The best time to win the game, the best time to win the game.

Ten consecutive draws, three yellow eggs, three golden critical hit rewards at the same time!

Jiang Yuan looked at the three yellow eggs carefully, feeling a little incredible.

After the big non-locals, there is indeed a big European, and the European spirit is bursting.

It's very nice, very comfortable.

Lawrence International High School, this is a very famous aristocratic private school in Xiamen.

Xiamen, its economic strength is much stronger than that of South City, and the number of rich people is much more than that of South City.

This school is undoubtedly ranked first in Xiamen, not only with rich teachers, but also with top-notch equipment.

Students who can go to this aristocratic school are undoubtedly the second generation of some big figures.

The average annual personal expenditure on school expenses alone is no less than one million yuan. This aristocratic school not only has extremely terrible revenue.

More importantly, it can make many well-known wealthy businessmen give gifts to curry favor with it, and its power is very great.

The value of the identity of the school director of this school is naturally self-evident.

What attracted Jiang Yuan's attention even more were the other two rewards.

"It's actually a private plane and supporting driving skills?" Jiang Yuan was shocked.

Airbus A380!

The most expensive private plane in the world, worth about 3 billion yuan.

Its expensiveness lies not only in its excellent flying ability, but also in the supporting decoration and very sufficient entertainment facilities that are no less than a luxury villa.

Rather than saying that it is an aircraft with excellent performance, it is better to say that it is a large entertainment castle that can fly in the sky.

This is something that can shock any rich man.

God-level driving skills!

(Note: The host will master all the driving skills about vehicles and aircraft, and they are all god-level)

This is amazing.

Not only can it allow the host Jiang Yuan to have the ability to fly a private jet.

But it can also drive any kind of luxury car, reaching a level that many professional racing drivers cannot reach.

Great harvest!

Super great harvest!

Jiang Yuan felt that he was surrounded by a dizzy feeling of happiness for a moment. He did not expect that his luck today would be so good. 5 golden rewards, this is the most rewards he has ever received at one time since he started the lottery.

It is really too generous.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan could not help but feel more happy.

He exited the system space.

Then he continued to drink with Su Tianhao and others.

Until he was drunk and blacked out.

In a daze, he seemed to be sent back to the room by the two women.

When he regained consciousness again, he was woken up by a phone call.

"Son, the once-in-a-decade ancestral worship meeting is about to begin. Remember to take time to come back."

"Take good care of yourself when you are outside. Everything is fine at home."

"Your childhood friends will come back by then. Remember not to be late."

The voice of his mother came to his ears, and Jiang Yuan gradually regained consciousness.

He was not completely sober yet, and his head hurt a little, so he subconsciously answered: "Well, OK."

Jiang Yuan talked to his mother for a few more words and hung up the phone in a hurry.

He continued to touch his head that was swollen because of drunkenness and was a little dazed.

And because of his drunkenness, he did not notice a detail.

That is, his mother, why didn't she ask him about his blind date with Ye Ke'er.

According to his mother's personality, she should have asked a question after the blind date was over.

On the other end of the phone, Jiang Yuan's mother just sighed with disappointment after hanging up the phone.

She just received a message from Ye Ke'er's second aunt, saying that Ye Ke'er looked down on Jiang Yuan.

Therefore, she deliberately did not mention this matter, fearing that it would hurt Jiang Yuan's self-esteem.

In fact, Jiang Yuan's mother Jiang Yuehua was not surprised by this result.

She had also heard from several elderly people in her hometown that Jiang Yuan was a courier.

After all, there were many young people working in Nancheng, and the news spread quickly.

Ye Ke'er was a rich and beautiful woman who had returned from studying abroad, and her son was just a courier.

It was normal for a girl to look down on her son Jiang Yuan.


But no matter if he was promising or not, he was her son after all.

Jiang Yuehua thought gently while cleaning the room for Jiang Yuan again.

Jiang Yuan left

During these days at home, his mother would go to her room to clean it every day.

Even if there was no one living in the room.

When a mother misses her child, she will always go to his room to clean it.

Over time, this has become a habit.

And Jiang Yuan's hometown, Qinghe Township, Yun County.

This is a place with simple folk customs, outstanding people, and emphasis on customs.

Every ten years, a ceremony to worship the ancestors is held, and any young people working outside will come back to participate in this ceremony.

Although this place is small, it is full of spiritual energy, and the children's brains are very good, and many people have passed the exams.

Many of Jiang Yuan's fellow villagers are now working in some large enterprises or important positions.

Jiang Yuan's mother Jiang Yuehua went out a few days ago and heard many neighbors discussing with each other.

"The son of Lao Zhao was admitted to a foreign university and is now a vice president of a large company. It is said that he is worth hundreds of millions!"

"This kid is really smart since he was young. He looks like he will make a name for himself."

"And Xiao Liu's daughter, I heard that the girl is very beautiful now. She is a teacher in an aristocratic school in Xiacheng and earns tens of thousands of yuan a month."

"I heard that the son of Lao Zhu and the son of Lao Li have jointly set up a company. Now they can get whatever they want in Nancheng."

"What about the son of Lao Jiang? I remember that Jiang Yuan was very smart when he was young."

"Oh, Jiang Yuan is a loser now. He is just a courier now."

"Is it true?"

"How could it be false? My grandson told me that he works in Nancheng. Last time, Jiang Yuan personally delivered the courier to him."

Jiang Yuehua heard this at the time and felt helpless in her heart.

Other people's children are so motivated.

Another person was admitted to study abroad, became a vice president, or a teacher in a good school, or started a company and made a lot of money.

It's a pity that my son is just an ordinary courier...

And all the young people will return to Qinghe Township for this ancestor worship meeting.

"I hope Xiaoyuan won't be too self-deprecating. He is so ambitious. If he sees that his childhood playmates have developed so much better than him, I'm afraid he won't be able to bear it." Jiang Yuehua thought with some worry.

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