Super S*ave Master

Chapter 554 551~ Beiming Divine Skill!


After "doing some tricks" on Dianyan, Wang Wei and Dianyan hugged each other for a while, and then left the cave in the evening.

Wang Wei and Chen Yan came together on the platform.Between Hao Xie, O'Neill, and even the undefeated three, now sitting cross-legged on a lawn, vomiting intently.Obviously, they are recuperating in order to adjust the various functions of the body to the best state.

Hearing the footsteps of Wang Wei and Chen Yan, all three slaves opened their eyes, stood up respectfully, and said hello to their elder brother and sister-in-law.

Wang Wei called the big guy into the pavilion and said."Late tonight, we will directly enter the cave house that hates Wuhen! Last time Gou Zhong said, the cave house that hates Wuhen should be the first cave house in the 100th row of the retreat cliff from the left. We directly Enter this cave house and hide it. Tomorrow, I think that the elders of the Tianshan School will find our whereabouts, and then hurried back to the Guanguan Cliff. Then, we will be like this... like this..."Wang Wei Tell your own strategy completely.Finally said, "As long as the hatred is wounded, then our plan will be completely successful. Then we can successfully leave the Amazon jungle!"

When the slaves heard Wang Wei’s plan, they couldn’t help but admire, “Brother, this plan is really clever! The most critical step is actually the sister-in-law! Uh... The skills of the sister-in-law seem to be better than they were just now. , I have improved a lot...this..."

After the dust smoke obtained the power of 50W+, the whole person's mental appearance has undergone tremendous changes, so that the slaves can see that the dust smoke has some detached taste in temperament when viewed from a close distance, which is the previous Dust and smoke, what you don't have!

Dust smoked his tongue and said, "It was all my men! Don't ask me!"

Of the three slaves, Hao Xie was optimized by Wang Wei for internal force, so it was not surprising, but O'Neill and Lian Undefeated were deeply shocked!They couldn't figure it out anyway, why dust smoke would have such a huge change in the afternoon.Of course, as slaves, even if they have monstrous doubts, they have to swallow all these problems into their stomachs!

Wang Wei smiled and said to O'Neill and the undefeated slaves, "You can rest assured that when the time comes, I will let your power increase several times out of thin air!"

Use the servant optimization skills to increase power several times out of thin air!

After hearing Wang Wei's words, O'Neill and even his undefeated face changed!

Wang Wei did not say much. After discussing with the slaves for a while, the details of the action tomorrow took the slaves to catch fish in the stream.

Wang Wei personally cooked the food and rectified a beautiful carp dinner. Afterwards, everyone waited for the night to come and waited for the late night to come.

After a few hours, the moon has gradually disappeared into the dark clouds, and the stars in the night sky are lonely, showing that it is too late!

The earth is silent!Occasionally, some unknown insects and birds will be heard crying.

Wang Wei stood up, his eyes flashing, "Okay, it's almost time, let's act!"

Immediately, everyone came to the door of Dongfu, opened the heavy iron gate, and the power was borrowed in both eyes. On the Internet, it was easy to find the upper row, the first Dongfu on the left!

The straight-line distance between the two caves is about ten meters.

Lian Wuli took a piece of cloth from his arms and gave it to Wang Wei, and told Wang Wei how to use it.

Wang Wei took the cloth belt, and the whole body's internal force was fortunate, and the cloth belt immediately shook straight, and then, Wang Wei effortlessly put the cloth belt on the iron door handle of the cave house in which Wu Wuhen lived, and gently transported the internal force. , Like a kite, floated up, gently pushed open the iron gate, and entered the cave!

Afterwards, Wang Wei threw out cloth tapes again and again, and joined Hao Xie, O'Neill, Dust Smoke, and even undefeated people into this cave house!

Get it done!

Wang Wei closed the iron door with his backhand, and everyone entered the cave house and looked carefully.

Even undefeatedly took out the fire sword and flint and lit an oil lamp on the table.

Immediately, the dim candlelight illuminates the cave house of about 20 square meters.

This is the Tianshan School, the former head of the cave!There was a strange feeling in Wang Wei and others.

And Hao Xie followed the oil lamp directly and looked towards the stone walls of the cave!

Wang Wei understood at once, Hao Xie wanted to see if the secrets of martial arts such as those found in Lianwudedong Mansion were recorded in the Dong Mansion that hated Wuhen!

Wang Wei also got interested, so he picked up the candlestick on the stone table and gathered it over the stone wall... Sure enough, on one side of the stone wall, there were carved seal characters and special symbols of humanoid patterns!

This hatred can't be avoided without hatred, he also portrayed some of his notes experience when practicing on the stone wall!

Wang Wei felt very speechless...these people of the Tianshan School are all people who are too busy to work!If you don’t have any problem, I love to burn this school's unique knowledge on the stone wall, which... this is really speechless.Although it is said that it is absolutely impossible for outsiders to enter these caves at ordinary times, things are impermanent. Wouldn’t Wang Wei stand in these caves and watch the privacy of the Tianshan faction?

Wang Wei's mouth outlined a mocking smile.

At this time, I only heard Hao Xie exclaimed with a trembling voice, "This...This...This is..."

"What's wrong?" Wang Wei, O'Neill, Dust Smoke, even undefeated, looked at Hao Xi in surprise.

I saw Hao Xie like a ghost, reaching for the seal character on the stone wall, vomiting, trying to say something, but couldn't say it!

"Hao Xie, what the hell are you!" Wang Wei shouted dissatisfiedly."Isn't it just a few sets of Tianshan scholasticism, can you be scared like this?"

Hao Xie turned his head and murmured, "Big Brother...Big the legend...Bei Ming Shen Gong...Tian Shan Sect Bei Ming Shen Gong!"

"Bei Ming Shen Gong?" Wang Wei was stunned.

Hao Xie swallowed, "Big Brother has no idea, this Beiming Divine Skill, according to some historical records of our ghost face gang, has been regarded as one of the five strongest martial arts in the history of the Z country's martial arts history! , Beiming Shengong can absorb the internal forces of the enemy and use it for its own use! It is very overbearing! Moreover, after absorbing the internal force of the other party, it will not be affected much by itself! In the treasure house of our ghost face gang collection of martial arts secrets, it is only right There is an introduction to Beiming Shengong, there is no one-and-a-half trick of Beiming Shengong! Unexpectedly... unexpectedly here, I was able to see the mental formula of Beiming Shengong with my own eyes, the atlas of moves... I... For a lifetime, it's really worthwhile!"

With that said, Hao Xie's eyes were burnt on the seal characters and figures on the stone wall, without blinking!

It's as if you are enchanted!

That's right, Hao Xie is actually a martial artist.A Wu Chi, no matter where he is, as long as he sees the world's top martial arts, then he can't stay calm and irrational!

"Wait, Hao Xie, don't be excited first," Wang Wei quickly drank Hao Xie, "I think you're overkill, right? This is the Tianshan School. The Northern Ming Dynasty's magical skills are naturally recorded in the Tianshan School. Inside, it’s no surprise that you’ve seen it now, you should have been mentally prepared!"

Hao Xie heard the master's refusal, and now forced to suppress the emotion in his heart. He began to say, "Brother, the key is that this Beiming God is really too legendary, just like a mythical legend, so I although Being in the Tianshan School, I still did not expect to be able to see the Beiming Divine Skill!"

Wang Weisai smiled, "Okay, don’t look at those tricks first. Let’s sit down and have a good chat. Anyway, the plan of sneak attack and hatelessness will be carried out tomorrow, so we have a lot of time. This set of Beiming Shengong is recorded! Well, come and talk first."

Therefore, the four servants, as well as dust and smoke, sat around the stone table.

Wang Wei is now a martial arts figure, and he is also very interested in martial arts.Moreover, Wang Wei has practiced so many martial arts by himself, so he also wants to know if there are any so-called martial arts that he learned, just as Hao Xie said just now, the five strongest martial arts in the world.

After sitting down, Wang Wei said, "Hao Xie, I ask you, you said that Beiming Divine Skills can absorb the internal forces of the enemy, so this martial arts is very strong, but... you say that the dragon protection method of your ghost face gang, practice It’s a star-absorbing Dafa, which can also absorb the enemy’s internal force. Moreover, the Dagong Dafa can also transform a person with strong internal force into a person with no internal force in an instant. Dafa and Dafa have become one of the five strongest martial arts in the world?"

Hao Xie hasn’t answered yet, and the elder Tianshan Mountain elders replied undefeatedly, "Brother, I think, you have some misunderstandings about these three martial arts skills! Let me explain for you!"

Wang Wei nodded, "Well, you say!"

Even invincible as an elder in the Tianshan Mountains, he also knows the habits of martial arts.The level of understanding even exceeded Hao Xie, so Hao Xie also yelled, "Even the elders, please hurry up, hurry up!" He was completely in a wait.

Lian Undefeated smiled and said, "Big Brother, Daxing Dafa, Beiming Shengong, Dafa Dafa, these three martial arts are all known for destroying the enemy's internal forces. However, I would like to tell Big Brother, Daxing Dafa and Dafa Dafa , It evolved according to the Beiming Divine Skill!"

"Uh..." Wang Wei suffocated. "Emotions, the Beiming Shengong is the first creation. Both the Star-absorbing Dafa and the Huagong Dafa are copycat versions. Does that mean?

Lian Wuli didn't understand the meaning of "cottage", but he was also able to guess what Wang Wei wanted to express, and immediately nodded, "Brother, please don't panic, please listen to me to elaborate!" If you want to know the future, please visit, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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