Super Scholar [Quick Wear]

Chapter 4 The gigolo

Bai Yanting's Long Aotian system does not give Bai Yanting any benefits, but automatically converts Bai Yanting's identity information into a suitable profession, creating a virtual space structure, allowing Bai Yanting to learn independently in the space. As long as he is willing, he can learn endless knowledge.

Knowledge never enters a person's head actively. If you want to get something, you should make the same effort. Bai Yanting has changed from an ordinary person to a top Bai Aotian who is bound and certified by the Long Aotian system. His strongest ability is learning.

Last night, for ordinary people, it may be eight hours of deep sleep, but for Bai Yanting, it is deep learning. One minute of sleep is equivalent to three months in the learning space, and one hour is one hundred and eighty months, which is fifteen years.

When Bai Yanting woke up again, he was already an experienced surgical expert. Now he will not be nervous when encountering any surgical patients.

Bai Yanting's previous training was also like this. He practiced day and night without sleep, and then he became the Bai Aotian who was admired and feared by everyone. Although he had such a Long Aotian system, what he could do was to let himself grow up by relying on the system but not relying on it.

Studying medicine is a very interesting thing. At least, Bai Yanting didn't dislike it.

Shen Wangshu hadn't woken up yet. She was nestled in Bai Yanting's arms. It was hard to imagine that such a soft and petite woman would be a strong woman. Bai Yanting deliberately pinched her long hair and gently swept it across her cheek.

After a while, Shen Wangshu was awakened by the noise.

"Good morning, husband~"

She opened her eyes in a daze and looked at her husband's handsome face up close. She felt that she could be in a good mood all day today. When she started dating Bai Yanting, her friends and family said that Bai Yanting was unreliable, but Shen Wangshu didn't think so. Anyway, no matter what kind of man she found, she would spend her life with him, so she naturally had to choose one she liked.

She has no other hobbies, just likes good-looking people.

"Good morning, my wife, get up." Bai Yanting felt comfortable with his wife by his side for the first time, and leaned over to kiss Shen Wangshu on the face.

Shen Wangshu pushed him away: "Go brush your teeth first!"

Bai Yanting smiled, showing a big white tooth: "Okay, my wife~"

He got up to wash up, and Shen Wangshu, who had been dozing in bed for a while, also woke up, got up from the bed to wash up, and the two of them quickly packed up.

After walking out of the bedroom door, he found that Bai's mother had not woken up yet. The house was quiet, and only Sister An in the kitchen was still busy. Bai Yanting grabbed his wife Shen Wangshu.

"Let's go out to eat, and I'll take you to work after eating."

After he said that, Shen Wangshu naturally would not refuse. After the two explained to Sister An, they quietly left the house, not giving Bai's mother a chance to perform in the morning.

After breakfast, Bai Yanting sent Shen Wangshu to her plastic surgery hospital, and then went to the hospital where he worked - Shengguang Hospital.

The private hospital where Bai Yanting works is called Shengguang Hospital. It has been established for more than 100 years. It was built by a believer from abroad. Later, it was sold to people in China. It has not been renamed and has been open until now.

As the name suggests, a private hospital is a hospital established with private funds, also known as a private hospital. Shengguang Hospital is a first-level general hospital in Changyuan City, covering a series of preventive treatment, health care and rehabilitation services such as pediatrics, surgery, psychiatry, gynecology, etc. It is a very precious medical place.

However, many people who have been to the hospital know that the price of drugs in private hospitals is much more expensive than that in public hospitals, and some even cannot use medical insurance. This has caused the patients in private hospitals to be more targeted and generally have better family conditions.

Bai Yanting had previously interned in a public hospital. Doctors who studied surgery would eventually be assigned to the emergency department, where they were operating 24 hours a day, almost 20 hours a day. There were countless doctors who fainted on the operating table. Later, he felt tired, so he found Shen Wangshu and asked Shen Wangshu's grandfather to help him find a relationship to transfer him to Shengguang Hospital.

Shengguang Hospital focuses on gynecology and pediatrics, and surgery is just the icing on the cake. There is a lot of leisure time at the end of the day. Even if there is business, it is just some simple small wound treatment. It can be said to be the most leisurely.

Entering Shengguang Hospital, someone greeted Bai Yanting.

"Doctor Bai, good morning~"

"Good morning, Doctor Bai~"

The nurse at the front desk greeted Bai Yanting with a smile in a pink nurse uniform. After all, his face is still very attractive to girls.

"Well, good morning."

Nodding to the two, Bai Yanting strode towards the elevator. His office is on the fifth floor, with an independent office.

The two girls watched Bai Yanting enter the elevator, and then reluctantly withdrew their eyes.

"Doctor Bai is so handsome. I heard that several female patients in our hospital pretended to be sick to register. If it were me, I would also like to see such a handsome Doctor Bai~"

"Come on, Doctor Bai is good-looking, but he is the son-in-law of the dean's friend. How can ordinary people like us like him?"

The nurse pouted her lips. She looked down on people like Doctor Bai who were just good-looking but actually a fool.

Who in this hospital for three years doesn't know that Doctor Bai got into their Shengguang Hospital because of his wife's relationship?

"That's true~ Doctor Bai has a wife, and his wife is also very powerful!"

Bai Yanting didn't know that he had been looked down upon by the young nurse. He went all the way to his office. As a private hospital, Shengguang Hospital has complete facilities in all aspects. He swiped his card to enter his office, which looked clean and spotless.

According to his memory, he took off his coat first, put on his white coat, and stuck his nameplate on his chest. Standing in front of the mirror, Bai Yanting adjusted his collar and felt that it was still very fresh to be a doctor for the first time.

After tidying himself up, Bai Yanting sat at his desk. The hospital has its own set of procedures. When patients come to see a doctor, they will first apply for an inpatient card or a consultation card. Only with this consultation card can they see the doctor.

However, Shengguang Hospital rarely has surgical patients who need to perform, so the surgical department is still relatively relaxed.

Sitting at his work station, Bai Yanting was relaxed, which was rare. In the past, he was always busy practicing, to avenge his parents, to avenge his sister, and even after being hunted by the Heavenly Dao, he tried his best to stay alive. Now he has come to such a world where life is not a worry, and it is naturally very comfortable.

However, Bai Yanting did not completely relax. He read the medical books in his office while waiting for patients to come.

As expected, two or three days passed by, and Bai Yanting, the chief of surgery, had no chance to show his ability. In addition to signing in at the hospital, he read medical books, or helped other doctors to check the wards, which was easy and simple.

Bai Yanting did not go home these two days. After working overtime in the hospital, he rested in the hospital lounge and entered the learning space to learn medical skills. He was fascinated by this career that could save lives, although he had not been on the operating table yet.

Until Wednesday, Bai Yanting was helping the emergency department. A beautiful young woman ran over in a hurry with a little boy in her arms. The little boy was crying so hard that the nurses came over quickly.

"Doctor, please help my son. He was burned..."

The woman's eyes were full of tears. Fear and fear filled her face. When she looked at her son in her arms, she was full of self-blame and fear. She had used up all her strength to hold her son.

"Madam, hold the child first. Let me see the child's wound first."

When he heard that it was a burn, Bai Yanting became serious and quickly put on sterilized gloves. Then he asked the nurse to prepare the supplies needed for the burn. After seeing the woman sitting down with the child, he reached out and held the boy's arm.

The little boy looked about five years old. At this time, his face was full of tears and snot, which was very pitiful.

Burns belong to surgery, but surgery is a very large category. Burns are divided into the burn department in detail. Surgeons can handle these wounds.

At this time, Bai Yanting pulled the child's hand and found that the child's arms were full of blisters. It should be scalded by hot water. The key is that children wear less in summer, but after the hot water splashed on their bodies, mucous membranes were formed, which directly made the clothes stick to the child's skin. From the arms to the neck, there were blisters with obvious burns.

The little boy cried loudly, and his crying made the adults feel distressed. His mother's tears kept falling. You know, burns are the most common human injuries.

"Doctor, my mother-in-law accidentally dropped the kettle when she was boiling water, and the boiled water spilled on my son. I took a cold shower at home and rushed to the hospital. Is my son's hand okay?"

The woman choked and told what happened, and Bai Yanting looked at the terrible blisters on the child's white arms with a serious look. You know, the temperature of boiling hot water is said to be 100 degrees, but in fact it is sometimes higher than 100 degrees. Such hot water is directly poured on the tender skin of a child. Even if it is treated well later, there will be scars. Moreover, the skin of this little boy is stuck to his clothes, and skin grafting may be required at that time.

"Let's treat the wound first. The specific situation depends on whether there will be some scars after the treatment."

Bai Yanting saw that the nurse had brought the things to treat the burns, and then began to pick up the scissors in the tray, first carefully cut open the boy's clothes, and checked the area of ​​the clothes that were stuck to the skin. Fortunately, this area was only the size of the child's palm, which made him feel a lot more relieved.

Then he used a needle to prick the blisters on the boy's arm one by one, squeezed out the water in the blisters and disinfected them to prevent secondary infection. The little boy kept crying during this process, but there was no way. Burns are like this. Once something happens, the pain is not something that can be solved in a short time.

In less than 20 minutes, Bai Yanting treated all the wounds from the boy's arms to his neck. However, the part where the boy's clothes were attached might need surgery to cut off the skin and re-graft it, which was the most painful.

"The skin that was attached to the clothes might have been necrotic. You may need skin grafting later. You should be mentally prepared."

After explaining the skin grafting to the mother in front of him, Bai Yanting found that the child was no longer crying. He just looked at him pitifully with tears in his eyes, which made people feel soft.

"Thank you, doctor, I understand."

The woman's eyes were still red. When she heard about the skin graft, her eyes were full of pain. However, she didn't want her son to see it. She finally took her son back to the ward and waited for the doctor to tell her how to arrange the follow-up skin grafting operation.

Although Bai Yanting was the attending surgeon, skin grafting was not his business. So after Zhou Lu, the surgeon who mainly treated burns, came over and told him about the child, he handed the matter over to Zhou Lu.

In the following days, Bai Yanting went to see this poor little guy. The five-year-old child had a skin grafting operation, and his arm recovered well. His mother donated a piece of skin to the child on his leg, so that she stood there from beginning to end without looking painful.

Perhaps mothers are always like this, willing to give their children the best things in the world, even everything on their own body.

Burns and scalds are different from other wounds. Other external wounds will recover quickly through drugs or natural skin growth. After a few years, the scars on the skin may disappear under metabolism, but scalds are different from burns. They will stay on people's skin forever.

This is why people with burns must have skin grafts if they want to survive.

From this day on, Bai Yanting began to study the medical knowledge of burns and planned to study it in depth.

Bai's mother was so angry when she saw that her son went to the hospital and didn't know how to go home, and didn't even know how to call back! At first, she didn't think it was a big deal, but after a week, she couldn't help it and sent Zhang Rou to Shengguang Hospital to deliver meals.

Of course, delivering meals is true, and the main purpose is to call her son back home...

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