The food was very delicious, but the food was very delicious.

Jiang Yuan was unmoved by the table of Japanese delicacies prepared by Hirose Haruka.

He said calmly: "I am not used to eating these sashimi, sushi and sake. Why don't I let my people make some Dragon Country delicacies for you to try."

When he heard that Jiang Yuan didn't like these Japanese delicacies, the fat man immediately became anxious.

"How can this be? You came from afar, how dare you let your people cook? This is too unruly."

Jiang Yuan waved his hand and said lightly: "It's okay, I can also invite you to taste the food of Longguo."

A silver star flashed in Guangse Haruka's eyes. She naturally knew that Jiang Yuan was just using this meal to tell her that Japanese food is far inferior to Longguo.

In other words, this is Jiang Yuan's almost naked provocation, telling you clearly that he doesn't like Japanese things.

"I heard that Longguo cuisine is indeed unique." Guangse Haruka smiled.

"It's just that the sashimi and hand rolls on our table are made of a very precious snow ginseng fish on the nearby island. Not only does it retain the freshness and taste of the ingredients to the greatest extent, but it also fully preserves the extremely high nutritional value."

Her words were quite obscure and euphemistic, but Jiang Yuan was naturally not a fool, and naturally heard her hidden meaning.

Hirose Haruka meant that the best way to cook this kind of snow ginseng fish is undoubtedly sashimi or sushi.

Even if the food of Longguo is better in taste, it is probably inferior in other aspects.

Jiang Yuan smiled and said, "Xiaoyan, come and show your cooking skills."

During the time that Xiaoyan followed Jiang Yuan, she also learned a lot of skills from many female chefs in private. Jiang Yuan planned to let her show her skills this time.

But Yao Wenwen was immediately unhappy. She quietly pulled Jiang Yuan's sleeve and whispered, "Boss, I can do it too. Why don't you let me do it?"

Jiang Yuan glanced at her sideways and gave her a look that said you know.

The last time Yao Wenwen cooked, she almost vomited Jiang Yuan's overnight rice. Naturally, she knew that this woman had no talent in cooking at all, and naturally she would not let her come out to embarrass herself.

Xiaoyan stood up obediently and walked to the back kitchen.

Jiang Yuan's luggage naturally brought some Dragon Country-specific seasonings and ingredients.

In less than ten minutes, she came out of the kitchen holding a dish.

But when Hirose Haruka saw the dish Xiaoyan made, she laughed out loud.

"Little sister, I'm afraid you have some misunderstandings." Hirose Haruka laughed so hard that her body shook.

"Jiang Jun asked you to make some Dragon Country delicacies, but why did you make sashimi?"

Upon hearing this, Jiang Yuan couldn't help but cast his eyes on the dish in Xiaoyan's hand, and found that the snow ginseng fish was indeed cut into thin slices as thin as cicada wings.

"You don't know this." Xiaoyan smiled brightly.

"Sashimi, in ancient times in our Dragon Country, it was called fish sashimi, and now it is called fish sashimi, which was spread to the East through ships on the sea."

"And there are still some differences between our fish sashimi and sashimi."

Seeing the dish in Xiaoyan's hand, Jiang Yuan couldn't help but give her a look of approval.

He naturally knew that he asked her to cook for a purpose other than to attack the Orientals like Haruka Hirose.

Her answer of sashimi undoubtedly satisfied Jiang Yuan.

Many people today think that sashimi is a unique delicacy in the East, but they don't know that it was only spread to the East by the Dragon Country. As early as two thousand years ago, the ancestors of the Dragon Country had already recorded eating sashimi.

And until today, many areas of the Dragon Country still maintain the habit of eating sashimi, and the methods are even more varied.

What Xiaoyan showed was naturally one of the methods of sashimi.

"Oriental sashimi is generally served with mustard and soy sauce." Haruka Hirose was a little surprised.

"But why did she add so many strange side dishes?"

The sashimi in Xiaoyan's hand was surrounded by side dishes of various colors, including green, yellow, and white, which was a bit dazzling.

Jiang Yuan smiled and said, "Let's try it."

Hirose Haruka couldn't help but be curious. She picked up a small piece of sashimi made by Xiaoyan and put it in her mouth. Suddenly, a slightly green and familiar fragrance filled her mouth.

Her eyes were full of silver stars as she looked at this

The dark green stringy side dish that looked like thatch made her exclaim in surprise.

The taste and flavor of this unknown side dish with sashimi really opened her eyes.

Jiang Yuan also tasted it and said with a smile: "This is lemon leaf, it is really refreshing with sashimi."

Hirose Haruka still couldn't believe it and asked in surprise: "Why have I never heard that sashimi can be eaten with this kind of thing, and it tastes so good?"

Jiang Yuan smiled slightly and didn't answer.

Sashimi originated from Longguo. After thousands of years of history, it naturally found the best match.

The rest of the side dishes are also the best combination achieved after thousands of years of evolution.

And the sashimi of the East was just spread from Longguo. Later, it was introduced to the East, so it was naturally limited.

Hirose Haruka couldn't help feeling a little ashamed. The Oriental food that she was proud of originated from Longguo, and it also had a more perfect method and match, which hurt her self-esteem a little.

But she took a deep breath, adjusted her mood, and comforted herself that this meal was just the beginning, and the next thing was the highlight.

The Japanese swords in her collection would naturally open Jiang Yuan's eyes, so she would let him go for now.

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