The sun was shining brightly, and the sky was full of stars.

When Jiang Yuan and his party arrived at Vulcan Industrial Island, it was already dusk.

The salty sea breeze was accompanied by a solemn atmosphere, and the entire sea level was filled with an indescribable chill.

The sun was setting, and the blood-like setting sun was hanging high in the sky, which inevitably made people feel a little scared.

"Is this an ominous sign?" Yao Wenwen felt a little scared.

"The color of the sun in the sky is too fierce. Although it is dusk, it shouldn't be so blood red, right?"

Jiang Yuan raised his head slightly, and the setting sun on the horizon not far away was slowly sinking into the sea, and the color was like a huge tomato.

But the color of this tomato is extremely deep, as if it is extremely red or even a little purple.

Xiaoyan comforted: "Maybe it's just the reflection of the lights of the fishing boats, don't think too much."

Jiang Yuan was silent. There were some fishing boats nearby, but this color was too weird.

Although Jiang Yuan didn't say anything, he gently held Yao Wenwen's hand and pulled her forward.

Yao Wenwen only felt the warmth in her palm, and a warm current was transmitted to her heart along with her palm.

The two didn't say much, but they walked one after the other tacitly, and a faint atmosphere rose between them.

But at this moment, Jiang Yuan's mobile phone rang.

In the mobile phone, a fat man who was obviously a little out of breath spoke.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm Miss Li's person who is here to receive you. I just encountered some problems so I couldn't reply to you in time. Sorry, sorry."

Jiang Yuan listened to the fat man on the other end of the phone apologizing repeatedly, his tone full of guilt and helplessness, thinking that some accidents must have happened.

Jiang Yuan was too lazy to care about it, so he simply said: "I have arrived at the coast."

The fat man on the other end of the phone heard this and hurriedly said: "Okay, I'll pick you up right away."

Ten minutes later, accompanied by the exhaust of a black unknown car, a fat figure appeared in front of Jiang Yuan.

As soon as he saw Jiang Yuan, the fat man immediately smiled and said, "Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. I had some personal matters on hand that delayed my trip. I'm so sorry, so sorry."

"I'll take you to the hotel right now. I've already asked someone to handle the matter of finding a psychiatrist as you asked me to do before. I promise to find the best psychiatrist for you."

Jiang Yuan didn't want to talk much, after all, it was more important to find a psychiatrist and find clues from the two women.

But he glanced at the fat man and found that his complexion was really bad.

Not only were his eyelids swollen and had some gray-black textures, but his whole face was filled with a blue-black dust.

However, these signs were very subtle, and it was difficult for ordinary people to realize them. They just regarded them as a tired look.

But if he didn't care about him, he might not survive a year.

Besides, he seemed to be quite dedicated in his work, and he was sent by Li Zhiqing to assist him, so he couldn't just sit back and watch him die.

After Jiang Yuan got in the car, he asked casually, "You don't look very good. What happened to you recently?"

The fat man drove the car and said, "Nothing, it's all my own private matter. I won't bother you, Mr. Jiang."

"The psychiatrist you asked me to find, I have contacted a doctor who is also very famous internationally, and he happens to be on the island."

Jiang Yuan hummed lightly, satisfied with his efficiency. He glanced at the two girls in the back seat who seemed to be dying. Their eyes were quite empty, like two puppets.

"As long as I can get that ancient book, this trip will not be in vain. I hope these two women can tell me everything after they regain their consciousness." Jiang Yuan said secretly.

Just as Jiang Yuan was thinking, the fat man, who was the driver, suddenly coughed violently.

"Cough... cough!"

His cough became heavier and heavier, and later there was even a faint trace of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Jiang Yuan smiled and said, "Although today is the first time we meet, your situation does not seem optimistic. If you need any help, please feel free to ask."

The fat man looked at Jiang Yuan with great gratitude when he heard such warm words from Jiang Yuan.

As a small person, he has always been a vassal serving a big person, and he has almost no experience in the big people.

Which big shot looked at him straight in the eye?

But Jiang Yuan didn't care about his identity, which made him feel grateful in an instant.

"Actually..." Fatty said hesitantly.

"I don't know what happened recently. My health has been getting worse and worse. I am extremely tired every day, just like walking with a heavy stone weighing dozens of kilograms."

Yao Wenwen, who was sitting in the back seat of the car, said in surprise: "I've heard about your situation before!"

Fatty also asked in surprise: "Really?"

Yao Wenwen nodded seriously and said: "Yes, did you get married this year?"

Fatty nodded and said: "Yeah."

Yao Wenwen said vigilantly: "You have to be careful about your wife, this is a bit like..."

Before she finished speaking, Xiaoyan covered her mouth, and Jiang Yuan glanced at her helplessly, signaling her to shut up.

Jiang Yuan and Yao Wenwen have been together for quite a long time, and he knows a little about her personality, so he can naturally guess what Yao Wenwen wants to say.

It's nothing more than saying that this fat man might be like Wu Dalang, who was given a "Dalang drinking medicine" rhythm by his wife.

After all, the sudden situation that happened to the fat man, including his complexion, really looked like some chronic toxins.

"Let's not talk about this for now." The fat man smiled.

"I'll take you to find the psychiatrist you're looking for first."

Jiang Yuan nodded. Now this matter is indeed the most critical.

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