The two sides of the river are still in a state of chaos, and the river is still in a state of chaos.

Jiang Yuan's thinking is very clear. Since his goal is in the hands of Vulcan Industry, the simplest and fastest way to solve the problem is to negotiate with Vulcan Industry.

His time is very precious and cannot be wasted at all.

At present, the Lingen family is bound to go, and the Heaven Consortium is also eyeing it.

He can't waste too much time in Vulcan Industry.

After quickly solving the things here and getting what he wants, he will immediately set off for the Lingen family.

Even if he encounters any accidents on the way, he can't delay his time.

"Fatty, contact the official of Vulcan Industry for me. I want to talk to them." Jiang Yuan ordered.

"My time is limited, you should do this as soon as possible."

The fat man couldn't help sweating when he heard this, and explained: "These days are the celebrations of Vulcan Industry, and you are a newcomer, I'm afraid the people of Vulcan Industry are unlikely to agree to your request..."

Jiang Yuan was a little impatient and said directly: "Then don't talk about it, just ask me to give you a message, tell the people of Vulcan Industry a word."

The fat man wiped the sweat from his forehead. If it was just a simple matter like bringing a message, he might have some way to do it by relying on his connections on the island.

"What words?" asked the fat man.

"Just tell me, I will deliver it to you word for word."

Jiang Yuan said directly: "The military manual of the Dragon God of War originally belonged to us Dragon people, but now it has been occupied by these people, and I cannot tolerate it at all."

"Let them return it to the original owner immediately, otherwise, let them bear the consequences!"

The fat man's originally calm face suddenly broke out in cold sweat after hearing Jiang Yuan's domineering and strong words, and his legs were almost numb with fear.

This is not a message, this is clearly a declaration of war!

What a terrible force Vulcan Industry is. Even if it is a top military enterprise in the world, there are few people who dare to challenge them face to face with the configuration of heavy firepower weapons stored inside.

As an old Western proverb says, if you want to negotiate with me safely at the negotiating table, you'd better take out a pistol and five bullets.

Vulcan Industries is a bit like a superpower. On this private island where the law cannot reach, they are almost like an emperor.

Jiang Yuan actually asked such a superpower to hand over the things directly, otherwise he threatened them to bear the consequences!

Fatty was sweating profusely, and felt that his heart was about to burst. He could not help but persuade: "Mr. Jiang, your tone is too harsh, why don't we compromise a little and buy it with money instead?"

Jiang Yuan glanced at him coldly and said: "This ancient book belongs to a war god in Longguo, right?"

The fat man said with a stiff upper lip: "Yes."

Jiang Yuan continued: "The inheritance of this war god comes from our ancient Longguo, right?"

The fat man had to whisper: "Yes."

Jiang Yuan said loudly: "Then why should we spend money to buy our own things?"

The fat man was almost scared to death, and whispered: "Although it is true to say so, the situation is stronger than people now. Those people in Vulcan Industry are not easy to mess with. What if we anger them..."

Jiang Yuan glanced at him and said: "Just do what you are asked to do, and stop talking nonsense."

The fat man wailed in his heart, feeling that this day next year might be his death anniversary.

As the super-powerful people on the island, the people of Vulcan Industry would probably tie up all of them and beat them up immediately after hearing Jiang Yuan's threat, and it is very likely that their lives would be in danger.

But even if he was prepared to write a suicide note, he had to obey Jiang Yuan.

After all, if he violated the order of the Li Group, his fate would be no different from hanging on the wall.

"Okay, Mr. Jiang." The fat man said worriedly.

"I hope you won't regret your decision today."

Although the fat man was timid and reluctant in his heart, he finally passed on Jiang Yuan's original words to the officials of Vulcan Industry.


Vulcan Industry, in the Tiandou Palace with the most central geographical location.

Thirteen old men with white hair and deep eyes were meeting around a table.

Although they were old,

But his eyes were as sharp as a cold eagle's eyes, without any human emotion, which was daunting.

These thirteen people were all senior veterans of Vulcan Industry. The entire Vulcan Industry was jointly controlled by these thirteen people, and they were collectively called the Thirteen Old Monsters of Vulcan.

On weekdays, they did not care about worldly affairs, and all matters, big or small, were handed over to the younger generation to handle.

On the one hand, it was to hone the abilities of the younger generation so as to train them to become successors.

On the other hand, the thirteen people had lost interest in ordinary worldly affairs and turned to concentrate on studying something that was really worth their interest.

For example, in the battle that brought them the most humiliation in their lives, the tactics of the war god from the Dragon Country were what they were most enthusiastic about and most jealous of.

Vulcan Industry has been dominating the world for decades, and has almost never tasted defeat. Even if there were a few defeats, it was because the enemy's hard power was too much stronger than theirs and there was nothing they could do. From a psychological point of view, it was a completely acceptable failure.

But the only defeat that they could not accept was brought by the mysterious war god of Dragon Country.

The opponent clearly had less than one-tenth of their own strength, but they relied on their genius command tactics and almost demonic surprise attack wits to almost collapse their army and almost annihilate it.

Since that battle, the vitality of Vulcan Industry was severely damaged, and they dared not to easily provoke any Dragon Country forces, and the thirteen of them also began to review the failure of that time.

It doesn't matter if you lose, failure is actually something that runs through a person's life.

But if the loss is too embarrassing, it would be too difficult for people to accept.

Especially in this legendary battle where the weak defeated the strong, it was undoubtedly their side that acted as a clown and made the other side's legendary reputation.

And what the thirteen elders wanted most in their hearts was the legacy of the general who could defeat the strong with the weak.

Unfortunately, even though they had tried their best to seize and rob, and through some dishonorable means, they got one of the legacies of the mysterious general - an unknown ancient military book.

But the language of the ancient dragon country is obscure and difficult to understand, even a sentence can be interpreted in countless ways, so even if the thirteen people studied wholeheartedly, the progress was extremely slow.

And a simple message immediately made their eyes cold.

"What? A dragon countryman named Jiang Yuan asked us to hand over the ancient military book, and threatened that if we didn't hand it over, we would bear the consequences ourselves?"

"What do you mean by bearing the consequences ourselves? Are we going to destroy our Vulcan Industry?"

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