some basic polite greetings and greetings. At the same time, it politely invited Jiang Yuan and his party to board the Golden Cruise and go to the Vulcan Industry Island together.

Xiaoyan was very keen to notice something was wrong, and she immediately said: "These people may know our identities, especially your identity, Jiang Yuan, and they seem to want to make friends with you."

Jiang Yuan touched his chin and said: "Indeed, there are so many cruise ships sailing around us, not just ours, but this golden cruise ship heading to Vulcan Industry only invited me."

Yao Wenwen thought it was no big deal, and said: "Boss, your performance at the world banquet was so outstanding, the news must have spread a long time ago. Since our cruise ship belongs to the Li Group, I believe the other party has guessed your identity, and will naturally flatter you and invite you to go to Vulcan Industry together."

Xiaoyan was shocked and realized

: "How do they know that we also want to go to Vulcan Industries? Is this golden cruise ship actually related to the Feuerbach Consortium?"

Yao Wenwen also realized something was wrong. She guessed: "This Vulcan Industries... maybe many people will go there? Did the other party just realize it by chance?"

After listening to their analysis for most of the day, Jiang Yuan couldn't help but waved his hand and said directly: "Just analyze appropriately. Your excessive thinking will only delay your ability to act. Since they invited us, let's go."

Jiang Yuan naturally didn't have to worry. His Zunlong was on standby not far away. The Zunlong's stealth ability was so strong that it was impossible for anyone to discover it.

Just like a venomous snake lurking in the swamp, as long as he gave an order, he could exert infinite power.

No matter what the other party was thinking, in front of his absolute firepower advantage, the other party could not make any splashes.

The golden cruise ship is indeed precious, but it cannot be equipped with any weapons and firepower. If it is sailing on the fierce sea, it is like a fat lamb falling into a wolf's den.

Jiang Yuan is a wild wolf, so why is he afraid of going into the sheepfold?

Therefore, under Jiang Yuan's order, his cruise ship soon met the golden cruise ship and connected with each other.

"You must be Jiang Yuan, I have heard of your name for a long time." A middle-aged man with golden hair welcomed Jiang Yuan with a big laugh.

"My uncle is a senior executive of the Feuerbach Consortium, so he has heard about your deeds a long time ago and specially came to invite you to go to Vulcan Industries."

Jiang Yuan smiled and said politely: "You are too kind."

The middle-aged man laughed and said roughly: "Jiang Yuan, you are from Longguo, right? It just so happens that our Golden Cruise has recently recruited two female singers from Longguo. I will give you their contracts as a gift."

"Now both of them are yours."

While talking and laughing, he pointed to the two female Longguo girls on the deck not far away and said.

Jiang Yuan was slightly stunned. Isn't this person a little too enthusiastic? He actually gave him two female stars as gifts when they first met.

And some people whispered: "Isn't this not good? Those two people were favored by Miss Qin. How can they be given to this young man so easily?"

The middle-aged man snorted in dissatisfaction and whispered: "A young man? He is Jiang Yuan. You are shallow and ignorant. You haven't even heard of his name. It's just a gift. What's it?"

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