Chapter 507

The most important thing in playing Kazak is not to die.

The dead will not only restore Kazak’s blood, but also increase Kazak’s absorption properties.

If Kazak has the number of players within 1000 yards, he will feel that its basic attributes are strong or weak. Kazak will increase by about 10% for about 1,000 people. If the number of players exceeds 10,000, Kazak’s basic attributes will be doubled.

Previously, a million players encircled Kazzak, and the number of players within 1000 yards exceeded 50,000. Kazzak has at least increased by five or six times. Naturally, it is not something that players can cope with at this stage. In the face of powerful tanks, it has increased by five or six. Kazzak, who was doubled, would also be slapped to death by it.

The number of players killed by Kazzak has increased, and the blood return is not the most deadly. The most deadly is that the player’s attributes will be absorbed after killing the player.

At least hundreds of thousands of millions of players were shot to death by Kazzak, and Kazzak, who had absorbed hundreds of thousands of player attributes, was no different from a god.

Not to mention dominating in the Cursed Lands, even if Kazak of this level goes to Stormwind City, he can still slaughter Stormwind City completely.

Kazzak this boss’s most powerful skill, the group shadow bolt.

True group shadow arrows, any player that enters the 1000 yard range of Kazak will be hit by group shadow arrows, the damage is very high, and he needs to be healed and healed.

Players with poor attributes who are most afraid of playing Kazak come in to fish in troubled waters, and are killed by the group of shadow arrows, thus providing Kazak with a source of blood recovery, which becomes the nourishment for Kazak to enhance his attributes.

“Play Kazak, it is forbidden to summon pets and entourage.”

Li Yunze asked everyone to put away all the pets and entourages, and playing Kazzak pets and entourages is also the source and nourishment of Kazzak’s blood recovery: “Kazzak kills the pets and entourages, and will return blood and increase their attributes.”

Purple Qi from the East said: “Kazak’s Thunder Shadow must be careful in melee combat. It will be released every 60 seconds. I will remind everyone to leave Kazak’s 50-yard range.”

The Thunder Shadow is a bit similar to the Thunder Clap, which is a group damage in the melee range. Kazzak’s Thunder Shadow is turned on and the damage range is 50 yards. If the group of shadow bolts and the shadow of thunder are added in the melee, it is easy to be killed instantly, adding blood and attributes to Kazzak.

Purple Qi from the East has been studying Kazak and knows Kazak’s skills well: “Kazak will add an undispellable negative state to all blue occupations. If blue occupations are used up, they will directly die. And it will blow up the group. Everyone in Kazak must control the blue, and it is forbidden to put the empty blue.”

Li Yunze was very satisfied with Purple Qi from the East. He went on to add: “Kazak’s most powerful thing is the chopping in the melee position. Except for the tanks I specify, other people are prohibited from going to the fan-shaped area in front of Kazzak. ”

Kazzak is not only a warlock, but also a warrior. Cleaving damage can kill any crispy melee in seconds.

Millions of players played Kazzak, a group of players got together and fought, and at least half of the melees were chopped to death by it.

“Kazak’s Void Arrow, everyone should pay attention to it. It will randomly appear behind some people. Players named by the Void Arrow will get a system prompt. Do not move. If the Void Arrow is moved, it will have a chain reaction and attack you. Then he turned to attack other people.”

The individual damage of the Void Arrow is not high, but the damage will increase in chain. For example, hitting the first person 500 points of damage, hitting the second is 1000, the third is 2000, the fourth is 4000, and so on. When there are too many people in the chain, the people behind the chain will be killed directly.

Void Arrow is based on the player’s movement to determine the chain. The first person named does not move and eats, and the chain will not be caused. However, a bunch of Void Arrows will appear at a time, so all the people named need not move. Therefore, when there are many players, it is difficult to ensure that they will not be chained.

Especially when a group of messy players are running around, Void Arrow can clear all the players.

Li Yunze continued: “Kazak will be angered every 10 minutes, all damage is increased by 30% for 10 seconds. Don’t underestimate these 10 seconds, no one except the tank can eat Kazak to increase the damage by 30%, I Everyone’s life-saving skills and methods are required to be used at this time, and they can resist Kazak’s outbreak for 10 seconds.”

“President, what should I do if I don’t have life-saving skills?”

“Yeah, there is no life-saving means, poor.”

There are always some occupations without life-saving skills and means, so what should be done? Cold? Naturally it is impossible.

The professional design of the game is still very balanced. If you don’t have life-saving skills and means, it doesn’t mean that your teammates don’t have it.

Li Yunze said: “There are players in the team to protect your teammates, and protect your teammates when Kazzak is angered.”

“I am mt, a body with a copper wall and iron wall, I am parry, I dodge, and I protect you with a shield.”

Someone started to sing, and there was a little bit of meaning.

There are many professions that will protect teammates’ skills. Everyone takes care of each other. As long as the team’s quality is high enough, it will not die within 10 seconds of Kazak’s anger.

“One more thing, we only have one hour to play Kazak. After one hour, we can’t kill it. It will run away completely.”

“Kazak running rampage will clear the audience instantly, so we can’t use the tactics to get out of the battle. Since the first player enters the battle, Kazzak will run rampant to clear the audience every hour, and then all his blood The quantity and attributes will be reset again. This is the most difficult mechanism for Kazak, because it is very difficult to kill Kazak within an hour. Because of this, Kazak can only be played by one guild. Several guilds cooperate.”

Millions of players play Kazak, if it weren’t for Kazak’s one-hour forced clearance setting, it would have been piled up by the player’s crowded tactics.

The poor blue dragon, because of the lack of this mechanism, was piled to death by the player using a sea of ​​human tactics.

Li Yunze said to the hunter: “Kazak will occasionally run away. The hunter hits Ningshen at the first time. The irritation every 10 seconds cannot be eliminated by Ningshen. Don’t waste Lan beating Ningshen at that time.”

Kazzak’s tactical arrangement is almost the same, and he can do it.

Li Yunze said to the tank named by him: “The tank will go first, and everyone will carry it together. Kazak’s ordinary attack damage can be shared, and it will not be second if carried together.”

It is worth mentioning that Kazzak’s normal attack damage mechanism is different from other bosses and can be shared. Generally, if 30 tanks are arranged, Kazak’s normal attack damage can be divided. If a bunch of tanks are not arranged to distribute the normal attack damage, it will cause Kazak’s normal attack damage to be too high and the tank will be second.

The 50 tanks named by Li Yunze boarded together.

Although 30 is enough, 50 are obviously more secure, and everyone can share the damage of Kazak’s ordinary attack.

Of course, sharing more than 50 tanks together will be counterproductive, because Kazzak’s chopping damage is very high and cannot be shared. Too many tanks will increase the pressure of treatment and blood.

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