Super S*ave Master

Chapter 521: 519


The star sent the head, and began to inquire about dust and smoke.That's right, for example, in today's special and grand moment, the entire elite stars of the contemporary Constellation school have arrived, but the dust has not come!

Although Dust Smoke is young, it is self-evident in the status of the star group!Although, the status of dust smoke may not be better than that of Luo Yanzi and the head of contemporary stars, but it is still a lot higher than the elders of star and elder hate!

Wang Wei also repeatedly asked in his mind...dust and smoke!Dust, what the hell happened to you?

Apart from worrying, Wang Wei also opened his own slave software and looked for the dusty name and avatar on the virtual display.If the dust and smoke are within a certain distance from Wang Wei, that is, within a few kilometers, Wang Wei can find the dust and smoke in the "big sea".

The head of Xingsu sent, as well as Na Luoyan, began to question at this moment, some female disciples who had a better relationship with Chen Chen, and immediately sent someone to see Chen Yan’s residence.

"Huh!" At this time, Wang Wei finally relieved!On the virtual display, he found the dusty avatar!It did not fade, showing that the dust and smoke were not injured.Wang Wei relaxed, and immediately added Dust as his friend. In this case, Wang Wei’s friend status became...

Wang Wei VIP4

Friends 2361000

Although Wang Wei's software does not currently support the addition of women as slaves, it has the function of adding women as friends and gifting slaves' special skills to friends.Therefore, Wang Wei directly added Dust Smoke as a friend. If necessary, Wang Wei will directly gift a slave's specialty to Dust Smoke!Dust Smoke's poison is very powerful, but its internal strength is not good enough. If she gets help from Wang Wei, her combat effectiveness will directly increase to a new level!

Of course, this is not the time to give slave martial arts to dust and smoke!If she didn't explain it to her in advance, she would be stunned and dumbfounded!

Wang Wei also learned when reading the avatars of the name of the virtual display on Shanghai, the name of the contemporary head of the starry school is... Tiantianzi!

"Oh, a pretty good name!" Wang Wei smiled in his heart.

At this time, when the silkworms questioned the dust and smoke, they also got feedback from some female disciples...

Among them, a good-looking young female disciple said, "Qi Jun's head, Uncle Luo Yanzi, just now I saw Sister Dianyan, and hurriedly returned to her residence from the outside. Originally, I wanted to invite Sister Chen Yan Participated in the meeting, but Sister Dust and Smoke directly rejected me!"

Silkworms and Luoyanzi glanced at each other that day.

Luo Yanzi frowned, "What the hell is this kid, Chen Yan? By the way, today it's her turn to use Shenmu Wangding. She won't want to steal Baoding again?"

Wang Wei's ears were strong and powerful. Although Luo Yanzi's speech was extremely low in tone, Wang Wei also heard a clear voice and sneered in his heart... The stars of this star group really distrusted each other!Dust Smoke just came to the meeting a little later, and they directly suspected that Dust Smoke wanted to steal Shenmu Wangding to run away!

At this time, Wang Wei was keenly aware that two rapid breaths rushed towards the hall from outside the hall!

"Master! Master! Sister Bihuazi, Sister Chunxuezi, they... want... kill me!" Dust's voice drifted in from outside the palace.

This voice contains extreme resentment and helplessness.

"Well?" Wang Wei didn't even know what was happening, but when he heard someone wanting to embarrass herself, embarrassing his woman, his emotions suddenly became angry, and he stared at the entrance of the hall with his eyes fixed. Buckled a hidden weapon.

At this time, Dust Smoke exerted light power and came in from the outside.

Wang Wei glanced and found that the dust and smoke at the moment had changed to a set of lake green clothes, and the clothes that were stained with red were replaced by her.However, her eyes were abnormally scattered, with a sad and angry look, and she almost escaped from the outside!

As soon as she ran into the palace, she first looked at the Tian silkworm and Luo Yanzi, a very helpless smile on her face, and then ran directly towards the Tian silkworm and Luo Yanzi, "Master, master, save me!"

Wang Wei noticed that the hem of the brand-new lake green gown by Dian Yan had been torn apart!

It seems that Dust and Smoke just touched others and suffered a loss!

At the same time, two beautiful young women flashed in from outside the palace, and one of them was holding the Shenmu Wangding.Wang Wei knows that this Shenmu Wangding is now used by Dianyan, but now it is in the hands of others... Obviously, this is because these 2 women snatched Shenmu Wangding from Dianyan!

These two women are the two female disciples who Tian Tianzi dispatched to find dust and smoke.

At this moment, their eyes are full of murderous and fanaticism, and they cover the dust and smoke!

Wang Wei wondered... How did these two female disciples openly chase down the dust?

At the moment, the dust is full of helplessness and hatred!

Just now, she was lost to Wang Wei. Even worse, in order to deal with Wang Wei, she exhausted all the toxins in her body!It will take at least several days to recover.And after Wang Wei and her intercourse, she was immersed in a novel and happy feeling, and did not realize that her situation was already very bad!She hurried back to the star rudder, and wanted to participate in the meeting held by the head silkworm.

She had just returned to the rudder and her mind was sober!

She realized that she was very dangerous!

There is no reason for her, her toxins have been exhausted, this point can be easily seen by her peers, and her ability is mainly on the terrible toxin.Now that the toxins are exhausted, she is unable to perform the Dafa and other poisonous exercises.It can be said that many fellow students can directly kill her in this weak period!

The Star School has a rule since ancient times... The status of the master brother and sister of the Star School is not determined by age and seniority, but by martial arts!

Dust Smoke is only 23 years old, but martial arts is the first among the younger generation of the stars of the current star group, and he is the first to be allowed to do what he does!

She sat firmly in the chair of the master sister!

However, this does not mean that no one will challenge!

You know, there are many people coveting this seat where Dian Yan is sitting!This seat, the time of using Shenmu Wangding every month, is several times that of ordinary disciples!And also enjoy many other privileges!

Before and after, a total of 12 young disciples challenged the dust and smoke, trying to take away the dust and smoke status.But they were all killed by dust and smoke.

But Chen Yan understood that she only used martial arts to deter other challengers who were just about to move. Once she had any problems, the challengers would swarm up!

In the Star School, it is not forbidden to challenge and kill each other!

Therefore, Dianyan worried that she would be challenged by other disciples when going to this conference!After losing the toxin, her fighting power has dropped by several grades!

Because she didn't dare to go to the meeting at all, and she was going to find a place to hide before talking.But at this time, there happened to be 2 teachers and sisters ordered to look for dust smoke!That is Bi Huazi, Chun Xuezi.As soon as they met, they found that there was something wrong with the dust!

So, the two of them attacked the dust and smoke together in unison!

This is a rare opportunity!

The dust and smoke are free of toxins, so they dare not fight hard, so, relying on fairly good light merits, escape all the way!And the two sisters are chasing after!

They must kill the dust today!

Now that we have started, we must cut the grass!If the dust and smoke recovered the toxins, the two sisters would die terribly!

Dust and smoke knew the situation at the moment, there was no way, she could only make dangerous moves, and fled directly to the palace!

She can only bet...Look at the head and her master, can you care about your use value and save your life!

Although, this possibility is very small.

When the dust smoke fled to the front of the silkworm and the falling wild goose, Chun Xuezi and Bi Huazi who came after them had already rushed up!

"Wait! What are you doing?" Luo Yanzi scolded.

That Chun Xuezi immediately said, "Master, we have to challenge the status of Sister Chen Yan! We have to replace it!"

"Well?" Tian silkworm snorted, then looked at the dust with interest.He found out immediately... Dust and smoke looked weak, and from the look of her complexion, the toxins in her body seemed to have been exhausted!

"Haha! Interesting, interesting," the silkworm smiled gently that day, and a ray of fine gleam flashed in his eyes!

This is a very sinister, very vicious light, Wang Wei captured a real one!

"Well?" Wang Wei thought about it, and connected the scenes in front of him. Once he deduced it in his mind, he immediately understood a rough idea!It was at this time that Elder Xing whispered to Wang Wei by way of secret transmission, "Brother, it seems that Dust Smoke is in big trouble today! The toxins in her body are exhausted, and her combat power has dropped sharply. Disciple, want to take advantage of this opportunity to directly kill the dust and smoke! And the head and the falling goose should...should also take the opportunity to fall into the rocks! After all, the progress of dust and smoke is too fast, only 23 years old, there are today's achievements, this It has threatened the status of the head and the falling geese! They should also take the opportunity to remove the dust!"

Hearing the words of Elder Xing, and Wang Wei's own conjecture, just coincided!

"Damn it! A perverted martial art!" A cruel expression appeared on Wang Wei's mouth. "I want to see, who dares to embarrass my wife today! Huh! It's time to kill!"

Wang Wei’s current identity is an elite disciple of the Star School, and it is normal to kill people in the school.The star school is a martial arts that eats by fist. As long as Wang Wei does not use the martial arts of other martial arts, and only uses the martial arts of the star school, he will not cause any trouble!

At this time, the celestial worms are not salty and light to the dust flue, "dust smoke, what are you doing? How are your toxins exhausted? Who did you fight with?"

Chen Yan knew that he could not hide it, and said, "Master, I... I; something went wrong while practicing."

Later, Chunxue Zi said anxiously, "Master, Master, please allow us to challenge Sister Chen Yan!"

Luo Yanzi looked at Chun Xuezi and Bi Huazi, and then at Dust Smoke. It seemed that it was difficult to make a decision. Finally, she turned her eyes to the silkworm and slowly said, "Master Brother, you still have the idea. !"

Dust smoke rushed to say, "Master, Master, 2 days later, on behalf of the Star School, I will challenge the young disciples of the Tianshan School. Our Star School has lost for thousands of years, and this time I can't lose! And I also have absolute Grasp it and be able to win back once for the stars! So, in these days, I can't accept the challenge anyway! I must cultivate my energy!"

"No!" Chun Xuezi and Bi Huazi screamed at the same time.

Let dust and smoke rejuvenate, isn't it for them to dig graves?

"Chief!" Chen Yan also raised her voice at this time, and her face was miserable. "Master, Master, don't you feel sorry for Chen Yan?"

Dust and smoke also have the talent for acting, and now, that kind of mournful expression is fully interpreted.

But the Tian silkworm was unmoved, "Dust smoke, you have to understand that challenging this rule is set by our patriarch grandpa, no one can avoid it! What you said, challenging the young disciples of the Tianshan school is actually also You don’t have to go, Chun Xuezi and Bi Huazi’s martial arts are just a bit worse than you! As long as we decide to send female disciples to fight this time, then, Chun Xuezi and Bi Huazi, your two sisters, also have a chance of winning Yes! So..."

The tears of dust and smoke shone from the corner of her eyes at once, and she turned to look at her master Luo Yanzi.Luo Yanzi sighed, and then her eyes were firm. She seemed to say to herself, "Dust smoke, blaming you is too strong! Master can't guarantee that in a few years, you will not die in your hands, so …Recognize your fate! Rest assured, after your death, Master will surely bury you!"

A dusty heart fell completely to the bottom!

At this time, the silkworm's mouth passed a smile, "Dust smoke, it is better than this, I can save your life, but you must accompany me tonight! Moreover, you must take the poison that I personally configure, and be driven by me for life, become me Desire~~~~ Slave!"

On this day, the silkworms had long coveted the dust and smoke. Now that he saw the opportunity, he immediately asked for it.

As soon as this remark came out, Chun Xuezi and Bi Huazi immediately objected, "You can't do it! You can't let dust and smoke continue to live in this world, otherwise, we will all suffer! The leader needs a woman to accompany us, we can accompany us at will Take charge of you!"

The silkworm lowered its head and pondered.

And at this time, a lazy voice drifted away in the palace... "Haha! To kill the smoke, you have to step on my body!"

Wang Wei directly came out from the crowd.


The eyes of the audience were all concentrated on Wang Wei!

"Yeah?" Skyworm froze for a moment, then sneered, "Who are you!"

Wang Wei didn't answer, and Elder Xing stood up directly, "Qijun Master, this is my disciple, and his martial arts are extremely strong!"

Dust's eyes also looked at Wang Wei.

Wang Wei's relaxed expression seemed to be indifferent to the situation at the moment, and the afterglow of his eyes was also looking at the dust and the affectionate look.The two have a spirit, and their eyes are directly intertwined!

At this moment, the hustle and bustle around seemed to disappear quietly, and everything seemed to have become the world of Wang Wei and Chen Yan.

The fear and panic in the dusty eyes disappeared in an instant, and happiness was replaced!

This may be love!

Seeing Chen Yan and Wang Wei openly frowning, the silkworms swelled for no reason on that day, and said angrily, "Get out of here!"

Wang Wei's mind returned to reality, and he laughed, and suddenly, Wang Wei flashed directly to a group of female stars in the Starry School. He grabbed his left and right hands and caught two female disciples!Then threw out a series of lightning bolts!

These few rabbits rise and fall, running through the clouds and flowing water, which is the trick of the serial carrion poison!

In addition, Wang Wei's internal strength is strong. These two throws not only produced 2 poisonous corpses, but when thrown, he also transported 80% of the internal force of the whole body!

The two poisonous corpses, like the shells of the rifle, turned towards Chunxuezi and Bihuazi, and went under the hood!

They don't even have room to dodge!Directly hit by two poisonous corpses!

"Ah!" Two miserable wailing sounds came from the mouths of Chun Xuezi and Bi Huazi. In the next second, their entire bodies turned into miserable colors, their facial features shifted, and seven holes bleed.It's pretty ugly to die!


The audience was sluggish.

Even Wang Wei’s woman is so stupid, and murmured in her mouth, "The serial... serial corpse poison... is the martial art of our starry school!"

Tian silkworm gritted his teeth and said, "Good boy, there is a means! There is a means! I have never seen you! It seems that you have been quietly hiding and practicing martial arts. Why, what are you waiting for is a day that is in the limelight?"

"Haha! Master, you're good!" Suddenly, Wang Wei rushed into the group of female disciples again, waving his hands in a row, grabbing the female disciples from the stars with his left and right hands, creating one after another poisonous corpse, crazy Chaotian silkworms and falling geese threw them!

"Humph! At this opportunity, I'm going to solve the two of you!"

Wang Wei used his powerful internal force to make a series of corpse poisons. Within ten seconds, Wang Wei threw 32 poisonous corpses!

"Foolish!" Tian silkworm and Luo Yanzi exclaimed at the same time, they did not dare to neglect!They found that Wang Wei, the serial corpse poison, was even better than the two of them!

The disciples in the Xingsu School, standing all over the place like stumps, did not move at all, nor did they help Tian Silkworm and Luo Yanzi against Wang Wei.

They already believed that Wang Wei was a disciple of the Constellation School who had been immersed in the practice of martial arts. The Constellation School had no subjective humility, and everything relied on power to speak.

Now Wang Wei takes the initiative to attack Sky Silkworm and Fallen Goose. If Wang Wei succeeds, then Wang Wei will take over the position of the head of the Stars. Wang Wei fails and is killed on the spot.

There is no need for others to intervene in this martial rights struggle.

Wang Wei threw the poisonous corpse, and said to the dust smoke with enthusiasm, "Dust smoke, come over to me!"

With a grin, Dianyan ran to Wang Wei, "Husband, are so good!" (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please visit, more chapters, support the author, support Genuine reading!)

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