Super Scholar [Quick Wear]

Chapter 48 The Miraculous Doctor Son-in-Law

Wang Qiaoqiao was transferred to a single room. Otherwise, living with patients with advanced breast cancer would affect her mood even more. So after changing the room, she couldn't help crying when she learned that her mother had returned home and her husband was with her.


She hugged the man standing by the bed. This man was all she relied on. She wanted to say something at this time, but she couldn't say a word.

"Okay, Qiaoqiao, don't cry. You must be fine. The doctor said that you will be fine after the operation. Your disease is in the early stage. As long as you have the operation, you will be fine!"

Zhang Liang's well-intentioned deception, but he couldn't help but think of the patient in the double room before. After getting cancer, even if you have surgery, you can't completely eliminate cancer. Chemotherapy is needed later. The chemotherapy needs to kill the cancer cells in the human body, but it also makes the body weak.

Zhang Liang is a big man and can't cry in front of his wife, so at this time he can only endure and be his wife's safe haven.

"... Well." Wang Qiaoqiao didn't know what to say, and cried again while hugging her husband.

Any ordinary family would not be able to bear such a big thing. So far, Wang Qiaoqiao has not dared to tell her parents about this matter. If her parents knew about this matter, they would be even more worried.

Zhang's mother returned to the village and went to find Bai Yanting as soon as possible.

Bai Yanting has arranged medicine for some elderly people in the village these days. In fact, it is not a formal medicine, but some plasters. This kind of plaster is not an illegal medicine in the strict sense, so Bai Yanting did not use oral medicine for the treatment that can be treated with plasters.

Although he was a little confused and felt that these things about medical skills were easy to master, he could not remember where he learned it at all. It was strange enough that he knew how to treat it with Chinese medicine just by seeing this disease.

However, it is not good to practice medicine without a license. Bai Yanting has contacted his classmates and plans to see if he can take the medical qualification exam. After all, it is not certain whether he will be able to work in this field. If he prescribes medicine for people in the village and is reported, he will be in trouble...

On the first floor of the Bai family, Zhang's mother walked in with a serious look, and the situation seemed a little bad.

"Aunt Zhang?"

When Bai Yanting saw this look, he knew that it was probably the results of his sister-in-law's examination. When Zhang's mother saw Bai Yanting, her eyes were red.

"Yanting, my Qiaoqiao went to a big hospital for a check-up and it turned out to be breast cancer. You said she was fine, a young girl, how could she have such a disease?"

That's cancer... Zhang's mother is not afraid of the cost of treatment. In recent years, she has a lot of private money in her hands, about 100,000 yuan. Her son saved money to buy a house, and he didn't spend much. The total savings of their family should be more than 300,000 yuan. With medical reimbursement and insurance, the money should not be much, at most 100 or 200,000 yuan.

But cancer is fatal! What Zhang's mother feared most was that the disease could not be cured.

It was not that it could not be cured, but that now that the surgery was done, in order to kill the cancer cells that continued to recur in the body, the chemotherapy needed to be done was uncomfortable. Zhang's mother secretly asked other people in the hospital, but they knew that the chemotherapy was particularly painful. Wang Qiaoqiao could be said to have been watched by Zhang's mother since she was a child. Her son and Wang Qiaoqiao were in love early, and Zhang's mother saw it in her eyes, but she was happy in her heart. Now that her daughter-in-law, who was her own daughter, was sick, how could she be happy?

"Aunt Zhang, don't cry first, tell me what happened first."

Hearing that it was indeed breast cancer, Bai Yanting immediately thought of a plaster, which was specially used to treat breast nodules. To put it bluntly, breast cancer was also formed by breast nodules, and they both worked. Bai Yanting didn't know why, but she felt that the plaster must be useful, but she couldn't say why she was so confident.

"After I brought Qiaoqiao here for a checkup last time, I took her to the hospital. The doctor said that Qiaoqiao really had some kind of fibroid tumor and asked us to do a pathological examination. Unexpectedly, after the examination, the doctor told us that it was breast cancer and that surgery was necessary. Moreover, the recurrence rate of breast cancer is also very high among many cancers, and follow-up chemotherapy is required. Yan Ting, do you know chemotherapy?"

Although Zhang's mother is an elderly person, there are more and more medical diseases these days, such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. Anyway, Zhang's mother also knew some of them from the old people she chatted with, so she also heard of chemotherapy, but she didn't expect that such a thing would happen in her own home.

"...I know."

Chemotherapy is a process of using toxic drugs to kill cancer cells. In this process, this drug will destroy many primitive cells in the human body, causing hair loss, decreased immunity, and decline in various functions of the human body. These are all due to drugs.

There is an ancient saying that to treat some poisoned people, you need to fight poison with poison, which is what it means.

For some older cancer patients, what really kills them is not the cancer cells, but the drugs used in chemotherapy. These drugs enter the human body and compete with the body. While killing cancer cells, they also kill normal cells, causing the human body to be unable to produce immunity freely, and ultimately causing decline and death.

This is just like when a person has a fever. A person's fever is a huge virus invasion. In fact, according to today's scientific explanation, colds are still a difficult problem that has not yet been overcome in the history of modern medicine. The so-called drugs only delay your discomfort. Colds Or the seven-day recovery period for a fever is just to allow your own antibodies to fight the virus and eventually kill it.

This involves a lot of medical knowledge, just like the first symptoms of many plagues are fever and cold.

"What should I do... Qiaoqiao is still in the hospital now. I don't know if I should do this surgery. If I do, I must do it early. But now that I have had surgery and chemotherapy, what if something happens in the future?" If it relapses, will Qiaoqiao be able to endure it again? My grandson is still young, if he knew about this..."

Mother Zhang began to wipe her tears as she spoke. This was very uncomfortable. After all, it was uncomfortable for anyone who had a cancer patient in their family.

Bai Yanting was the worst at coaxing people, let alone seeing a woman cry. At this moment, she was at a loss as to what to do.

After letting Mother Zhang cry for a while, Mother Zhang held back her tears.

"Look at me, what are you telling this kid? I originally wanted to come over today to thank you for reminding me. The doctor said that Qiaoqiao's disease should be detected and treated as soon as possible. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have discovered Qiaoqiao's disease. It would be great if your dad was still here, there must be a way, but it's a pity that your dad is gone..."

Traditional Chinese medicine is a very miraculous thing, with the unique mystery of the East. People in the village have been seeing doctors from Bai's father for many years, and there have been no problems with major or minor illnesses, so they have formed an inherent impression, that is, they feel that it is a magical thing. Father Bai is great!

Especially before Bai Yanting went to college, Bai's father earned hundreds of thousands from selling one prescription. People in the village even thought that Bai's father was a miracle doctor. If he wasn't a miracle doctor, why would people be willing to pay so much money for Bai's father's prescription? purchase?

"...Aunt Zhang, actually I have a recipe left by my father, which is somewhat effective against breast cancer. If you believe me, why not try my recipe first?"

The images of patients after chemotherapy kept appearing in Bai Yanting's mind. Although these should have never been seen before, for some reason, they just appeared in her memory. The pain and suffering of the patients after chemotherapy made Bai Yanting feel that it all seemed real. It's fake. It's something I've never experienced before, but it's really scary.

He frowned, but in the end sympathy prevailed and he thought he could give it a try.

"Ah? Do you still have your father's recipe there? Is it really useful?"

Zhang's mother was a little suspicious. Although she was not suspicious of Bai's father, Bai Yanting didn't study medicine when she went out. How could this be useful?

"Let my sister-in-law try it first. Try it for a while before going for a check-up. If it doesn't work, you can go for surgery."

After all, it takes time for traditional Chinese medicine to take effect, so Bai Yanting felt that it was better for Zhang's mother to consider it carefully.


Zhang's mother was silent. Although she had doubts in her heart, her desire to make her daughter-in-law well prevailed, so she struggled.

"I... I'll go to the hospital and ask first."

If her daughter-in-law's disease requires immediate surgery, Zhang's mother still wants to do the surgery first. She came here just to ask, and she didn't expect Bai Yanting to really have a solution.

In the end, Zhang's mother left and brought delicious food to the hospital to see her son and daughter-in-law the next day, and explained the matter in detail.

"Yanting means to try it first. If it doesn't work, we will come to the hospital for surgery. What are your plans? I will listen to you."

Mother Zhang said this, but she actually looked at Wang Qiaoqiao. It was Wang Qiaoqiao who was sick, and it was not her sincere idea that other people made the decision. If she wanted to have an operation, she would just do it.

Zhang Liang was also one of two adults, and he suspected that this Chinese medicine doctor was unreliable, but he did not dare to say it directly, so he could only tell his wife tactfully.

"The doctor has said, Qiaoqiao, your disease is in the middle stage. The success rate of surgery is very high, and chemotherapy will not take that long. After all, you are still young and in good health..."

Get the surgery. With health, everything will be fine.

But Wang Qiaoqiao didn't think so. She had secretly asked the doctor that if she had surgery, both of her breasts would need to be removed. When the time came to think of that scene, Wang Qiaoqiao felt that she couldn't accept it...

Don’t people in the village say that Grandpa Bai was a miracle doctor when he was still alive? The prescription he left behind must be effective!

"I want to try Grandpa Bai's prescription first. Let's try it for a month. If it doesn't work, we will do the surgery again."

Even if a woman knows that her body is sick, at this time, she still cannot face the physical disability and wants to find other solace.

Zhang Liang didn't know what to say, but after thinking that it wouldn't worsen his condition in a month, he finally nodded.

When he went to go through the discharge procedures, the doctor specifically asked about this matter.

"When are you planning to have the surgery?"

Breast cancer is still in relatively good condition in the middle stage. Once it reaches the late stage, it is very difficult to undergo surgery or chemotherapy.

"Dr. Meng, we plan to go home and see a Chinese medicine doctor for a while. If that doesn't work, we will do surgery."

Zhang Liang did not hide it and revealed their follow-up plan.

Dr. Meng's face turned cold. She was a woman, so she knew how difficult it was for women to have such a disease. They had to face not only their own disease, but also the harm caused by their family. Being abandoned by their relatives at this time was the most painful.

"Your wife not only has insurance, but also a medical insurance card. The surgery won't cost much money. Do you know that your current behavior is delaying her illness?"

I never expected that this man who seemed to spoil his wife would go home to see a Chinese doctor after knowing that his wife was sick. Dr. Meng felt a little uncomfortable. It is said that doctors have seen the most separations, but no one said that doctors have seen the most ruthless people.

"Dr. Meng." Zhang Liang smiled bitterly, "If possible, I also hope that Qiaoqiao can have surgery as soon as possible, but Qiaoqiao is unwilling. She still wants to try Chinese medicine to see if there is any way to treat it."

Qiaoqiao seemed very fragile after she got sick, and she always relied on him. Zhang Liang knew that she was suffering, and he was reluctant to make her unhappy.


Dr. Meng was so angry when he heard this that he almost laughed. What does it mean that the patient is unwilling to undergo surgery? Isn't it these family members?

Now Dr. Meng didn't want to say anything more to this man who seemed to love his wife. He just left his phone number to Wang Qiaoqiao and asked her to call him if she needed help.

Dr. Meng has some funding platforms to help some patients. She doesn't want a life to end here.

Because Wang Qiaoqiao is still so young, she is only 31 years old this year.

Zhang Liang took his mother and wife out of the hospital and returned to the village. No one told anyone about this matter. After all, cancer is not a happy thing. There are even ignorant people who think that cancer is contagious, so it is best for no one to know about this matter.

In the evening, Zhang Liang knocked on Bai Yanting's door. The weather was very cold. It was predicted that it would snow heavily in two days.

Bai Yanting opened the door, but the next moment, Zhang Liang knelt at Bai Yanting's door.

"Yanting, just think of it as a brother begging you, save Qiaoqiao, please."

This kneeling also made Bai Yanting sigh helplessly. He helped Zhang Liang up, but he already understood what he meant.

"Brother Zhang, don't worry, I will definitely treat my sister-in-law well. If there is no effect, I will persuade my sister-in-law to go for surgery quickly. Don't worry, nothing will happen to her."

Since she is back, it is definitely not Zhang Liang and Zhang's mother who make the decision. I am afraid it is Wang Qiaoqiao herself who makes the decision. She is afraid of the operating table and would rather bet on a Chinese medicine doctor than lie on the operating table...

Breast cancer brings not only the pain of chemotherapy in the later stage to women, but also physical disability and mental abuse. This feeling can only be felt by cancer patients who have undergone surgery.

Bai Yanting thought to himself, I must cure my sister-in-law's disease.

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