The two of them were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

Sun Tingting was also a little shocked and speechless.

Dongshan Villa District!

This is known as the gathering place of billionaires.

And the villa that Jiang Yuan brought himself to was the villa in the core area, which was much more valuable than other villas around.

"Jiang Yuan, is this...really your home?" Sun Tingting swallowed her saliva, feeling a little unbelievable.

She really couldn't believe what was happening in front of her.

She knew that Jiang Yuan was rich and well-connected now.

But she couldn't connect Jiang Yuan, a young man in his early twenties, with the word billionaire.

"Well, this is my home." Jiang Yuan simply nodded.

He casually took Sun Tingting's hand and led her into his villa area.

And a group of old classmates followed behind with shock in their minds.

As soon as they entered, there was a large garden, surrounded by beautiful maids trimming green plants.

When they saw Jiang Yuan coming, they all raised their heads and smiled.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang."

"Hello, Mr. Jiang."

Jiang Yuan also smiled and greeted him.

And the old classmates behind him couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"I'm not dreaming, this place is too big, and this garden is too beautiful."

"The garden is beautiful, these maids are not only very capable, but also very beautiful. Their looks are just like the class beauties in school, and they are probably only a step behind Sun Tingting."

"My goodness, there are so many beautiful and capable maids, how much money do they have to pay in a month, this expense is too scary."

"It is poverty that limits my imagination, I can't even imagine the enjoyment of rich people."

"Oh my god, living here is just like the emperors in ancient times, with wine pools and meat forests, this enjoyment is too cool."

"No wonder Jiang Yuan is so calm, if I have so many beauties around me every day, I will also look calm when I see beauties."

And all this is just the beginning.

After everyone passed through the small garden, Jiang Yuan took them to a place that is very suitable for open-air barbecue.

If you look up, you can see a carefully arranged artificial small pond within your field of vision. Not only can you fish, but the scenery is also beautiful.

Eating in such a place is very refreshing.

Jiang Yuan had people set up about a dozen mahogany tables and chairs, and invited the students to sit down.

Then he had people prepare grills and ovens, as well as some treasured red wine and beef, and planned to have an open-air barbecue party.

The beautiful chefs also wrapped themselves in aprons and began to cook for everyone.

Xiao Ya, Jiang Shishi and others were responsible for the barbecue, while Xiao Xin and Ye Yan were responsible for making the secret soup and mixing some barbecue ingredients.

As soon as these beautiful chefs appeared in everyone's field of vision, they immediately caused a commotion.

"I thought I was numb to the beauties I've seen today, but I didn't expect that these girls who are responsible for cooking are actually taller than everyone else outside!"

"I think they can rival the beauty of goddesses like Sun Tingting."

"Oh my god, there are four or five Sun Tingtings here who are so beautiful!"

"Jiang Yuan's life is so romantic..."

"Open-air barbecue with a large group of school beauties. Is this how Jiang Yuan usually lives? It's really extravagant."

[Ding! Shock point +100]

[Ding! Shock point +100]

[Ding! Shock point +100]

[Ding! Shock point +100]

[Ding! Shock point +100]

[Ding! Shock point +100]

Under Jiang Yuan's order, pieces of beef and red wine were quickly taken out and appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Beef is known as the pride of meat, but it is not rare. Basically everyone has eaten beef.

But the pieces of beef in front of me are a little different. Each piece of beef is covered with a very beautiful snowflake texture, just like the frost in winter.

Moreover, the color of these beefs is bright and shiny, obviously very fresh, and the meat looks very tight. When you stab it with a knife, it seems to sink deeply into it.

At the same time, the fat coverage is very evenly distributed, which is rare.

Obviously this is the top-grade beef.

"Oh my god, that's Kobe beef, I've seen it in a video before

, it looks like this. ”

“It is said that a small piece of Kobe beef costs more than 2,000 yuan, and there is so much here.”

“My goodness, isn’t this beef equivalent to several years of our salary?”

“This luxurious beef is said to be so tender that you can’t even bite it off with your tongue.”

“Jiang Yuan is awesome!!”

Jiang Yuan smiled and ordered his men to pour red wine for everyone.

At this time, everyone’s attention shifted to the wine.

And this wine… turned out to be 82-year-old Lafite!

“This is Lafite! And it’s really 82-year-old!”

“Isn’t this something that only appears in jokes?”

“It’s really eye-opening. It is said that such a small bottle of 82-year-old Lafite costs tens of thousands!”

“Damn, if I drink a sip, it’s equivalent to drinking several thousand yuan, which is equivalent to drinking a new mobile phone. ”

[Ding! Shock +100]

[Ding! Shock +100]

[Ding! Shock +100]

[Ding! Shock +100]

[Ding! Shock +100]

The beautiful chefs moved quickly.

Not only are they beautiful, but their cooking skills are also unique. They can make simple barbecues unique.

A bunch of delicious skewers sprinkled with sauces were served on the table, and the soup made from lobsters was also served on the table.

All kinds of luxurious aromas spread. With so many expensive ingredients, the delicious aromas seemed to be filled with the fragrance of money.

The old classmates immediately buried their heads and immersed themselves in the tender and delicious Kobe barbecue beef and delicious red wine.

Jiang Yuan held a high-foot glass in his hand, which was half filled with red wine.

He smiled and raised his glass to Sun Tingting, saying, "I haven't eaten with you for a long time. Let's have a drink. "

Sun Tingting's face immediately turned red, and she also raised a glass of red wine, and then crossed her arms with Jiang Yuan's glass.

"? ? ? "Jiang Yuan was also stunned.

I didn't want to drink a cup of wine with you.

Obviously Sun Tingting misunderstood his meaning, although he and her loved to drink a cup of wine together before...

But he saw that Sun Tingting had already drunk it, and he didn't want to ruin her feelings, so he simply raised his head and drank it.

The scene of Jiang Yuan and Sun Tingting drinking a cup of wine together fell into the eyes of other old classmates, and immediately triggered a storm of jealousy.

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