The old man seemed to know a lot about the girl Ying, but he was unwilling to say it directly.

It was because he thought that the girl Ying would have the ability to trace back time in the future, and might steal what he said today.

This made Jiang Yuan feel a little unbelievable. Could someone really steal information from the past from the future?

This was too magical.

"If you don't make it clear, it will be difficult for me to agree to you." Jiang Yuan didn't want to agree to him so easily. He needed to get more information from him.

"Why do you say she is the source of all the troubles? What do you know?" '

The old man in the mist sighed and said, 'I was imprisoned here and sentenced to life imprisonment because I used the forbidden prophecy to deduce the future and learned a lot of truth about the future. '

'Young man, if you know something, you may regret it. The advice I can give you is to kill that woman, otherwise it will be too late. '

Jiang Yuan spread his hands helplessly and said, 'Even if I believe you, even if I agree to you now, I may not have a chance to kill her, her strength is too strong. '

So far, among the many strong men Jiang Yuan has seen who have personally taken action, I am afraid that only this girl Ying has the most exaggerated strength.

She can tear the big demon of this heavy punishment mausoleum into pieces with just a finger in the air.

Jiang Yuan can clearly sense that even ten hundred-armed spider demons cannot compare to a big demon.

Even the strength of the three-headed dog is probably not comparable to these big demons.

But in front of this girl Ying, they are as fragile as a glass screen.

Just a slight hit will break them.

Judging from his current strength, he may not even be able to deal with the Hundred-armed Spider Demon, so how can he complete the task of killing this girl Ying?

The old man in the mist said seriously: "You are recognized by the Nine Palace Flying Star Chart. Your fate is very similar to hers. No one can predict it. You and her are like yin and yang. She is the disaster of everything, and you may have a chance to end the disaster. '

Jiang Yuan said helplessly: "These are all your calculations. Although you said that my fate is indeed very special, it is a problem that cannot be solved in terms of hard power. I can't kill her now. '

The old man in the mist sighed: "I know this is difficult. If it is not difficult, there won't be so many people who are so worried about it. '

'As long as you promise me that you must kill this girl once you have the opportunity. '

'Now most of my body is destroyed. After you kill me, I will try to save my spiritual energy for you to absorb, which should greatly improve your strength.'

Jiang Yuan looked into his eyes and said, 'She must die?'

The old man in the mist said seriously, 'If she doesn't die, then you will die, and many innocent people will die.'

Jiang Yuan said helplessly, 'Who are you? And why are you in the heavy punishment mausoleum?'

The old man in the mist smiled and said, 'It doesn't matter who I am. A long time ago, I was exiled to Tartarus for using the forbidden prophecy, and I was imprisoned in the heavy punishment mausoleum for offending some beings.'

Jiang Yuan couldn't help but ask curiously, 'Why is it the forbidden prophecy? '

The old man in the mist was silent for a long time, and said: 'Because the cost of this prophecy is very high, after I cast it, more than half of the people in the whole family died because of it...'

Jiang Yuan was originally quite interested in this taboo prophecy, but after hearing the price, he immediately stepped back three steps as if he had seen something dirty and unpleasant.

The old man in the mist shook his head and smiled bitterly: 'I was too young at that time, and I didn't know that the side effects of this prophecy were so great. I deserved to be exiled to the darkness and imprisoned in the heavy mausoleum. '

'It's just that in order to atone for my sins, I still hope to leave something for future generations. Young man, if you are willing to promise me to try your best to kill the girl, I am willing to teach you a secret method. '

Jiang Yuan glanced at him and said: 'What secret method? Does it work? How can I guarantee that you are not deceiving me? '

After all, I just fooled a girl, and now it is hard not to think that the old man in the mist is fooling me.

If there really was some powerful secret method, how could it be so easily subdued by the young girl Ying?

I’m afraid the so-called secret method is just an exaggeration.

It's just a big deal.

The old man in the mist laughed and said, "I can teach you, but I only know how to practice. Whether you can practice successfully depends on your own luck.

Jiang Yuan hurriedly asked, "Did you succeed?"

The old man in the mist conjured up an arm, then stretched out his index finger and made a one.

Jiang Yuan guessed, "You succeeded and practiced a whole set of secrets?"

The old man in the mist shook his head,

Jiang Yuan suddenly realized, "You only practiced one tenth, so you can't beat that girl?"

The old man in the mist continued to shake his head,

Jiang Yuan frowned and said, "You only practiced a little bit, not even one tenth?"

The old man in the mist smiled slightly and said, "I can't even understand a word of this secret.


Jiang Yuan almost stumbled and fell to the ground, thinking that this old man was also a complete pit.

The old man in the mist said very seriously: "Although I can't understand a word, this is the secret method passed down by my ancestors. It is said that every thousand years, a saint will appear who can suddenly realize the secret. '

Jiang Yuan spread his hands and said: "You can't say that I am the saint who appears once a thousand years, right? '

The old man in the mist said a little embarrassedly: "In fact, I don't know if you are, but your fate is very special, and you can get the recognition of the Nine Palace Flying Star Chart. I think even if you are not, you should achieve extraordinary achievements in the future. '

"What? Promise me, try to kill the girl Ying, and I am willing to give you all my complete spiritual energy, and a set of secret methods. '

Jiang Yuan touched his chin, and actually felt that he was quite profitable in this deal.

After all, the old man was about to die on the spot, and he didn't know whether he had killed the girl Ying.

Even if he failed to kill the girl Ying in the end, he couldn't jump out of the coffin and hit his knees, right?

It is equivalent to saying that the risk is actually just whether one's conscience can get it.

But the benefits he gave to himself were actually obtained by himself.

Let alone the so-called secret method he kept bragging about, just his complete spiritual energy alone was enough to make Jiang Yuan very excited.

Jiang Yuan's Eight Parts of Skill can be increased by absorbing pure spiritual energy,

But after ordinary strong men are killed, the spiritual energy that can be left behind is actually just fragments, not even one-tenth of the complete spirit before death.

Therefore, even if Jiang Yuan has the so-called shortcut to take, he can't go very fast.

But once he gets the complete spiritual energy of the old man in the mist, then he can undoubtedly grow up quickly, maybe he can reach the level of the hundred-armed spider demon, or even the strength of the three-headed dog.

"Okay, I promise you." Jiang Yuan nodded.

The old man in the mist was overjoyed and said: "Okay, then I will teach you this set of secret methods now, you listen carefully. 』

『The heaven has its own way, I do not know its destiny, I force myself to say it is...』

He recited the so-called secret method eloquently, but he did not stop at all, and he stopped after reciting more than 8,000 words.

Jiang Yuan was dizzy and could not understand even a complete sentence.

He understood the meaning of many words, but when they were combined into a sentence, he could not understand them.

However, although Jiang Yuan did not understand, his body had begun to gradually develop its potential since he practiced the Eight Parts of Kung Fu, and his memory ability had also greatly improved.

Although he did not understand and was greatly shocked, he still forced himself to remember it.

『You have written it down, right? Repeat it to me.』 The old man in the mist asked.

Jiang Yuan nodded, and recited it three or four times to ensure that every word was correct.

The old man in the mist finally smiled with relief.

『My mission is completed, and my atonement depends on you, young man, remember, you must kill the source of all evil. 'The last words of the old man in the mist.

Then, his body began to disintegrate layer by layer, like a withered tree, gradually aging and dying.

Jiang Yuan's eyes were extremely sharp, and he immediately understood that, in fact, as early as the finger of the girl Ying, the life of the old man in the mist was actually like a candle in the wind.

The reason why he could still hold on to finish the last sentence with Jiang Yuan was that he was holding on with his strength.

Once he relaxed his body, his body immediately began to collapse devastatingly.

Not long after, Jiang Yuan saw a ball of pure black spiritual energy floating in front of his eyes.

Compared with the fragments left behind by the demons just now, this was much larger, and the difference was about the same as the size of a basketball and a pigeon egg.

Jiang Yuan slowly

After absorbing it, he suddenly felt that his body was fuller.

The slight dizziness and blurry eyes caused by the massive blood loss gradually eased.

The whole body began to glow with a strong vitality under the infiltration of the crazy Eight-Part Kung Fu.

"Is your body recovered?" The girl Ying came back at some point, and her eyes lit up when she looked at Jiang Yuan's arm.

She could clearly feel that the blood in Jiang Yuan's body had been greatly replenished. It was obviously because after absorbing the spiritual energy of the old man in the mist, his body had undergone great changes.

Jiang Yuan's temperament was completely renewed at this moment. His eyes were full of sharp heroic spirit, showing the temperament of a master.

"I want to drink blood~" The girl Ying suddenly shouted in his ear.

Jiang Yuan's body trembled, and he almost fell down without sitting firmly.

He just drank it, why do you want to drink it again?

Jiang Yuan glanced at her and said: "Do you think I am a perpetual motion machine? Can it produce blood indefinitely? '

The girl Ying showed her white teeth and smiled: 'You just absorbed a lot of good things, and now you should have enough blood. Give me some blood. '

Jiang Yuan was helpless. Although his strength had been greatly improved, he was not yet a match for the girl Ying.

He had to show his arm and handed it to her.

However, the girl Ying did not rush to suck, but suddenly asked: 'Did the old man say anything just now? '

Jiang Yuan answered vaguely: 'No, he just said that if I wanted to protect his offspring, he would be willing to give me his complete spiritual energy. '

The girl Ying said "oh", and didn't say much, and then she started a delicious blood-sucking journey.

She stopped eating until Jiang Yuan felt dizzy again and his eyes were a little blurry.

Obviously, Jiang Yuan was anemic again.

'There are still four tombstones. Pull them out quickly. Now I have enough blood, and I should be able to directly deal with these cockroaches. 'The girl Ying smiled with her hands on her shoulders.

Jiang Yuan did not speak, but sat down and took a long time to calm down the dizziness caused by his anemia.

The girl Ying's appetite was really big. Every time she sucked blood, her blood would be almost exhausted and cause anemia.

'Although anemia is not pleasant, this first level should be no problem.' Jiang Yuan smiled bitterly in his heart.

'I just don't know if the difficulty of the second and third levels will be another level.'

As Jiang Yuan pulled up the tombstone, he couldn't help but feel some waves in his heart.

These creatures sealed in the heavy punishment mausoleum are extremely terrifying.

If he hadn't accidentally dug out a girl who loved his blood, he would have been in an extremely dangerous situation.

The three tests Jiang Shaotian gave him were too difficult.

While Jiang Yuan was thinking, his hands did not stop. As his hands rose and fell, he had already pulled up three giant tombstones.

Under the finger of the girl Ying, they were all turned into dust before they could even say a word.

Then Jiang Yuan absorbed their spiritual energy fragments. Although the quantity and quality of these spiritual fragments were far less than those given to him by the old man Misty, they could accumulate little by little.

Jiang Yuan followed the same method and kept pulling up tombstones. After absorbing enough blood, the girl Ying also bombarded them. The two turned the Heavy Punishment Mausoleum upside down.

Soon, the cleaning work of the Heavy Punishment Mausoleum had come to an end.

Most of the tombstones in the entire mausoleum had been cleared.

Only the last tombstone was left, and Jiang Yuan immediately pulled it up.

But this time, the girl Ying did not make a move, because there was no one in the tombstone, only a ball of fire.

This fire was not an ordinary flame that brought light, but a dark and deep flame.

This flame burned for less than a few minutes and gradually turned into a purple-black pendant.

Jiang Yuan felt a little suspicious, because this purple-black pendant was exactly the same as his Eternal Fire Pendant, and it was obviously like a twin.

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