Super S*ave Master

Chapter 515: 513

Wang Wei's trip is relatively rich.Added 4 new slaves.

2 disciples, and 2 elders.

Speaking of which, the influence of the starry faction is indeed much weaker than that of the Tianshan faction.

The contemporary elders of the Constellation School have only 25W of enslavement points, which is much different from the enslavement points of around 40W of the young masters of the Tianshan School.

That is to say, if the starry school wants to choose one of them from the current group of young disciples, to compete with the Tianshan school, then it is all about hitting stones with eggs!

Wang Wei’s new slaves, rebellious sons and Chuchenzi, are the best among the young disciples of the Star School. However, they only need 10W slave points to easily capture this series of characters. In the face of the brother, it is better than nothing!Just surrender!Even if Wang Wei used the enhanced function of a slave, he doubled the power of the two slaves, Rebellious Child and Chuchenzi, to become a 30W slave point, but it is not an opponent of the Tianshan faction Shen Jianji!

Wang Wei shook his head with a wry smile... "Not fun! This starry school has no ability to make waves!" Immediately, Wang Wei used slave software to transmit the elders and hate elders through conscious transmission, so that they should not act lightly and be obedient. Lying on the spot.

On the other hand, Wang Wei's attention shifted to the far end of the square.

At this time, at the far end of the square, a faint ringing sound of ringing bells sounded.Very crisp.That came from the sound made by the women's body when they collided.

Wang Wei looked at the past from afar, and found a large group of slender women, walking towards the square from a distance!

From the point of view of these women, there are young, middle-aged, slender and slim, and obese and bloated.

But Wang Wei found an important point...

Judging from these women's walking posture and some details, their martial arts are not weak at all!

Moreover, if Wang Wei didn't look away, some of the women's martial arts were definitely stronger than Elder Star and others!

"Huh?" Are these women the main force of the stars?

Immediately, Wang Wei converged his mind and adjusted his breathing and heartbeat to an intermittent. If there is a supreme state, Wang Wei will only adjust his body to this state when he encounters a more powerful character!

The group of women who suddenly came to the eyes deserves Wang Wei's attention!

Because, when the group of women walked into the square, Wang Wei found that the breath of at least 10 women was definitely more than the Tianshan faction Shen Jianji!

Moreover, these women do not look very old.At most, between 20 and 30 years old!

"Awesome! The stars are really a little bit of cards!" Wang Wei thought to himself.

At this time, the group of women walked into the square, and the male disciples in the stars around them all stood up and bowed, "Hello, sisters!"

The star-headed women headed by them are extremely seductive and hot, wearing transparent, thin cicada skirts.

The breath of these women is the most powerful!

When a woman glanced at the injured four people in the square, coldly said, "You really can't change the dog to eat shit! For thousands of years, you have always been fighting! There are 3 days, that is, we are sent to Tianshan During the duel of the faction, you are still like this! It is really disappointing!"

Hearing this woman's speech with blame, many disciples who would have been quite noisy dropped their heads deeply and dared not to say anything.

Wang Wei also felt that there was a kind of majestic breath in these women!A superior atmosphere!

Wang Wei observed that the stars who were sitting around the square before were all men!

Wang Wei reacted all at once... "It turns out this way! In the Star School, the status of male disciples and female disciples is different! The status of female disciples is obviously much higher than that of male disciples, and the martial arts of female disciples It is also much higher than the male disciple!"

A school that values ​​women over men?

Wang Wei's curiosity grew stronger!

Pay close attention to these women's words and deeds, every move.

At this time, the three elders who had not been injured, Elder Silver, Elder Hate, Elder He, all stood up with their brains.

Don’t look at the fact that they are older than these female disciples, but their facial expressions are especially respectful!

Elder Nahe laughed... "Hah! Teachers and nephews, aren't we just worrying about the duel after 3 days? We thought, this time, we must not lose to the mountain school that day, and then lose, our star group I’m going to lose my face! However, if we want to win, we have to think long and choose a disciple who is the strongest in martial arts and go to Tianshan to send young disciples to fight. Oh, we’re selecting!”

Wang Wei listened to what the elder Nahe called those female disciples... "Master Nephew".

That is to say, the seniority of those female disciples is lower than those of the elders, but the attitude of the elders is very respectable!

This is really strange!

The status of the female disciples of the Star School is really high!

The leading female disciple sneered disdainfully, "On the basis of these foolish apprentices under your hands, I don't need to compare with the Tianshan faction anymore, it has already lost!"

The leading female disciple said that the faces of the three elders were extremely embarrassed, but they dared not refute them.

The female disciple said involuntarily, "This time, our master is thinking about whether to let the master sister take action in person! Only the master sister may be able to deal with the young disciples of the Tianshan school!"

"Ah?" the three elders exclaimed at the same time.

"Let Yan'er go out in person? This... this seems to be contrary to the rules! Yaner is a talent that our Stars sent to us for a hundred years. This... this... let her go out?" The three elders had some incredible faces. Emoji.

The leading female disciple shook his hand and said, "Okay, this matter, our Master is considering, but before this duel, there should be an answer. Don’t fight here. Go back and rest. What an embarrassing sight!" The female disciple did not give the three elders a face. After staring at the humble male disciples around them, they walked into the square, and the four wounded were crouched down and given to them. Some pills, then gently push the palace over the blood.

Elder Xing and Elder Hate said at the same time, "Thank you Master Nephew."

The dust and rebellious sons were also able to speak, and they all said respectfully, "Thank you Sister!"

The female disciples didn't say much, they casually explained a few words, and left the square.

"It's gone, it's all gone! Let's go back to rest!" The three non-injured elders regained their arrogant attitude after the female disciples left, and shouted at the disciples under their doors.

At this moment, Wang Wei, one question after another rushed in his mind... It stands to reason that these female disciples sent by the stars are very good at martial arts!Some of them have reached the level of Shen Jianji!If you let them fight, it should be able to compete with the younger generation of Tianshan faction!Moreover, listening to them, their masters and sisters are still outstanding talents from the stars, once in a century!If you let that master sister out, it may be possible to defeat Shen Jianji!

But why do you feel that if you want the master to go out, you need special approval to make an exception?

How is this going?

Wang Wei was too curious about everything that happened in the Starry School!

Immediately, Wang Wei decided on one thing...Tonight, I asked the elder Xing and the elder Hate, the specific situation in this astral faction!

Looking at the square, Elder Star, Elder Hate, Dust Child, and Rebellious Child all struggled to stand up and left the square with a sullen face, walking towards the residential complex on the side of Wang Wei.

Wang Wei immediately issued a thought order to Elder Xing and Hate Elder, "I am now following you secretly, and when you live, I have something to ask you two!"

After the order was issued, Wang Wei was on the ridge, exerting high-powered light power, and directly trailing the elder star and the elder hate.

Half an hour later, Elder Star and Elder Hate came to an independent courtyard.The two elders entered the courtyard at the same time.

Wang Wei stayed in the courtyard house for a while, and after confirming that many astral disciples had returned to their respective residences, he jumped down from the house gently.

The door of the room was not closed, and there was candlelight inside.

Wang Wei entered the house directly.

Elder Star and Elder Hate greeted them at the same time, bowing respectfully, "Big Brother!"

Wang Wei nodded, "Sit in the house, I have something to ask you!"

"Observe, elder brother!" The two elders brought Wang Wei into the room, and arranged a furry chair for Wang Wei.

Wang Wei was sitting in a chair, and Elder Xing and Hate Elder stood properly in front of Wang Wei, even the atmosphere did not dare to speak.

Wang Wei smiled, "Okay, sit down. You are injured. Although it is not too heavy, I can't abuse you and let you stand!"

After Wang Wei said this, the two elders found a stool and sat down.

Wang Wei took out the bottle of anti-toxic pills that Gou gave him from his arms, poured out a few pills, and distributed them to the two elders, saying, "You are all poisoned, but you didn't suffer any internal injuries, so you took the pills, Should be of great benefit to the injury!"

The two elders thanked Wang Wei very much and quickly took the pill.

Wang Wei used his consciousness to tell the dust and rebellious son... "You are now in the elder Xing's residence, I will give you some pills for healing and detoxification! Be careful not to be followed on the road!"

After issuing the order, Wang Wei frowned and asked, "What is the power structure of your Constellation? I saw that the group of female disciples just now should be your juniors? But it seems that their status is completely Overriding you! Shout five to you! Also, the martial arts of those female disciples are obviously stronger than those of male disciples! I can say with politeness that just a few of the group of female disciples have exceeded their martial arts skills. It’s up to you! Since you have so many masters in the stars, why don’t you send female disciples to challenge the Tianshan faction? Also, what masters and sisters in the group of female disciples just said, I feel that martial arts should be very good, then direct Just send her to battle, what else?

Wang Wei threw out all his doubts.

Elder Xing smiled humbly and said, "Brother, please listen to me to explain slowly. According to some classic records of my Constellation school, our Kaishan patriarch of the Constellation school, hehe, that, is very good-looking! There are many disciples under the door, but , Female disciples have to accompany him to do the bed, so that the status of female disciples is higher than that of male disciples, this is the rule that has always been passed! Of course, since ancient times, the head of the star group is still a male When the disciples took over, there was no case where the female disciples took over as the head. The reason why the female disciples have higher martial arts than our male disciples, and even some younger female disciples have reached the level of those of us elders, because, The female disciples I sent have the right to practice the supreme deity of the stars and practise Dafa!"

Falun Dafa?

Wang Wei was stunned, it sounded awesome martial arts!

Wang Wei motioned to elder Xing to continue.

Elder Xing continued to explain, "Brother, you have to know that every sect must have a woman to multiply! Our female disciples in the Xingsu school have a higher status than male disciples, and another important reason is... female disciples Will have children!"

Wang Wei was speechless.

But it's also right to think about it, the stars of the Sect Group live in seclusion and do not communicate with the outside world.If they want to reproduce, they need the contribution of female disciples in the school!

Elder Xing continued, "So, the female disciples in our Constellation school have a very heavy responsibility. They will never marry male disciples in their lives, but are responsible for childbirth! Every month, every male disciple has An opportunity to interact with a female disciple. After the female disciple becomes pregnant, she feels at ease on the balcony, leaving the baby."

Wang Wei burst into a chill... This female disciple of Xingsu faction has a high status. In fact, it is no different from that prostitute!

Pick up every month!

Responsible for giving birth!

"So, how many men and how many women do you have in the stars?" Wang Wei said coldly.

"Informed brother~" Star Elder said, "There are more than 10,000 male disciples, plus some elders, and there are more than 3,000 female disciples."

Wang Wei shook his head, "That is to say, more than 10,000 men have relations with more than 3,000 women! There are so many wolves and less meat! Hey, it's so sad to be a woman in the stars! Every month, even every day, you have to be with Different men have relationships, and the babies born do not know which man sowed the seeds!"

No wonder the characters of the stars are so strange, so selfish and cold!

It turned out that there are a group of guys who have no education in life!

"There are too few female disciples?" Wang Wei frowned.

"My elder brother did not know that when the Star School had just moved here, the number of female disciples was only a few hundred. This is still a long-term development, and then robbed some primitive women, only to reach today's number of more than 3,000 It is precisely because I send a small number of female disciples, and bear the great mission of prosperity, as well as to solve physiological problems for male disciples, so I said that there are rules when I send it hard, and female disciples are not allowed to participate in the same Tianshan school. The duel between!" The elder hate explained so.

Wang Wei suddenly.

"Oh, why are male disciples from the Xingsu faction not qualified to practice Dafa Dafa? If male disciples also practice Dafa Dafa, then the possibility of defeating young disciples from the Tianshan faction is still relatively high. Female disciples can practice Dafa Gong Dafa, but not allowed to participate in the duel; male disciples can not practice, but they are going to participate in the duel...... It is really brainless!" Wang Wei lamented.

Elder Xing sighed, "It is also the rules laid down by the patriarchs. The cultivation of the Dafa method requires the Shenmu Wangding. And the Shenmu Wangding is controlled by the elders and female elders. Hey, even if we, They are not qualified to use Lai Shenmu Wang Ding to practice Dafa!

"Shen Mu Wang Ding?" Wang Wei was very curious. "With this thing, you can practice Dafa Dafa? Who owns this stuff now?"

"Informed to the elder brother, Shenmu Wangding, I currently send female elder Luo Yanzi, as well as the contemporary head of crazy grass child." Elder Xing and hate elders said at the same time.

Wang Wei began to meditate.

"Since I have come to the Starry School, if I want to make trouble, I will turn him upside down! This Dafa Dafa seems to be a very insidious martial art. If I can extract this Dafa Dafa, then I will steal the Shenmu Wangding, Let my slaves practice well, wouldn't it greatly increase the power of my slave troops?"

Wang Wei knows that the martial arts of the stars are actually relatively quick.As long as you have enough toxins, you can practice quickly.

Of course, this kind of martial arts should be able to compete with the Tianshan faction martial arts in the early stage. Once it reaches the later stage, the Tianshan faction martial arts will directly override the starry faction!

After all, what is Lingbo's micro-steps, the Northern Deity Divine Skill, and the Eight Wild Clans, but I only respect the merits, these are all close to the invincible martial art!

But the Dafa can be made quickly. The slaves of Wang Wei’s men have good internal strength. As long as they get the Shenmu Wangding, and then get the method of practicing Dafa, and enough poison, then the slaves should be able to do it in a short time. Master the practice of Dafa!

Wang Wei knows that it is useless to be strong alone!

To fight against the ghost face, and to fight against any evil forces in this world, we must make the slave forces strong!

"Your leader, and what are the elders of the falling geese and where they live?" Wang Wei asked directly.

"Brother, do you think?" Elder Star and Elder Hate asked in shock.

"Humph! I'm going to borrow that god wood Wang Ding for decades!" Wang Wei didn't hide anything in front of his slave.

"This... Brother, this... is a bit difficult! The masters and the martial arts skills of Sister Luo Yanzi are very strong..." Elder Xing and Elder Hate said with concern.

At this time, in the courtyard outside the door, a few sharp, full of sarcastic voices sounded, "Haha! Brother Xing, some disciples saw that even the hate of Brother Shi arrived at your residence, you just did not fight to death Is it alive? Why, what are we discussing together now? What medicine are you selling in the gourd?"

Three laughs.

From Elder Silver, Elder River, and Elder Hate!

"Oops! Brother, hide it now!" Elder Star and Elder Hate stood up at the same time, his face uncertain.

Wang Wei touched his nose... "Hidden? That's not necessary! Huh! This group of guys really have no way to go to heaven, but hell and no door broke in!"

Wang Wei also stood up directly, looking at the door with a playful look.(To be continued, if you want to know the future, please visit, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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