Super Ring

Chapter 150: To Macau

"Quickly say, who sent you here? Who are you?" Zhao Bo asked again.

"I am a member of the Shadow Mercenary Corps. This time Zhao Chuchu asked me to follow you." The man replied.

"What? How is this possible? I was on the phone with her last night." Zhao Bo's younger sister, Zhao Chuchu, actually found someone to follow Zhao Bo. Zhao Bo would not believe such a thing, but he did not look like this guy. It's like lying, what is the situation?

"I don't know about this anymore, can you let me go now?" the man begged.

"Okay, you get out quickly, if you are found to follow us again, it won't be as simple as a fight next time." Lin Feng let the nightfall abandon him.

"This is a bit weird, wait for me to call and ask my sister to see what she says." Zhao Bo said calmly.

Then Zhao Bo took out his cell phone and dialed his sister's number.

The call is connected.

"Hello? Is it Chu Chu? This is Zhao Bo." Zhao Bo said on the phone.

"Yes, I am, brother, what do you want?" Zhao Chuchu asked.

"It's like this. I was followed by someone just now. I only found out that it was a member of your mercenary group. I asked this guy why he followed me. He said you instigated me. What's the matter?" Zhao Bochao called Asked in.

"Oh! This way, I understand. I really called the people, because you are going to Macau tomorrow for your mission. Among your goals, one of your goals is my current boyfriend. I don’t want him to have an accident, so I called If someone goes to follow you, I will stop you." Zhao Chuchu said on the phone.

"What? That's a drug lord, why are you so stupid to find someone like this to be your boyfriend?" Zhao Bo wanted to scold Zhao Chuchu, but he still held back on the phone.

"I don't care, you don't want to complete the task anyway, I have already notified him." Zhao Chuchu calmly said on the phone.

"I told you to leave that mercenary group a long time ago. Since you don’t listen, you have to find a drug lord to be your boyfriend. It seems that my brother needs to educate you. If nothing else, that man, I It's done." Zhao Bo made up his mind.

"You killed it, just come, we are not afraid of you." Zhao Chuchu said confidently.

The reason why Zhao Chuchu had no fear was because the Shadow Mercenary Corps had already dispatched profound level masters to protect the three, but she didn't know that there were also profound level masters on Zhao Bo's side.

"Well, if I don't show you a little bit of color this time, my brother will do it for nothing." Zhao Bo said angrily.

Then Zhao Chuchu hung up the phone with a "pop".

"I'm so angry, I fuck," Zhao Bo said.

"Generally, we also understand that you have leaked mission secrets to your sister, and your sister is a member of the Shadow Mercenary Corps. Why are you so stupid?" Ye Shu said directly without shy.

"I don't know that, my sister is looking for a drug lord to be her boyfriend. I just want to persuade her to leave the mercenary group, who knows it has become like this." Zhao Bo sighed.

"Now that the other party is prepared, don't we, shall we go?" Ye Shu continued.

"Of course, no matter what it is, I have to kill that guy." Zhao Bo said harshly.

"Okay, let's go together." Lin Feng stated.

"Okay, difficult challenge, I like it." Ye Shu also said.

"Then we will go home and rest, and we will gather at the airport tomorrow morning." Zhao Bo said while looking at the two.

"Okay, then I'll go back." As the night curtain said, he turned and walked to another street, not far from the night's aunt's house, so he chose to walk.

"See you tomorrow." Lin Feng, walking to the side of the road, stopped a taxi and said.

Lin Feng returned home, lay on the sofa, and watched TV.

After the two left, Zhao Bo took out his cell phone and dialed the number of the contact person.

"Hey, is it Ruifeng? I am Feihuo and I contacted yesterday." Zhao Bo said on the phone.

"Oh, I see, what's the matter?" Ruifeng asked.

"In this way, have you observed the three drug lords in the past few days, have they been doing anything recently?" Zhao Bochao said on the phone.

"How do you know? They did act. They added a few bodyguards. They are all ruthless characters. Your mission this time is very dangerous. I just wanted to tell you. If you want to continue, you can call me. Now." Ruifeng's refreshing voice came from the phone.

"It's a long story. Of course, we have to continue. I have to kill these three drug lords. We will arrive tomorrow, plus me, a total of three people." Zhao Bo said slowly.

"Okay, nothing else? I'm going to hang up." Ruifeng is obviously inconvenient to talk on the phone.

"Alright, see you tomorrow." Zhao Bo said.

After talking to Ruifeng on the phone, Zhao Bo sent a message to the discussion group on WeChat. This discussion group was established just now, and there were only three people: Lin Feng, Ye Shu, and Zhao Bo.

Zhao Bo’s message read: “I’ve already contacted the linker just now, and the linker said that the three drug lords have already sent reinforcements around them. It is very dangerous for us to go this time.”

Lin Feng was watching TV at home while playing with his mobile phone, and he happened to see the news of Zhao Bo.

Lin Feng sent a message: "Let's talk about it in the past tomorrow."

It didn't take long for the night to send a message, which said: "I have expected it a long time ago. Only when there is a challenge, it is interesting."

Then there was no more. Lin Feng started to play the game to pass the time.

Lin Feng played the game until seven o'clock in the evening, and ordered a takeaway. After eating, he went to bed early.

There was no word for a night. Early the next morning, Lin Feng got up at six o'clock. He first made a map of the universe in the living room, then went to the bathroom to wash, put on clean clothes, threw the old clothes into the automatic washing machine, and then Lin Feng Start packing up.

He put some changed clothes into his suitcase.

Then Lin Feng said "put it out" and a dagger appeared in Lin Feng's hand. After checking the dagger, Lin Feng took the dagger back into the ring again.

After preparations, Lin Feng went out.

He came downstairs, stopped a taxi, and got in.

"Driver, go to the airport." Lin Feng said with his suitcase.

"Good Le," the driver replied, and then the car drove away in a hurry.

After about an hour's drive, Lin Feng took a taxi to the Beijing Airport smoothly. Because it was early, there was no traffic jam on the road.

Lin Feng paid the fare and got out of the car and looked around. He hadn't seen Zhao Bo and the night. It seemed that he had arrived early, so Lin Feng found a bench and sat down and waited.

Lin Feng looked at the time and it was only seven ten. The ticket they bought was eight o'clock, so there was still some time.

After waiting at the airport for more than ten minutes, I finally saw Zhao Bo, and there was nightfall. The two of them came by taxi at the same time.

So the three of them formed a team, and after going through the security check together, they boarded the plane in a while.

After the three of them got on the plane, the plane took off soon, and the three of them sat side by side.

Night and Zhao Bo must have not slept well last night, so after the plane took off, they sat there squinting and lethargic.

After more than three hours of flying, the plane arrived at Macau International Airport.

Lin Feng awakened Zhao Bo and the night, and the three got off the plane.

As soon as he got off the plane, Zhao Bo took out the phone and dialed the number of the contact person.

"Hello? I am Feihuo. We are now at the Macau International Airport. Where are you?" Zhao Bochao said on the phone.

"You call a taxi and come directly to Sihai Hotel. I am waiting for you in the lobby on the first floor of the hotel." Ruifeng said on the phone.

"Okay, let's do that first, I'm wearing a black shirt and black trousers." Zhao Bo hung up after speaking.

So Zhao Bo and the three people stopped a group car outside the airport and went to the Sihai Hotel.

When Zhao Bo was looking around when he came to the hotel, a gentleman with glasses patted Zhao Bo on the shoulder.

"Are you Ruifeng?" Zhao Bo asked, turning around.

"Are you Feihuo?" Ruifeng nodded.

"Yes, I am." Zhao Bo admitted.

"Hello, hello." Ruifeng stretched out his palm very enthusiastically and shook Zhao Bo.

After shaking his hand, Ruifeng said again: "You can stay in this hotel. Let's talk about the details in the room."

Everyone didn't talk nonsense, they showed their ID cards and opened three rooms in this hotel.

After opening the room, everyone gathered in Zhao Bo's room, ready to listen to Ruifeng's explanation.

"Okay, I want to tell you good news and bad news at the same time. This is what happened. According to the report sent by our informants, these three drug lords have gathered together. Bodyguard reinforcements have also come together. In this way, our assassination will be under pressure. The opponent has a lot of manpower. It is very difficult to kill people unknowingly. So you consider changing to other methods. I can provide cold weapons. , But the hot weapon is gone." Ruifeng said slowly.

"It's a good thing to get together, there are three of us here, and there is also a Xuan-level martial artist." Zhao Bo said.

"Where are they concentrated now, tell us where you are." Ye Shu asked.

"Among the three of you, there are Xuan-level martial artists? The success rate will be higher because I'm not sure if the other party has Xuan-level martial artists. They are now concentrated in a building called Songhui Building. Many people go to work during the day. It's quiet at night." Ruifeng explained again what he knew.

"You mean, do they live in this building?" Lin Feng wondered.

"Yes, they have food and lodging there. They have been like this from the day before yesterday to now. Should we observe for a few days before acting? This may have unexpected effects. Now they are too vigilant." Ruifeng said. the opinion of.

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