The old man was so angry that he couldn't get the money.

Jiang Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, but he didn't intend to take it. Instead, he looked at the group of old monsters with a smile.

The thirteen old monsters were scared by Jiang Yuan's look. They didn't know what the young man was thinking.

"Even the blueprint of the mother of bombs and the ancient book left by Jiang Shaotian, these two treasures can't satisfy him?"

"What else does he want..."

The unknown is always the most terrifying.

Especially now that the life and death of the thirteen old monsters are at the mercy of Jiang Yuan, he can squeeze every bit of value from them.

But Jiang Yuan's eyes are quite deep. He is not the kind of short-sighted, short-sighted rat who only pays attention to immediate interests.

He saw farther than others and understood what he had to get.

Jiang Yuan drove the Zunlong and used an electromagnetic cannon to make Vulcan Industries dare not say a word, and even directly attacked the headquarters of Vulcan Industries, making the thirteen old monsters bow down.

In an instant, this matter spread like a tide around the world.

This is an ultra-high-speed information age. The speed of transmission of various types of information is extremely fast, and it is also hot information related to Vulcan Industries, so it is naturally of great concern to all parties.

One of the most concerned is naturally the Heaven Consortium.

The Heaven Consortium spent a huge price just to be able to obtain Jiang Yuan's life.

Originally, with the ability of Vulcan Industries, they thought this was not difficult to do.

Even if Vulcan Industries failed, or Jiang Yuan had some trump cards, they could continue to attack Jiang Yuan according to the original plan.

But when they heard that Jiang Yuan destroyed tens of thousands of people in Vulcan Industries with the Zunlong, the entire Paradise Group fell into a deathly silence.

"Sure enough, keeping this person is a disaster. Could he be the second Jiang Shaotian?"

"If Jiang Shaotian hadn't said that sentence in the past, which angered many hidden families and killed him together, I'm afraid his status and position would be unimaginable today."

"If another Jiang Shaotian appeared... I'm afraid the consequences are unimaginable."

There are also some new elites in the Paradise Group in recent years. Because these people are too young, they have not heard of Jiang Shaotian's specific deeds.

They just know that this person is extremely terrible and cannot be described by common sense.

If another Jiang Shaotian appears... and this person is Jiang Yuan, who has many grievances with the Paradise Group, then this matter is undoubtedly extremely terrible.

"As for Jiang Yuan's matter, perhaps we will lose more than we gain if we continue to spend our energy on it. Why don't we change our mindset?" said Pinnuo, an elite of the Paradise Group.

"As long as we pay full attention to the Lingen family's affairs, once we and the Lingen family become partners in the same chariot, Jiang Yuan's matter will be solved."

He is a tall and handsome man, and he speaks in a very organized and graceful manner. Once he puts forward this suggestion, many people think it is very reasonable.

Since many ways have been thought of to get rid of Jiang Yuan, the great worry, but all have failed, and now that we know that Jiang Yuan has the strength to destroy Vulcan Industry, then continuing to carry out the assassination plan against Jiang Yuan is nothing but a paper war.

"Don't worry about Jiang Yuan anymore. We are now fully prepared and must marry the Lingen family." Finally, the leader of the Paradise Group issued an order.

"From today on, don't bring up anything about Jiang Yuan in the meeting."

Despite this, many elites of the Paradise Consortium were still extremely shocked and couldn't help but secretly talk about everything about Jiang Yuan.

"If ordinary people go to the restricted area of ​​the Vulcan Industry headquarters, they will generally die. Even if our consortium has some relationship with the Vulcan Industry, we can only trade on the periphery."

"Even Jiang Shaotian back then only launched a large-scale attack on the core forces of the Vulcan Industry, but did not harm the foundation of the Vulcan Industry."

Although the supreme leader of the Paradise Consortium has issued an order, he will go all out to concentrate on the marriage with the Ling'en family.

But now Jiang Yuan has become a force to be reckoned with. After taking over the Vulcan Industry, I am afraid it will be even more difficult to deal with.

Moreover, once Jiang Yuan also joins the Ling'en family's public marriage proposal, the heroes will compete

Under such circumstances, it may bring a devastating blow to the Paradise Group.

The internal senior management of the Paradise Group is inevitably a little worried.

There is even some fear.

Vulcan Industry, one of the old superpowers, was beaten so hard that it dared not fight back, and even its headquarters was seized.

Behind Jiang Yuan, there is no guarantee that there is some force supporting all this.

The top leader of the Paradise Group also considered this.

In the hospital.

The leader of the Paradise Group and Dillens, who had lost his legs, faced each other. The two looked at each other, and no one spoke first.

After a long time, Dillens spoke first and broke the silence.

"Among the currently known hidden families, only the Lingen family is the closest to us, and the Lingen family does not have a good relationship with other hidden families. This is the one we must strive for."

The leader of the Heavenly Group took a deep breath and said, "Other hidden families have not appeared for many years, but recently they have been stirring up, and even the Lingen family is going to choose to come out."

Di Luns was silent for a long time, and slowly said, "The hidden families in the world will only come out collectively when some extremely important events are about to happen."

"In addition, only the incident that Jiang Shaotian killed someone he shouldn't have killed in the past caused a hidden family to come out."

When the leader of the Heavenly Group heard Jiang Shaotian's name, he remembered the incident that year and couldn't help sighing.

Jiang Shaotian was a great man of his generation, representing the Dragon Kingdom and dominating the world, and he had almost no rivals.

But in an accident, he had a conflict with a person from a hidden family and killed him, which angered the people of the hidden family and launched a series of revenge against him.

The leader of the Heavenly Consortium said slowly: "The Ni Ni Kirimaru from the East was also involved in this incident, and was tainted with a very deep curse of resentment. I am very curious about what they did back then. Even Jiang Shaotian died in their hands, and they left such a vicious curse."

Di Lance shook his head and said: "Let's let the past be in the past. It's just that Jiang Yuan is suspected to be the second Jiang Shaotian now. Maybe we can use the power of the hidden family back then to eliminate Jiang Yuan."

"Otherwise... the consequences are unimaginable."

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