Super Scientist

Chapter 366: Kun Peng spread his wings

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Ye Chen's expression was so real, and I knew that you guys had a lot of flowers.

"What do you look? What do you mean?" Chai Deyou was very dissatisfied.

Ye Chen gave him a look of contempt, not too rare to say you. When the army goes abroad, you have to work out so many things and make good use of it.

"Xiaoye, you know, in the past few years, someone in the western world has been singing about us, saying that our country ’s army is not good, has not fought, has no experience, and so on. We will say how black it is." Chai Deyou looked disdainful. , Sneer: "We are going to show them, can our army do it?"

At this point, the tone turned higher, and it became more and more disapproving, saying, "The war-fighting and unarmed troops are very different. That's right. But experience is not everything. Want experience, right? Is it possible for the army to fight for a few battles? It is a big deal to pay a price. Our country has a civilization history of 5,000 years. What kind of things haven't been experienced? What kind of costs haven't been paid? "

Ye Chenshen took this for granted, saying: "There was a time when Western media so discredited our country at the press conference in our country. The spokesperson of our country responded very aggressively. Our country has a civilization of 5,000 years. History, what kind of things haven't been experienced? They can scare western reporters. "

The incident was a bit noisy at the time and made headlines in the media.

The answer from our spokesperson was tough and aggressive.

There is a big difference between a war-fighting army and an unwarmed army. This is not wrong. But does the military experience come from war? To gain experience is to fight a few battles.

An army that has not fought, because it has no experience, will make some mistakes, which will make the cost more. Isn't it just a price to pay? What price has our country never paid in history?

Can we not afford it?

"Does the army in our country work? Does the United States still know? Why did the United States retreat during the 712 confrontation? It is because the United States knows that our army is not ineffective, it is very good, and the United States cannot stand still." Chaidou said.

In the 712 confrontation, the two US aircraft carriers came aggressively, and they were in a position to fight one another. As a result, they quickly retired, just strolling around the South China Sea, which surprised many people.

Why did the United States retreat? Even the United States knows that our military is not easy to mess with, and the United States cannot stand still. If it does, the United States will pay an unbearable price.

"So, you have a live broadcast and let them shut up." Ye Chen said.

"Not only that." Chai Deyou shook his head and said: "It is foreseeable that after our army enters the base, many countries will send people to find out, and even some people will have a heart. This requires them to know our The army is not provoking. Ask them to weigh carefully. "

Ye Chenwei pondered, gave his thumbs up, and praised, "You still think carefully."

It is quite conceivable that after the army of our country goes out, there will be a variety of people who come with various purposes. Some of them are for the purpose of finding out, some are ulterior motives, and even have intentions. This requires our country to show something and maintain a deterrent effect on these people, let them know that our army is not easy to mess with.

Ye Chen had never thought of this and had to be convinced. The big men thought about the problem is thoughtful.

Talking and walking, he has come to the podium.

A staff member greeted him and said, "Mr. Ye, please follow me."

This is the staff responsible for the podium. Ye Chen was a little surprised and said, "I'm sitting on the podium?"

Many people watched the ceremony this time, mainly divided into two areas, one is the podium, and the other is the ordinary stand. Ye Chen did not expect that he would sit on the podium.

"You don't sit on the podium, who is it?" Chai Deyou nodded and said, "This is your credit. You are qualified to sit on the podium."

This is the state's recognition of Ye Chen. Ye Chen's heart was warm and he said, "Thank the country!"

Follow the staff to the podium and find Ye Chen's seat. Ye Chen's position is very late, but it would be nice to be able to sit on the podium.

The chiefs arrived and sat at the podium.

The next thing that was astounding was the entry of the army.

Everyone knows that the parade in our country is very shocking, just like art. However, Ye Chen had never seen it at the scene. Today, Ye Chen saw our army enter the battlefield with his own eyes, and that was a military parade.

The neat queue, lined up and lined up, looks like a straight line, and watching is a kind of enjoyment, pleasing to the eyes.

The sound of marching footsteps was uniform, as if the drums were beeping. It sounded shocking and made people enthusiastic.

A cheer sounded, Ye Chen stood up involuntarily and applauded vigorously.

For a while, the applause and footsteps at the scene merged into a magnificent symphony, shaking people's hearts.

Behind the safari, the equipment comes into play. With armored vehicles and tanks, the majesty is inspiring.

Our country's army is world-class. It used to be, it is now, and it must be in the future. Demonstrated good training, and soon became a square team. The whole process was like peers, without any confusion, as if the machine was acting according to instructions.

The queue is complete and looks particularly inspiring.

Ye Chen stroked his forehead with a pity, saying, "Why didn't I go to the army that year?"

That year, Ye Chen also thought of being a soldier. However, when I later asked to study, I went to college. At this moment, Ye Chen's desire to become a soldier is particularly strong.

Not to mention Ye Chen, even any blood-blooded young man, seeing the mighty and mighty side of our army at the scene, will rise up with the same thoughts as him.

"Come on now, the admiral is waiting for you." Zhao Baiwen sat beside Ye Chen and immediately answered.

Even the chief wants Ye Chen to join the army, not to mention Zhao Bowen. He is looking forward to the stars and the moon, and Ye Chen to join the army.

"If I want to be a soldier, I won't start from the general, I will start from the soldier." Ye Chen said.

"Okay! Have ambition!" Zhao Baiwen gave a high-five admiration.

Obviously you can be a general, but you have to start with soldiers. This mind is not what ordinary people can have.

Admiral, of course, is a big man, very prestigious, high status and high status. However, directly from the general, you will miss a lot of wonderful things. It will be hard to work as a soldier, but isn't it a kind of life?

As the army entered the field, the large screen on the scene was playing the entrance ceremony on the other side. This is the military port on the south side. The big troops are going to board warships from here and go to overseas bases.

The ceremony here is presided over by General Xiao.

There are many more soldiers entering the military harbour. The battlefield is far away. The soldiers full of lenses are black and there are thousands of people. The momentum is even greater than that of Huangchenggen.

There was another cheer, and the scene was boiling again.

"Xiaoye, Huangchenggen's side is mainly an advance team. It is airlifted to overseas bases to prepare for the arrival of large troops." Zhao Bowen explained to Ye Chen, "You just watched the Universiade and you should know that our country There is still a shortage of air transport. There is a shortage of large transport. The air transport capacity is limited. It is impossible to transport so many people and equipment by air. We have to go by sea. "

Although our country is now vigorously building the navy and air force, it has also achieved very good results. However, we must also see our shortcomings. Our country is still lacking in long-range force projection.

On the navy side, we still lack large warships. Although we are now able to build 10,000 tons of large warships, even aircraft carriers are about to launch. However, it is still under construction and has not yet formed combat power, which takes time.

During the first Gulf War, the United States shipped hundreds of thousands of troops and equipment to the Middle East in a short period of time, and demonstrated amazing troop projection capabilities. Our country is still far from doing it.

In terms of the Air Force, due to the lack of major transport, our country is also lacking in air force projection. For this reason, our country has to buy a lot of luck from the bear. However, it still cannot meet the needs of our country.

With our country's current air transport capability, it is obviously unrealistic to transport so many troops and equipment to overseas bases by air.

We all know that the bears sold to our country can not carry heavy equipment because of internal space problems. This requires the Universiade of National R & D. However, the number of Universiade research and development in our country is too small to meet the demand.

Therefore, the Air Force carried the advance team and the necessary equipment. Large troop and equipment logistical materials are transported by sea. This is a practice that is in line with the national conditions of our country.

The next step is the speech of the head. The head explained the historical significance of this troop dispatch and demanded that the army strictly implement it.

After the chief had spoken, the army took an oath.

The solemn and solemn scene, the flying flag, and the powerful oath, gave people special strength and made people bloody.

After these were completed, the army began boarding with an order.

The soldiers boarded the Universiad in good order, without any chaos.

On the naval port side, the army began to board ships, which was also exciting.

Although there are a lot of people, the boarding time is not long. It doesn't take long before all the boarding is completed, which shows the good quality and excellent style of our army.

Next, it's time to take off. After receiving the order, Kun Peng first took off.

In the huge roar, Kun Peng quickly taxied on the runway, and without flying too far, he flew off the ground.

Looking at the huge figure of Kun Peng flying soaring into the sky, there was another cheering excitement. The big bear sold to our country can't carry heavy equipment. The heavy equipment inside Kunpeng is very heavy and it flies up at such a short taxi distance. This is very exciting.

This shows the good performance of Kunpeng, which is the outstanding achievement of our national aviation industry.

Ye Chen was also very excited and cheered hard.

The second Xun Peng followed a flying sky into the sky.

There was another cheer.

The Universiade skyrocketed one after another, and each one attracted cheers.

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